Jersey Shore (PA) Swim Blog

Jersey Shore (PA) Swim Blog

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mill Hall Borough Pool Renovation - Moving Forward

It was standing room only last night as kids and parents flooded the Mill Borough Meeting Hall to support renovation plans for the outdoor borough pool. Parents kicked it off by listing the monetary support for the project.
  • First National Bank CD - $86,000
  • M&T Bank - $3,600
  • Clinton County Government - $10,000
  • Mill Hall Borough - $10,000 (2 separate funds)

This brings money to the table of $139,300

In addition, there are two ADA Community Block Grants for an additional $100,000 that brings the total to $240,000. That money can now be leveraged to apply for a DCNR matching grant (which matches up to $300,00). Now with matching, there is almost $480,000 available. The estimate for renovation (now without wading pool) of pool and bathhouse is $485,000.

The conversation that ensued was something out of a movie as Clinton County Commissioner, Tom Bossert, and the solicitor for Mill Hall went around in a circle on the issue of 'Line of Credit' and 'guarantor'

Several audience members gave passionate responses on the potential absence of the pool. The big one was where would the kids swim without a pool. They were very concerned that many would head to unsupervised waters, such as Fishing Creek, and envision a future headline of a child drowning. Several letters of support from the community were passed around to the audience and borough officials. Click on letters of support to enlarge.

A local LHU student mentioned that the local college students do not have access to the university pool during the summer months and use the Mill Hall Borough pool to cool off.

It appears, after a long discussion and debate that the project will move forward. The Mill Hall Borough has agreed to get the bids and the proper permits around to greenlight the project of renovating the Mill Hall Pool. It was stressed to the Council that the they would not be stuck for any overages because the fundraising efforts will continue. In fact, fundraising will be easier because it can now be said that the renovations moving forward. The money is there. But it is in the form of $$$ that needs to have a show of work done before they will release any money! So this has been quite a process.

If anyone would like to come on board with the 'Friends of the Mill Hall Pool', please call Carol Matheney - 570-748-7199 or Kelly McGhee - 570-295-4281 OR if you have any great fundraising ideas please give them a call.

Complete coverage of the meeting can be located on the Lock Haven Express' on-line newspaper here.

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