Swim Meet Results/Times

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Swimmer's Closet

The idea…
Thankfully, the Jersey Shore swim team is growing and growing! With that growth we are adding brand-new swimmers to our ranks. Because everyone has been affected by these hard economic times, the team wants to do everything we can to make every child’s swim season an enjoyable one, regardless of their financial situation.

How can you help?
For the last year, the team has been collecting “swim stuff” to help defer some of the costs for families who may be need items we are overloaded with…. Swimming is a great sport and we want every swimmer on the team to have a great experience and feel included (and properly outfitted). A true team initiative! So, does your swimmer have a new pair of goggles that just don’t fit right? Have they grown out of their last swim shirt? Do they have 3 different swim bags that they don’t use?

We will be collecting:
• Gently used team suits (for meets)
• Gently used practice suits (for practices, one-pieces only – ANY patterns)
• Gently used team clothing (shirts, shorts, sweats)
• Gently used swim bags, team towels and goggles

As you can see from the list, we are in need of caps, goggles, BOYS suits and smaller girls suits. If you have any items that you would like to donate to the team please see one of the Board members.
Click to enlarge

Who is eligible?
All items will be distributed discretely! If you find yourself in need of a bit of friendly assistance at this time, please don’t hesitate to ask any of the coaches or send an email to Shelley Moore at shelleymoore3688@gmail.com ! Attached is a list of what we have collected so far in case you would like something from the “swimmers closet”.

Thank you for supporting this great initiative!

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