Swim Meet Results/Times

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jersey Shore Swim Blog Addresses Anonymous Comment

On July 8, 2014, there was an anonymous comment left on the blog posting dealing with Mill Hall’s Community Pool (go here to see article).  The comment on the posting was as follows ‘If this is a blog for Jersey Shore swimming, why are you posting Mill Hall and Lock Haven articles.’

Good question and let’s see if we can shed some light onto the matter.  When one reads the Williamsport Sun-Gazette newspaper, does the reader only get news about Williamsport? Not really, the Williamsport paper covers all types of events from Jersey Shore to Hughesville to Blossburg.  Check out examples of the Williamsport Sun-Gazette, here and here, covering……. Jersey Shore swimming

Same with the Lock Haven Express.  They cover more than events that occur within Lock Haven.  Check out this Express article (here) on…….  Jersey Shore swimming.  Should the anonymous poster send a letter to the Express editor and ask for coverage of Jersey Shore swimming to stop?

Not sure why the geographic title in any type of media should limit the coverage of a topic to that specific area. 

A few years back, the sub heading under the Jersey Shore (PA) Swim blog title was changed to ‘This blog is designed to promote the sport and activity of swimming in central Pennsylvania (Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and Williamsport swimming communities).’

Kids from Wellsboro come down and swim on the winter YMCA and summer recreation team.  Williamsport athletes come over to Jersey Shore YMCA to swim.  Is the Jersey Shore swim blog to ignore those swimmers as they go back to their community and compete for the respective high schools?

Why not showcase area swimmers to each other?  Jersey Shore swimmers compete all over the area.  Could it be that Jersey Shore swimmers and parents would like to see what is going on in the surrounding area? 

But even more important is the exchange of ideas.  How is a community dealing with a pool closing? Could Jersey Shore swim leaders get ideas from other communities that are banding together to fight off pool closures?

This anonymous poster must be going nuts with all the Jersey Shore football coverage in the Lock Haven Express of late.  That darn paper should only be covering Lock Haven football!


  1. Please note that it is "The Express" published in Lock Haven and NOT the "Lock Haven Express". It is the "Sun-Gazette" published in Williamsport and NOT the "Williamsport Sun-Gazette". You are calling your blog the "Jersey Shore Swim Blog". You should get your facts straight before you get sarcastic.

    1. I don't know. When I buy a copy of the Sun-Gazette, it states 'Williamsport Sun-Gazette' in big letters at the top of the page (and each subsequent page is titled 'Williamsport Sun-Gazette' in smaller letters)

    2. I don't know either. It does say "The Express" on the front page but every other page after that says 'The Express, Lock Haven, PA'. It appears that even though 'The Express' covers cities and towns outside of Lock Haven, it still tries to retain some geographic identity to Lock Haven.
