Swim Meet Results/Times

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Jersey Shore Borough's Pool Set to Celebrate 50th Birthday

At a time when public pools are closing at an alarming rate (and childhood obesity skyrockets!), the Jersey Shore community in central Pennsylvania is going to celebrate their pool's 50th birthday on Saturday June 21 from noon to 6 PM.  

The Jersey Shore Swimming Association is trying to contact all previous employees (lifeguards, pool managers, etc) to notify and recognize them during the celebration.  With your help, they have connected with over 70 former pool staff. But with five decades of service to the community there have to be hundreds we are missing. So, HAVE YOU or SOMEONE YOU KNOW ever worked for the Jersey Shore Pool, either as a lifeguard, a concessions worker or maybe a pool manager? We are currently trying to get contact information for ALL of the pool staff from the time the pool first opened in 1964, as we would like to invite all of the alumni staff to an event this summer. If you were a staff member or know of someone who was, please send them to the the Facebook page here.

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