Swim Meet Results/Times

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Local YMCA Swimmers Getting Ink Time Too!

In the previous post, the Jersey Shore Swim Blog illustrated how the local press was doing a pretty good job of covering high school swimming.  But they are also doing a great job covering the local youth programs in the area.

The article directly below describes the 8-2 win over Bellefonte YMCA on January 14 in the Lock Haven Express

Below that is a clipping from the January 8 Lock Haven Express detailing the win over Juniata Valley YMCA and tie with Clearfield.

Next down is the December 26 report from the tri-meet between Lock Haven, Bellefonte, and State College.  Lock Haven went on to win over Bellefonte but fell to State College.

The Williamsport Sun-Gazette gave some local coverage also with the box score of Jersey Shore, Ridgway, and Lock Haven on December 16.

The Lock Haven Express had a write-up on that same meet (Jersey Shore, Ridgway, and Lock Haven) on December 10.

Lock Haven and Bellefonte

Lock Haven and Bellefonte

Lock Haven and Bellefonte

Lock Haven, Juniata Valley, and Clearfield

Lock Haven, Bellefonte, and State College

Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, and Ridgway

Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, and Ridgway

Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, and Ridgway

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