Swim Meet Results/Times

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Time For the Local Community To Step Up And Save A Pool

There has been a flurry of activity the past two weeks to relook at the decision of the Memorial Park Pool closing.  In the October 4th edition of the Williamsport Sun-Gazette, it was reported that Mayor Gabriel J. Campana was going to request $250,000 more to pay for repairs in order to open it up by 2015 (here).  Sure enough, one week later, the mayor officially made the request to City Council (see here).  A few days later, City Council advanced it even further by approving an ordinance to repair the pool (see here).

Here is the catch.  There is a small shortfall of monies.  While the city of Williamsport is going to contribute $200,000 (plus a grant in the amount of $250,000 and community development block grant money amounting to $250,000.), they are $50,000 short of the $750,000 required to rehabilitate the pool. 

City Council is looking for the community to help out on this matter. As a result, a meeting will be held 7 p.m. Nov. 4 at the William Sechler Room on the second floor of City Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to hear ideas from any individuals, organizations or groups as they relate to raising the necessary $50,000 for the pool's long-term maintenance and upkeep (see here for more details)

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