Swim Meet Results/Times

Saturday, November 24, 2012

YMCA Swimi Team Concession Stand Donations

It is time to start thinking about getting the needed donations for the concession stand for our home meets.

We are going to do things a little different this year as to alleviate the problem of someone signing up for an item that they have to bring to all home meets when they are signed out of some of the home meets. We would still like people to volunteer to bring an item to all home meets, however, if you know your child is going to miss some of the home meets, please try to be generous at the meets you know you will be attending. If you do not want to sign up for a food item, we are asking for a $25 cash donation so that we can purchase items.

The list for our first home meet (December 15th) will be hanging on the bullletin board.

As you all know, we also ask that each family supply a drink beverage for our home meets. The list below details which drink item we would like each family to bring as it relates to your last name. Please bring these drink items to our first home swim meet on December 15th.

A-E is a 36 pack of water
F-K is a 24 pack of soda
L-Z is an 8 pack of Gatorade/G2
Sometime next week we will be putting up a list looking for people to work in the concession stand.

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