Swim Meet Results/Times

Friday, September 14, 2012

Jersey Shore's 2nd Annual Kids Triathlon A Success or 'What's Next - Locusts'?

In 2011, local triathletes faced scorching hot weather at the start of the race.  Certain parts of the route were shortened and water cooling stations were set-up throughout the course to keep everyone safe.  Last year's triathlon posting can be read here.  This year, July 27, athletes faced the elements once again as monsoon like weather moved in right before race time.  Parts of the running route were under water as a nearby stream jumped its bank.

For the 7-9 year olds, they swam 25 yards, biked .71 miles, and ran .44 miles.  The distance increased for the next age group with the 10-12 year olds swimming 50 yards, biking .71 yards, and running .54 yards.  The last group to start, the 13-14 year olds, swam 100 yards, biked 1.77 yards, and ran .78 miles.  A map of the course can be seen below.
Click picture to enlarge

This event could not have taken place without several sponsors.  Jersey Shore State Bank was our financial sponsor and Lock Haven's Bike Gallery and Bonner Sports and RV provided plenty of door prizes for the kids.

Although unofficial, the age group results of the triathlon can be here.

Below are a few pictures of the event.  Additional pictures can be viewed here.

Tara Michaels from Fit for Funds helps the Jersey Shore
Rec Committee organize and plan the event

Swimmers get ready for the start (sorry swim team
swimmers, no starting from the blocks

Organizers try to make this event as safe as possible with volunteers
stationed all over the race course, especially in town at intersections
in the biking route

From the swimming leg to the biking leg as Olivia and Rebecca move
through the streets of Jersey Shore

Nick and Pete finish the biking stage and
move onto the final leg; the run

Heading to the finish line

Jersey Shore Summer Swim Team swimmers that
participated in the 2012 Triathlon

Kids crowding around for the door prizes

Winner of this years bike goes to Owen

13-14 Swim 100; Bike 1.77mi; Run .78mi

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