Swim Meet Results/Times

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Swim Camp Diaries at California (PA)

Several Pennsylvania swimmers from Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and Williamsport are taking the week to fine tune their swimming techniques by going to swim camps at Pitt, Penn State, and California (PA). Periodic updates of their experience will be posted throughout the week.
Kendra, Gabbie, Olivia (bottom row)
Sam, Taylor, and McCartney (top row)

Day 1 - Today we all were assigned rooms on the third floor. McCartney and I are in 310, Kendra and Olivia are in 311, and Samantha and Taylor are in 308. Every camper participating in swim camp are on the third floor, with the girls on one wing, the boys on another, and a mini living room that joins the wings together. The funny thing is that McCartney and I can talk through the wall to Olivia and Kendra.

Day 2 - Today all of the returning campers got to go to a core exercise with a trainer who used to be a swimmer. She had us doing many exercise centering around your core. At the end of the exercise we "crab walked" on our back a relay. In the end my relay lost by one second. 

Day 3 - The stroke of the day today was backstroke. We had a morning classroom session to breakdown the stroke. Coach Scott explained the path of the hand, the breakout and recovery. Afterward, we did drills helping us to roll while swimming. At the beginning of our second practice the whole camp got to talk to an Olympic gold medalist on the phone, who gave us tips about swimming backstroke. 

Day 4 - Today Olivia, McCartney, Kendra and I went to morning practice. We did a streamline kick ladder going from a 25 yards to a 200 yards increasing by 25 yards. Then, we did 3 x 100's then a 25 yards swim. We did that set four times through. 

Day 5 - The stroke of the day today was butterfly. During our classroom session we went over the path of the hand, head and body position, and breathing for butterfly. We also went over how to make the stroke more efficient to use less energy.  After we went over butterfly in the classroom session we got in the pool and worked on drills.

Day 1 - Today we; Gabbie, Kendra, McCartney, Sam, Taylor, and I did a 150 IM for our personal dvd's.For our dvd's we did a 50 of your best stroke, a 50 of your least best stroke. As for the last part of the 150 IM they were 25's. So this is how it went for me, I did a 25 fly, then a 50 of back( My least best stroke), next was a 25 of breast, and finally a 50 of free( My best stroke). Coach Denny makes these dvd's to show us how we can improve our selves. At the end of Cal U swim camp, Coach Denny will give us the dvd's back.

Day 2 - On Monday, June 18, 2012 Taylor and I were in a class learning about nutrition information. We learned about carbohydrates, protein, and fat in the class.  The class talked about the best, fair and poor choices for each group.  In the class we got a packet and at the end of it was a page that said" The Best Pre-workout Foods", this page is about what foods you should eat getting prepared for a mate or any kind of race. 

Day 3 - This morning Kendra, McCartney, and I went to optional morning practice at 6:00 A.M. For our warm up we did 100 free, 100 back, 100 IM, and 100 choice. At this practice we swam 4-4 IM sets! At the end of practice we swam 20 X 25's. 

Day 4- Today all the campers walked to Dairy Queen instead of going to the night session. When we walked to Dairy Queen there was two groups I was in the first group with Taylor.  McCartney, Gabbie, Kendra, and Sam were in the second group. I got there and I wasn't sure what I was going to get, but then I decided to get an Oreo Royal Shake and it was delicious! Once my group was done eating there ice cream we walked back to our rooms to settle down. 

Day 1- On Sunday when we got here we got registered in and went to see if they were any different from last year. After we got done checking out our rooms we got all of our stuff out of the cars. We unpacked all of our things and then went to get pictures. When we went to get pictures we saw a water fountain and we decided to go and play in it. While we were playing in it we got soaked. After we were done playing in the water fountain and done getting our pictures done we came inside to sit down for like 10 minutes. After we were done resting we had to go to the meeting for any information for the parents. After the meeting was over then our parents left and we asked if it was okay to be playing in the water fountain and Coach Scott said that you shouldn't because a while after the fountain was built a little girl was playing in it and the water was so powerful that it cut open her big toe and they had to call the ambulance and shut off the fountain.

Day 2- This morning McCartney, Olivia, Gabbie, and I went to morning practice. At morning practice we did this workout where you do different things each time but it is the same length it is called Scramble. For warm up we did 16 25's and we had to try to make it all of the 25's. It was very hard. After morning practice we went to breakfast.  

Day 3- Today at our last session we began our game that we play all week and it is called Camp Survivor. The first part of the "big game" we did cork screw relay. I was not very good at it and our team did get last. When we first started I lost 2 points for our team because I was talking which that is usual. We should play more thing in our "big game" tomorrow.

Day 4- Today we worked on breaststroke. We learned to not show our palms while doing your upper body motions. We also learned that breaststroke is all about timing. They said that it depends how far you get your angle of attack by how much upper body strength you have. These are some of the tips that we learned about breaststroke. 

Day 5- Today McCartney and I went to morning practice. Today's workout was really fun. We did 200 free, 200 kick, and we did a 200 of the drills that we learned at camp, we did that for warm up. Then we did 16 25's that you had to try to make it underwater for all of the 25's. Then we worked on our flip turns. The coach had us do drag jumps for 30 seconds, then she had us do firestone kicks for like 5 seconds, after we were done with the firestone kicks she had us sprint down to the other side of the pool with our choice of stroke. At the other end of the pool she had us tread and the flags and then had us sprint down to the other side where we did drag jumps we did the sprints from almost a dead stop at the north side of the pool. That is our lovely workout for Thursday.

Day 1- We started our journey to swim camp around 10:00am from the Mill Hall Walmart. The ride down to Cal U took about 4 hours. We stopped at Sheetz to get a drink and use the restroom on the way down. We arrived at camp with plenty of time to unload and unpack at 2:00pm and had a swimmer/parent meeting at 4:00 for swim camp to officially begin. 

Day 2- Today our stroke of the day was freestyle. We had a classroom meeting in the morning where we learned about freestyle mechanics. Then we got in the pool and practiced good streamline and freestyle technique. We learned a lot. 

Day 3- We had a swimming specialty on swimmers profiles today. We talked about what priorities can come before swimming and what priorities should come after swimming. We also talked about seasonal workout plans and gear.

Day 4- Tonight the whole camp watched a movie together. We all gathered in a large room with a big flat-screen TV and watched The Adventures of Tin Tin. The coaches popped popcorn for us and it was a good time. Olivia and Kendra goofed-off the whole time and almost got us all in trouble...typical. :) 

Day 5- Today was our last full day here at camp. After the night session, we had our final round of swim camp survivor. We competed in a doggy paddle relay race, a relay in which you had to be the fastest team to fill up a bucket with water from a cup that you had to fill and swim a 25 without spilling, and a relay race where you had to put caps on your team mates without touching their head. To finish off camp survivor a selected person from each team had to search for a nickel hidden anywhere in the pool. Unfortunately, none of our teams won survivor but it was still fun anyway. 

Day 1 - When we all were checking in I recognized some familiar faces of the coaching staff. We also saw a few new faces. During the informational meeting they introduced all of the coaches. The coaches are coach Denny, Scott, April, Brittany, Nicole, and Mark with a K.

Day 2 - During camp we could order pizza and we had to give our money to coach April and Brittany. After the night session they both went and picked up all of the orders. The cool thing is that they simply volunteered to pick it up and they handle people crowding them when the pizza gets here they handled it very well. 

Day 3 - Coach Scott today was being very funny. He was joking around with Gabbie, Kendra, Olivia, McCartney, Taylor, and I saying how we were from the Jersey Shore. We all were laughing so hard that we almost peed our pants.

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