Swim Meet Results/Times

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Jersey Shore Swim Parents Volunteer Over 1300 Hours to YMCA

Whether it is Little League Baseball, Band Booster Club, or Boy Scouts, volunteers determine whether the youth experience is a successful endeavor or a tough slog. Swimming is no different.

To determine the impact of swim volunteers, an analysis was done on volunteer efforts during last years Jersey Shore YMCA winter swim team season (2010 - 2011) to determine their impact.  Hours were counted for such things as people working swim meets, fundraiser events, volunteer coaching, officials meetings, and organizing the annual banquet. Some pretty impressive numbers were found.

It takes 102 volunteer hours to run a home meet as parents time (need 12 throughout the course of a home meet), officiate, man the scorers table, and serve refreshments at the food table.  It only takes 46 volunteer hours to run an away meet as the home team provides the majority of timers.

Volunteer coaches really racked up some impressive numbers as Dave Keegan donated over 250 hours and the coaching duo of Todd and Shelley Moore also donated 250 hours of coaching.

The estimated dollar value of volunteer time for Pennsylvania is $20.51 per hour for 2010, according to the Independent Sector, a coalition of charities, foundations, corporations, and individuals that publishes research important to the nonprofit sector.

Swim parents donated 1360 hours to the Jersey Shore YMCA.  Using the above volunteer time at $20.51, then swim parents donated $27,893.60!!!

The YMCA Swim Team would not run and be successful without the parents!

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