Swim Meet Results/Times

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What a Bunch a Crap!

Did you happen to catch Harold Raker's sports column in the February 24, 2011 edition of the Daily Item?  In it, he states that "Wrestlers are the toughest of all high school athletes".  His arguement for the toughest athlete is that wrestlers have to make weight and need to watch caloric intake.  Since when does watching what you eat and making weight make a sport the 'toughest'?

No surprise in that 1) the Daily Item needs to sell newspapers (say something controversial) and 2) a male dominated sport is 'chosen' as the toughest.  What a great disservice to all the other male and FEMALE athletes that spend countless hours lifting weights, running the track, kicking the ball on the pitch, competing on travel teams, partcipating in core training, taking endless foul shots in the gym, and etc..........

The Jersey Shore Swim Blog will make no attempt to say that high school swimmers are the toughest athletes.  There are high school sports that have kids participating just for the organzied recreational opportunity and some give the minimum effort.  But every single sport also contains kids that pour their heart and soul into their effort to be the best that they can be.  The toughest athletes are those that practice hard and give it their all, whether it is on the wrestling mat or in the racing pool, not on how much you eat or don't eat.

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