Swim Meet Results/Times

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Job Opening

No, this is not a position that is intimately tied to the Jersey Shore swimming community but it is one that has an important role in the future of the swim program.  The River Valley Regional YMCA in Jersey Shore is looking for a Branch Director and it would be nice to see someone in this position that is interested amd pays attention to the Jersey Shore YMCA winter swim team.  This is a team that has over 80 swimmers every winter and has been largely ignored by the Jersey Shore YMCA.  In addition, the JS school district has a swimming pool that is not fully utilized (beyond the use by the HS teams, phys ed classes, JS Communtiy Swim, and YMCA Winter Swim Team).  It would be great to see an individual with some initiative and new ideas to take the swimming program to a new level.

They are looking for a key person that will provide daily management, team leadership & mission
advancement to the Jersey Shore Branch YMCA. Salaried with benefits. For formal job description or to submit resume, email: ceo@rvrymca.org

Friday, October 28, 2011

On The Board!

Former Jersey Shore swimmer, Jenna Brooks, has made a name for herself with Lock Haven University's swim team by holding several records.  She holds the individual record in the 100 yard butterfly and is on several record holding relays; 200 and 400 freestyle and 200 and 400 medley relays.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Winter Swim Begins Tonight

Message from YMCA Winter Swim Team President, Andy Kitchen.

On a positive note, we have set it up for anyone who would be interested Tuesday and Thursday you can take your swimmer down to the Williamsport YMCA’s pool. We are going to be having a practice there both nights since our pool isn’t ready yet. Practice will be from 7:30 until 8:45. Please respond to myself or coach Dave if you plan on attending one or both of the nights. We have to give them a rough count of how many will be there. This will be for all age groups. This was just a way for us to get the kids in the water. Dave’s email is dekeegan1085@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What a Bunch a Crap!

Did you happen to catch Harold Raker's sports column in the February 24, 2011 edition of the Daily Item?  In it, he states that "Wrestlers are the toughest of all high school athletes".  His arguement for the toughest athlete is that wrestlers have to make weight and need to watch caloric intake.  Since when does watching what you eat and making weight make a sport the 'toughest'?

No surprise in that 1) the Daily Item needs to sell newspapers (say something controversial) and 2) a male dominated sport is 'chosen' as the toughest.  What a great disservice to all the other male and FEMALE athletes that spend countless hours lifting weights, running the track, kicking the ball on the pitch, competing on travel teams, partcipating in core training, taking endless foul shots in the gym, and etc..........

The Jersey Shore Swim Blog will make no attempt to say that high school swimmers are the toughest athletes.  There are high school sports that have kids participating just for the organzied recreational opportunity and some give the minimum effort.  But every single sport also contains kids that pour their heart and soul into their effort to be the best that they can be.  The toughest athletes are those that practice hard and give it their all, whether it is on the wrestling mat or in the racing pool, not on how much you eat or don't eat.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

League Expansion

It is pretty fascinating stuff as the college football landscape changes with conferences expanding and contracting. The Jersey Shore Swim Blog thought it would be interesting if we look at the four main summer swimming leagues in central Pennsylvania. There may come a time when some leagues have to combine as pools close and teams collapse. In the past three years, the Bald Eagle Swim League alone has lost South Williamsport, Montoursville, and Troy.

The map below shows the four leagues with color coded pins.  Click on the map to enlarge.

Summer Swim Team Leagues

Susquehanna Valley Swimming and Diving League (red pins)
Central Columbia
Mt. Carmel

Bald Eagle Swim League (yellow pins)
Jersey Shore
Lock Haven
TriTown (Muncy, Montgomery, and Hughesville)

Central Pennsylvania Swim League (green pins)
Park Forest (State College)
Penns Valley (Milheim)
Welch (State College)
Science Park (State College)

Mountain Swim League (orange pins)
Menoher (Johnstown)
Sunnehanna CC (Johnstown)
Garver, Morrison’s Cove (Martinsburg)
St. Mary’s (Memorial SwimTeam)