Swim Meet Results/Times

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Black and Orange Meet - Time Trials

This was the first year that the Jersey Shore summer swim team held a mock meet.  It allowed many of the new swimmers a chance to race under simualted race conditions, it gave coaches a chance to see what times swimmers had going into the race season on different events, and it gave new swim parents a practice run on timing and recording those times.  Click on pictures to enlarge.
Head coach Lee Thompson talking to swimmers on rules for the day.

Jersey Shore orange and black caps move down the lanes

Backstroke starts!

Swimmers disappear into the water

Great parent involvement as many stepped
up to the plate to help capture times

Assistant coach Dave Keegan called the swimmers to the blocks

Lee Thompson moved around the pool for various angles
to view swimmer's strokes, starts, and turns.

14 and under boys vie for top time in 50 yard backstroke

Monday, June 27, 2011

Team Picture Day

Jersey Shore swimmers line up to team pictures this past Saturday
(click to enlarge)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saving Lives Through Swimming Lessons

This picture was in the June 21, 2011 edition of the Lock Haven Express.
click picture to enlarge

Saturday, June 25, 2011

First Dip N Dance of the Summer

Although a bit chilly, the Dip N Dance was held last night and a good number of kids showed up.  Several relays were incorporated into the night, including the T-shirt and the Kickboard Relay.

The T-shirt relay required kids to get into groups of four.  The lead swimmer had to swim across the pool with a t-shirt, get out, take it off and and hand it to the next relay swimmer.
Taking a wet t-shirt off a body can be a bit difficult as can be
seen with the pictures above and below (click to enlarge)

Or was putting on a wet t-shirt the hardest part of the relay?
(click on picture to enlarge)

Several kids commented that they never knew that it was so hard to swim with a t-shirt.  Although one mother commented that she had never seen her son swim so well, even in practice and swim meets.  If you see a kid swimming in this summer's meets with a t-shirt, you'll know who we are talking about.

The next race was the kickboard relay.  This was a bit different from the kickboard drills in practice.  The first swimmer had to kick down the length of the pool.  Once at the other end, that swimmer had to "pick-up" swimmer number two and both kick back down the lentgh of pool.  Swimmer number three joined in and all three kicked down the lentgh of the pool to get the anchor swimmer.  All four swimmers had to kick down the final lentgh of the pool to finish the race.  If any swimmer let go of the kickboard, the team was disqualified.

Friday, June 24, 2011

California (PA) Swim Camp - Update 6/24/11

This is part of a continuing series as we will follow five swimmers from Jersey Shore and Lock Haven to see how they fare at the California (PA) Swim Camp. This is their comments from Thursday.

Sam K. - Since it was the last night of camp, I burped. Coach Scott said that you can take a girl out of New Jersey but you can’t take the New Jersey out of the girl. So I thought that was funny.

Emma B.-Morning practice is optional. You have to wake up at 5:30 then go to practice. It’s really tiring but it is the only time that you can get a hard workout as the rest of the time is technique practices.
P.S Thursday morning was awsome.

McCartney R. -Tommorow is our last day of camp

Gabbie M.- My favorite stroke is butterfly, which is good for me because the stroke of the day today was butterfly. We practiced butterfly kick the most and added the strokes next. A great way to end the week. Coach Denny and Coach Scott are awesome.

Kendra W.- Today was our second day of dryland and we did yoga. In my opinion it was really boring. We did a wheel which are backbends and a whole bunch more.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

California (PA) Swim Camp - Update 6/23/11

This is part of a continuing series as we will follow five swimmers from Jersey Shore and Lock Haven to see how they fare at the California (PA) Swim Camp. This is their comments from Wednesday.

McCartney R. - This morning we all got up at 5:30 AM to go to the optional morning workout. We were all really tired! In the morning workout we didn't focus on technique, but more on getting in some yardage for the day because in the other swim sessions are mainly technique.

Sam K. - having a lot of fun with resting and it will be a lot of fun going to Dairy Queen

Emma B.- today is a "afternoon break day." We are going to Dairy Queen then we are watching the movie, Despicable Me. We are doing that instead of swimming to take a break.

Gabby M.- Today breaststroke was the stroke of the day. It is a "short-axis" stroke where you rotate on your through your waist. We focused mostly on the kicking and rotating through our waist.

KendraW.-Today was our very first dryland practice and we played octopus. I am a very good runner and the coaches that played with us could not catch me because I have really short and muscular legs.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

California (PA) Swim Camp - Update 6/22/11

This is part of a continuing series as we will follow five swimmers from Jersey Shore and Lock Haven to see how they fare at the California (PA) Swim Camp.  This is their comments from Tuesday.

Jersey Shore and Lock Haven area swimmers participating
in the California University (Pa) swim camp take a break in
their dorm room.
Gabbie M. - I learned that rolling while swimming freestyle and backstroke is extremely important. Today we practiced backstroke. To begin the day, they broke down the stroke and explained EVERYTHING. Then we went to the pool and practiced rolling from side to side.

Kendra W.- Listening is one of the most important things in swim camp for two reasons. First, so that you can learn a lot more about the strokes and second item is understanding the rules of the dorm. I did not listen to the people who registered us because they told us not to change the AC setting. Well, I did and I froze the machine. Now our room is very hot.
PS. Listening is very important.

Sam K.- The drills here at Cal U are much different than the ones that I have learned from all my years of swimming.

Emma B.- I have learned that you can go faster with one move of the hand or with one move of the head. You may not think swimming is a hard sport but here in Cal U, we are getting hit with so much technique. The head coach always says think and talk mentally to yourself to make sure you do everything properly.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Importance Of Learning To Swim

The Jersey Shore Swim blog has stated numerous times the importance of learning to swim and feel comfortable in the water,  regardless whether a child ever swims competitively.  There have been numerous reports of drownings this year and in most instances it has been a result of a child not knowing how to swim or the bystanders not knowing how to swim.

Today's Sun-Gazette highlights a Jersey Shore swimmer Natasha Harkey, who utilized her swimming skills to help a family from drowning while on vacation.  You can read all the details here.

Monday, June 20, 2011

California (PA) Swim Camp - Update 6/20/11

This is part of a continuing series as we will follow five swimmers from Jersey Shore and Lock Haven  to see how they fare at the California (PA) Swim Camp.

Emma B - Today in our stroke breakdown we practiced on freestyle. They said you should have this power triad and that is:
1. Entry
2. Roll
3. Catch
they also said to glide and to reach

Sam K-We are given lots of free time so we are having a Pizza Party

Kendra W- They said that the arm that you took a stroke with cannot pass the left or right side. Say that I took a right armed stroke, then I can't pass the right side of my body

McCartney R-Today's theme was freestyle. This morning we had a classroom session and we broke down freestyle. The coach taught us ways that doing a stroke wrong can give you injuries (i.e. shoulders). Then we got into the pool and worked on rolling your body as you swim. Everytime we were in the pool today, we worked on freestyle. Tomorrow we will work on a different stroke.
Gabbie M - Today for breakfast we could have bagels, toast, eggs, sausage, hash browns, and lots of fruit. Then, for lunch you had the selection of subs, hotdogs, hamburgers, french fries, PB+J sandwiches, cookies, cupcakes, and again fruit. Finally for dinner we had the choice of pasta, roast beef, baked potato,subs, ham, and lots more.
P.S. There was a really mean lunch lady serving pasta.

Swim Camps - A Week Away From Siblings

Last year, the Jersey Shore blog followed several Jersey Shore swimmers as they participated in swim camps to experience different coaching styles, workouts, and a chance to be away from home.  This summer several area swimmers (Jersey Shore and Lock Haven) are participating in the California University (Pa) swim camp.  The Jersey Shore blog will update their experience as the week progresses.
Swimmers participating in the California University (Pa) swim camp are
from left to right, Sam K., Emma B., McCartney R., Gabbie M., and Kendra W.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

2011 High Dive Field Trip

We were a smaller group this year that headed over to the Penn State High Dives but those that went had a blast.

We arrived at Penn State's outdoor pool around lunch time
so the group sat down for a quick lunch (click on picture to enlarge).

 Lunch was a fast affair and the kids had to complete the water test before entering the pool.  If unable to pass, then the failed swimmer had to wear a lifejacket.
Jersey Shore assistant coach Dave Keegan had to be in the water as the
swimmers swam across the pool (Penn State's request for safety) Click on picture to enlarge.

Each swimmer also had to tread water for one minute. 
(click on picture to enlarge).

To view more on the high dives (including some video clips), click Read More below

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Swimmer Maddi Thompson Represents JS at Scholastic Sports Awards Banquet

The Scholastic Sports Awards was created to recognize a top boy and top girl senior athlete from each of the 24 high schools in the Williamsport Sun-Gazette's coverage area.  Swimmer Maddi Thompson was the female athlete representing Jersey Shore this year.  Last year, Jersey Shore swimmer Brooke Koch was the female representative from Jersey Shore High School. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Williamsport HS Swimmer Excels In and Beyond Water

Really neat article in today's Wiliamsport Sun-Gazette about Clair Smith, a 12 varsity letter winner at Williamsport High School.  Four of those varisty letters came from swimming.  To highlight some points of the article:
  • Working is something that Smith is clearly good at, as she quickly progressed as a swimmer despite not having much experience before high school.
  • "From the moment she came to the team as a freshman she showed leadership," said Smith's swim coach Bill Keiser. "Her leadership is what sticks out and her work ethic is unmatched. Claire was definitely a true leader and she improved from her freshman year to her senior year."
  • Smith is heading north to Gannon University where she plans to walk onto the swim team while majoring in occupational therapy.
  • Not only did Smith excel in athletics, she graduated in the top 15 percent of her class.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

First Summer Swim Team Social Event of the Summer

One of the highlights of last year’s social calendar was the field trip to Penn State to experience the high dives and PSU's homemade ice cream. The trip wrapped up with a team picture on the Nittany Lion. This will be made available again this year on June 17th. Last year, the kid’s got head coach Patty Kenelley to make a jump which was captured on video and can be seen here. Will the team get the new coaches to make the leap?  See Tom or Kelly Butzler between the two evening practices.

Click to Enlarge

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Swimmers Set Goals - Have Fun and Chase Records

Jersey Shore Summer Swim Team Records in Yards (current as of 6/4/2011)
Click to Enlarge


Monday, June 6, 2011

Support the Jersey Shore Summer Swim Team

Candles - Click to Enlarge

Candle Order Form-Click to Enlarge

Warmers-Click to Enlarge

Warmer Order Forms-Click to Enlarge

Friday, June 3, 2011

2011 Summer Swim Team Season Begins

Every sport has their start of the season.  In baseball, it is spring training and football has its August camps.   Jersey Shore summer swim team kicked off the season with its first official practice.
The Jersey Shore Borough Pool is waiting for swimmers

The kid's in the early practice are introduced to this year's coaches.  
Standing from left to right are Lee Thompson (head coach,
Mitch Thompson and Dave Keegan (both assistants)

After intros, the kids are placed in lanes based
on coaches knowledge of previous seasons.  New swimmers start in lane 1
(left of picture) where they are assessed by coaching staff.

Practice officially starts in the water!

Waiting for next drill.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Swimmer's Closet

The idea…
Thankfully, the Jersey Shore swim team is growing and growing! With that growth we are adding brand-new swimmers to our ranks. Because everyone has been affected by these hard economic times, the team wants to do everything we can to make every child’s swim season an enjoyable one, regardless of their financial situation.

How can you help?
For the last year, the team has been collecting “swim stuff” to help defer some of the costs for families who may be need items we are overloaded with…. Swimming is a great sport and we want every swimmer on the team to have a great experience and feel included (and properly outfitted). A true team initiative! So, does your swimmer have a new pair of goggles that just don’t fit right? Have they grown out of their last swim shirt? Do they have 3 different swim bags that they don’t use?

We will be collecting:
• Gently used team suits (for meets)
• Gently used practice suits (for practices, one-pieces only – ANY patterns)
• Gently used team clothing (shirts, shorts, sweats)
• Gently used swim bags, team towels and goggles

As you can see from the list, we are in need of caps, goggles, BOYS suits and smaller girls suits. If you have any items that you would like to donate to the team please see one of the Board members.
Click to enlarge

Who is eligible?
All items will be distributed discretely! If you find yourself in need of a bit of friendly assistance at this time, please don’t hesitate to ask any of the coaches or send an email to Shelley Moore at shelleymoore3688@gmail.com ! Attached is a list of what we have collected so far in case you would like something from the “swimmers closet”.

Thank you for supporting this great initiative!