Swim Meet Results/Times

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Parents Meeting and Meet & Greet Night

The Winter Swim Team Board presented themselves to parents of swimmers last night and reviewed a timeline of this upcoming season.Members of the Winter Swim Team Board include (from right to left ) Shelley Moore-President, Cathy Farr-Secretary, Fletcher Farr-Treasure, Julie Panczyszyn-Second Vice President, and Michelle White-YMCA League Representative. Missing from photo is Nicole Shadle-First Vice President.

  • Wreath sales need to be finalized this week. Volunteers are needed to put pine cones together. Cones will be brought to practice and parents that stick around can put everything together while waiting. Volunteers are also needed to unload wreaths and place pine cone display on the wreath on delivery day. Sign-ups are on the bulletin board for those volunteer positions. This is a major fundraiser and the reason we can keep our registration rates low.
  • Swim team clothing sale will occur until November 29. At that time, all orders and monies must be in. If a swimmer/parent sells 5 items, they will be given a free T-shirt. Please note that we cannot guarantee the items will be here in time for Christmas gifts. Checks need to be made out to Shelley Moore.
  • Official and timer requests were made by Julie Panczyszyn. Twelve timers are needed per home meet (only 2 home meets this year). If 24 people sign-up for a home meet, then each timer only has to work ½ the meet. Only six timers are needed for the away meets. Again, if twelve people sign up for this, then they only have to work ½ the away meet. Sign-ups on the bulletin board in the pool area.
  • Officiating recertification is taking place at the YMCA this Thursday night. If interested in becoming an official, the team will pay expenses. Talk to Michelle White for more information.
  • Concession stand sign-ups are on the bulletin board for the two home meets, December 11 and January 29. Two shifts of four people are needed during the afternoon to feed the hungry spectators.
  • End of season banquet will occur sometime in April. It is somewhat late after the regular swimming season but takes into account the kids who are swimming in YMCA Districts, States, and Nationals. Usually an end of season gift for the kids.
  • YMCA Championships are being coordinated by Jersey Shore (at Williamsport High School). Volunteers are needed in large numbers to make this happen. The team is encouraging as many swimmers as possible to participate; we want to have a good showing. Part of this responsibility of hosting is that we also have concession duty. As a result, we will have a special concession committee for this event. We are looking for volunteers to man the stand at least one hour during the day.
  • The Jersey Shore Christmas Parade will feature Jersey Shore swimmers on December 4. Hopefully most swimmers will be able to participate and show the community swimmer pride.

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