Swim Meet Results/Times

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Moving On To Phase Two

YMCA head coach Patty Kennelley and assistant Steve Sheets are using a training system to bring out the best in their swimmers this year. This will be implemented in three phases.

Phase one was just completed last week which consisted of three weeks of stoke drills. Freestyle was the focus on week one, backstroke week two, and butterfly/breaststroke split week three.

Technique was really stressed in this Phase One of the season. "Last year we started out with alot of dryland training since we didn't have early access to the pool," said Sheets. "This year was different as the kids could get into the water much earlier and this allowed us to implement this program"

Two coaches could not teach all the nuances of stroke work to the thirty plus kids in the early age groups, so they relied on some older swimmers to help out; Tyler Sheets, Evan Moore, Gabbie Moore, Olivia Edler, Olivia Bellomo, Cassie Kitchen, and Kendra White.

The swimmers are currently on Phase Two which stresses endurance which will continue to the middle of January. Phase Three will place more emphasis on 'speed'

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