Swim Meet Results/Times

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Penn State Swim Camp - Day 1

Evan, Gabbie, and Kendra arrive at Penn State's Swimming Camp

We arrived at PSU around 1:00. Met a new friend already, Allison from Delaware. We are all staying in East Halls with boys in one hall and the girls in another. We were already in the water, shortly after dinner (on campus at the Big Onion). Did alot of 25s. Also worked on some funky kind of kick, sculls. Our practice was in the indoor pool where we had YMCA States.

We have a dorm meeting every night at 10:30 PM with lights out at 11:00 PM Breakfast is anywhere from 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM. We need to be somewhere at 8:30 AM. My plan is to be up with Gabbie at 6:15 AM as she is my roommate. Rooms are pretty small with 2 beds and 2 desks
Kendra gets ready to experience the college "dorm life".

I arrived at 1:30 PM. The schedule doesn't seemed as crowded as I thought, alot of free time so far. After dinner, swim practice consisted of 3 stations; stroke, drills, and dryland (alot of pushups). They gave us some Gatorade post game protein recovery stuff that we are suppossed to drink 30 minutes to 1 hour after practice.

Room is like a mini-house and has a small fridge and microwave. Superhot as there is no airconditioning. We have 3 fans going. We brought alot of snacks. Meals are pretty spread out (supper at 4:30 PM) so wanted to have snacks to fill in.

1 comment:

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