Swim Meet Results/Times

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Clarion University Swim Camp - Day 3

This is part of a continuing series as we will follow five older swimmers (Maddi Thompson, Addison Crawley, Jamie Mason, Lindsay Dudek, and Tyler Sheets) plus one of our coaches (Leland Thompson) to see how they fare at Clarion University's Swim camp.

This morning the campers woke up for a two hour practice, and then went with Coach Miller for a quick talk about Butterfly. After the Butterfly talk the swimmers had a core workout with Coach Tilly and then ate lunch. After lunch the swimmers went back to practice the Butterfly drills that they talked about with Coach Miller earlier in the day. The swimmers then had a dryland workout, but the workout was meditation and relaxation (nap time for 90% of the swimmers). The swimmers went back for an optional practice, where they completed Coach Dave Sheets famous Yo-Yo Set (A drop out set of 50's) our swimmers did amazing, with Maddi being the top female left, and myself being the top male left (Maddi beat me by 15 x 50's). After that the students ran up to scarf down there dinner so they could be ready for Mini Golf and Slushies.After Mini Golf the swimmers came back for some Pizza and shut eye.

Today I woke up and felt very tired from all the workouts. Also, today we went to optional practice. It was super hard! We did a drop set of fifty's and it was like a Yo-Yo. I was the last girl left along with another girl in the "elite" group. For winning it, I got a shirt from Duquesne. I also got a sheet to questionaire to fill out for the swim team at the University. I was happy how I did today and I hope the rest of the week will go smoothly as well.

Today's morning practice was a sprint workout, and it was pretty hard. Then we learned about butterfly and did some drills on butterfly later on. I am quite sore from all the workouts we have been doing. We also went minature golfing and it was fun!! Later on in the dorm rooms Lindsay hit her head and it was really funny, and I couldn't stop laughing. Haha...

Today was a sprint day and butterfly day. I enjoyed it very much, since I swim butterfly and I'm a sprinter. The butterfly drills we did were "one arm", which you swim with your non-moving hand down to force yourself to have better balance. Also, we did "snow angles" in this you just traced you arms across the surface, showing you how low your arms should be in the recovery. All and all it was a good day.

Today we went mini golfing. I won by five. We then had really bad slushies i got lemon lime. We then came back to the dorm and order a large cheese pizza. We then played a couple rounds of ninja Maddy usally won...

We had swim practice this morning, it was hard but we all needed a good workout. After that we went up with Coach Miller to talk about butterfly, this talk helped me learn a lot about butterfly. Then we went to a nice core workout with the medicine balls. At the second practice, learning about butterfly, everyone was laughing at me because I was going so fast. Lee kept motioning for me to slow down.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Clarion University Swim Camp - Day 2

This is part of a continuing series as we will follow five older swimmers (Maddi Thompson, Addison Crawley, Jamie Mason, Lindsay Dudek, and Tyler Sheets) plus one of our coaches (Leland Thompson) to see how they fare at Clarion University's Swim camp.
This is some of the Stroke and Combination group being instructed from Coach Tilly. Coach Tilly was talking to campers about backstroke and how to reach and roll

Today we completed the second day of camp here at Clarion University and WOW what a day. The campers started the day off with breakfast at 7am and then went to the ELITE practice by 8am. The swimmers swam a rigorous practice and were "pooped" by the end. The athletes then attended their second class with Coach Miller about Backstroke, after the class the athletes participated in a core workout. The campers ate lunch around 11:00 and were right back in the pool for Backstroke Drills by 1:00. They learned about rolling, their backstroke start, and much more. After the drills the students went and completed a dry land workout out in the sun. After that we ate dinner and went to the movies with all the swim camp to see either "Toy Story 3" or "Grown Ups". As a coach I learned many things about the backstroke and different drills that you can have your swimmer complete to straighten out their body, turns, and much more.

I learned a lot today through the camp in backstroke. We learned about how your suppose to assume a relaxed position on the blocks and feet shoulder width apart for a strong, powerful, and fast start. Todays workout was super hard, I am going to sleep like a baby tonight. They taught me as you roll in backstroke you are suppose to feel your arm pit 'drying' out of the water with your recovery arm. This tid bit of information was very helpful and will help me down the road.

I learned a lot about my backstroke today. The coaches pointed out my strong points (which were my underwaters) and also my areas which need improvement (which were my rolling and head positioning). The morning workout was really hard, we did over 700 yards butterfly, but it is definitely making me a lot stronger. Coach Miller said "You are the best coach that you will ever be"; at first I found this to be an odd statement, but now I see what he means. He means that only you can feel how your body is maneuvering in the water, and when you realize what you are doing wrong, it is that much easier to fix

I learned how to improve my backstroke start, by having a balanced position on the wall and not crunching to tightly towards the wall. The coach made an awesome example: he said when a basketball player jumps to dunk in a basketball game, you do not see him bending at all knees all the way to the ground, this is because it is unused power and would take much longer. The core workout we completed this morning really helped with the evening practice, stretching out all my muscles.

Practice this morning was a real killer, but it was a lot of fun. We had our first core workout which was very interesting and helped us learned how to stretch. We ate pizza for lunch and the pizza was delicious. We went back to the pool for some backstroke drills and the drills helped me greatly improve my overall backstroke. The movie "Grown Ups" was really funny, I love all the actors in the movie. HA HA!

The day did not start off well. The other Jersey Shore swimmers left me behind in the dorm and I had to scarf some food down before our first practice. I then went into the pool and did a tough workout, but I know that in the end that it will be well worth it. The weather cooled off today and it will make for a much more enjoyable nights rest.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Clarion University Swim Camp - Day 1

Last week, we followed three swimmers through Penn State University's Swim Camp. This week, we will follow five older swimmers (Maddi Thompson, Addison Crawley, Jamie Mason, Lindsay Dudek, and Tyler Sheets) plus one of our coaches (Leland Thompson) to see how they fare at Clarion University's Swim camp.

The first day at camp was mainly to get the swimmers and divers used to how the camp is going to be run. The athletes had a meeting on freestyle (mainly body positioning, the stroke itself, and the kick). The swimmers then went to their first technique practices which were all freestyle drills. The athletes then went to dinner and then back for their second technique practice on freestyle. The athletes completed all freestyle drills with the last ten minutes completing flip turn drills. The students then came back to their dorm rooms for games, showers, and sleep time. As a coach I learned many new drills for the swimmers and much about the freestyle head positioning, pull, roll, and recovery.

I feel like I am in heaven with all the free ice cream I can imagine. My brother and I had an ice cream competition today and he beat me even though I thought I won. I learned about rolling on the side and about how the roll can add up to 6'' of legnth to your body and can take up to 20 feet off of a 100 freestyle when done correctly

Today we realized how the camp will be run. The camp is split up into three groups; Elite, Stroke, and Combination. We are in the combination group and after watching the Elite practice I am happy for that. Tomorrow will be our first Elite practice and I am nervous for that. The cafeteria and dorm are nice, there are alot of friendly athletes here.

Todays practice was very easy I learned how to balance myself on the water and to keep my feet underwater while kicking (boiling water) and that the ankles should be the only part of my foot surfacing. They placed us in a dorm, each of us with a roommate. My roomates name is Jordan, he is from NJ and is about the same skill level as I am, but was placed in the Elite group. He seems like a nice roommate and I am looking forward to the rest of the camp.

I learned some new helpful drills such as "head-up freestyle", this helps with watching my hand placement in the water and my reach, roll, and underwater pull. The camp is known for its "Buddy System", the camp prides itself on not losing athletes. Madalyn is my buddy and we are not allowed to leave anywhere without one another - no matter if it is the cafeteria, pool, weight room, we have to be together. It is nice having someone there to help me with the first day of camp.

We got to eat dinner at the University's cafeteria, and the food was suprisingly good. I ate spagetti and pizza with apple juice; and all of us ate ice cream for desert. After dinner we went back to the pool for our second stroke practice with coach Dave Sheets from Duquesne University. The practice went well and we learned about freestyle. At the beginning we had to complete a 100 IM to determine what lane we would be placed into.

Area Swim Meet Schedules Set

Most of Jersey Shore’s 100 plus swimmers swim during the evening. A few brave swimmers, such as Danielle McPherson, jump into the water for 7:30 AM session. At times, it can be a peaceful and quiet experience.

With the cool, rainy start to last year’s summer, Jersey Shore swim team members were hesitant to jump into the chilly waters for the start of practices. This year is a different story as the warm waters and weather are drawing kids to the racing lanes in large numbers. “This years’ team is the biggest team I have coached in my six years,” said head coach Patty Kennelley.

Just like any other sport, a new season brings on new challenges. She’ll have to mesh the newcomers in with the regulars. “It will definitely be a challenge when it comes to placing all the kids in the swim meets, but I would rather have too many kids than not enough,” said Kennelley.

The other challenge is defending the team’s regular season Bald Eagle Swim League title and championship title. Coach Kennelley never takes any teams for granted as “all teams in our league have the potential to be league champs,’ she said. The elimination of the Montoursville swim team (the outdoor pool was demolished this spring) has scattered their swimmers to three other local teams; Tri-Town, Loyalsock, and Williamsport. “These three teams have increased their swimmer count because of this pool closing and will be hard pressed to beat” said Kennelley.

One thing the head coach can rely on is her 15-and-over girls. Since 2004, that group has a 45-3 record and been undefeated the past three years. “I have been lucky enough to never lose more than one swimmer to graduation,” said Kennelley “and always had another swimmer move to that empty spot.”

Next year will be different as she will lose two strong swimmers after this season; her daughter Sam Kennelley and Danielle McPherson. Ironically, neither of them really have any reason to swim this summer. Sam finished her freshman year at Slippery Rock and McPherson is moving onto a dental hygiene school. Neither school has a women’s swim program.

“This is my last chance to swim,” stated McPherson “and I want to be with my friends who are still swimming. It’s not about the competition anymore, swimming keeps me motivated and its good exercise.”

Kennelley has been out of high school for over a year now. “I didn’t swim in college but every time I came back to the Jersey Shore High School pool to watch some of the winter meets, I realized how much I missed it,” said Kennelley.

Jersey Shore will open the season at Tri-Town on June 29. The only other away meet is at Troy. Home meets are on July 1, July 13, July 20, and July 22 against Mill Hall, Loyalsock, Wellsboro, and Williamsport respectively.

The Mill Hall Fighting Muskrats have already opened their season with two meets; home meet against Tri-town on June 22 and away against Loyalsock on June 24. Mill Hall has one more home meet against Troy on June 29 with away meets against Jersey Shore, Wellsboro, and Williamsport on July 1, 8, and 13 respectively.

The Bald Eagle Swim League All-Star meet and Championships occur on July 25 and 31.
Danielle McPherson gets ready for a 7:30 AM swimming session at the Jersey Shore Borough outdoor pool.

Penn State Swim Camp - Day 5

Kendra, Gabbie, and Evan all smiles after surviving Penn State's Swim Camp
This posting is late due to site administrator. This should have been posted on Thursday June 24.

After we were done with our morning practice doing starts and turns we went to get pizza and to the awards ceremony. People got awards for winning king of the mountain and queen of the mountain and there was a boy and a girl camper of the week. They got Gatorade bags and a Penn State shirt for winning. After that we went back to our dorm rooms and packed and waited for our parents to pick us up. The best thing about swim camp was probably that I made new friends and to learn new things about the strokes. I want to do it next year too.

We had a post-grad from Penn State talk to us today. She talked to us about motivation. She inspired me because she made it to states when she was nine in the 200 medley relay and she swam butterfly. She also made it to nationals from the time she was 12 until she was 18. She swam on Penn State's team for 2 years. She met Michael Phelps in China when they were both teenagers. I want to go to nationals some day and I would like to meet Michael Phelps too. The best thing about swim camp was everything! I liked diving off the high dives, living in the dorms, learning new techniques and meeting new people.

Today we worked on starts and turns in the outdoor pool. I learned a new way to backstroke start that I think is going to be faster for me. Instead of crunching into the wall with your back kind of in a hump, you sit a bit higher and keep your back real straight. I also learned that coming into a turn in freestyle that your last stroke to the wall you need to push down and submerge yourself before starting the turn. Today was the last day so we had a pizza party and an award ceremony. It was tough saying goodbye to all my new friends, but I know that I will see them next year. The best about going to swim camp was meeting my new friends.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jersey Shore Athletes Using Pool Time for Cross-Training Purposes

Members of the Jersey Shore Summer Swim Team, past and present, that have utilized the benefits of swimming for cross-training purposes. Seated (left to right) Brooke Koch, Jamie Mason, and Katie Flook, Standing (left to right) Maddi Thompson, Cody Mason, and Ian Endersen.
A number of Jersey Shore scholastic athletes are using the summer swim team as a tune-up for high school and club sports. These groups of athletes can be broken down into two groups; those that love swimming as their primary athletic endeavor and those that chose other sports as preferred activity.

Cody Mason, a seventh place finisher in PIAA wrestling’s heavy weight class, is one of those that swam during the summer months to prepare for his favorite sport, wrestling. Mason understood the many benefits of swimming, surprisingly, as he became more proficient in wrestling. Wrestling is a long season and he believed that swimming all those summers helped him become stronger and faster. “It also helped me a great deal with my flexibility,” said Mason. Because of these benefits, he would occasionally do some swim workouts during the wrestling season.

The track is Katie Flook’s favorite venue as she went on to capture the 100 meter hurdles in districts her freshman year. Like Mason, she utilizes swimming for cross training purposes. “It was something I started in 5th grade and it has really helped me on endurance over the years”, says Flook. She plans on continuing to swim during the summer and winter to give her an edge to win the 100 meter District IV title four consecutive years.

Ian Endresen plays a multiple of sports all season long; cross county, tennis, and high school swimming. He’s prefer to be on the pitch than anywhere else so he plays on a regional soccer club (STN) that travels throughout the Mid-Atlantic region during the year. “Swimming is definitely tough’, said Endresen, “not only physically because of all the yardage but mentally. It helps me prepare for the long sporting season.”

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Penn State Swim Camp - Day 4

Played games this evening, soccer followed by capture the flag. It was fun but a boy broke his nose, one of Evans' friends. It wouldn't stop bleeding. We worked on butterfly today. Sorta learned to do one big kick followed by a small kick when pulling your arms back. Visited Penn State's weightlifting room, allowed to touch but not allowed to get on equipment. I really wanted to get on. Did drills in the racing pool and used kickboards. When coach blew whistle once, we kicked really hard, when she blew twice, then regular kick. Only took one nap today, after breakfast.

I got videotaped underwater today. They showed me what you did wrong and what we did right. The only comment was on my butterfly kick. I needed to keep my hips up higher because my feet were sinking. Yesterday's supper and today's lunch made Kendra and me a little sick so we went and bought some hot pockets in the little store housed in the cafeteria building. Had alot of snacks in the room but wanted something that was like a meal.

Worked on butterfly today, not my best stroke. Learned what to do underwater when pulling, its called "high elbows". Supposed to make a diamond with your arms, then push out and quickly bring your arm back up. For the dolphin kick, supposed to start at your chest, like a wave effect that starts at your chest and travels down until your feet snap. Instead of late swim practice, we played capture the flag. Alot of running and it worked our leg muscles in that game. Just got a Dominoes pizza delivered to the dorm and split it with some friends. We all got a little hungry after all that running.
Swimmers wait for next drill in the racing pool at the Penn State McCoy Natatorium

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Penn State Swim Camp - Day 3

We had Penn State’s sports nutritionist talk to us today. Works with 28 PSU sport’s teams. Talked about good foods to eat before and after swimming. We played a game about foods that contained carbohydrates and proteins in breakfast, lunch and dinner. Very interesting and I learned alot. Played two team building/warm-up games today. Blob tag, where you run around on land and try to make your blob bigger. The other one was tunnel tag. If you get tagged, then you had to stand up. The only way you could get free was if someone crawled under your legs. We have three practices a day in the water. The outside one was cut short because of a storm and had to run around for our bags.
Two practices a day are held in the Natatorium while one practice is held at the outside pool

We got up at 6:15 AM, ate breakfast, came back to the room, and took a nap from 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM. Really tired. Took another nap right after dinner around 5:00 PM. We were tired. Gabbie's breaststroke is now legal

Breaststroke Day. We learned that when kicking in breaststroke, most people bring knees up to the chest, not supposed to do that as it causes more drag. Supposed to kick our butt. So we did a drill where we swam with our hands on our butt and try to kick hands while swimming. Today at lunch, we had breaded, fried chicken - really good. In free time we played soccer out in the courtyard with sport campers from football, tennis, and golf. Alot of kids and really fun. Today we talked with one person about nutrition, protein. Everyday, we swim three times with the night session a fun one. Tonight we played a game they call King of the Hill but I call it Elimination. There are four groups; girls 12-and-under, girls 13-and-over, boys 12-and-under, boys 13-and-over. Swimmers in each group compete against each other in drills where everybody swims. Last one into the wall in each heat is eliminated. This goes on until one person is left in each category.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Penn State Swim Camp - Day 2

I got up at 6:15 AM and ate breakfast around 7:15 AM. You get to pick your own breakfast as it is a buffet. We practiced in the indoor pool for the early afternoon session where we worked on dives and drills. This was split up in the racing pool and diving well. Had some instructio on nutrition. Also talked about controlling stress when going up to the block. Had protein drinks last night and tonight, kinda disgusting.
Even the diving well is used during the swim camps to practice some of the finer points of racing

Swam in the outdoor pool in the morning. Swam widths, which was 25 meters. Did alot of dryland stuff, such as jumping jacks, curl-ups, and running in place. Kendra and I went to the creamery during free time after dinner. Afterwards, we watched some of the older kids play volleyball. We buried ourselves in the sand after the game. We plan on going to the pool during free time to jump off the high dives. I like living in the dorms but the heat during the day is really bad. It really cools down at night though.

Every day we work on a different stroke, did backstroke today. I really had to pay attention as that is my stroke. I picked up some good tips. Backstrokers are not supposed to be on their back most of the time but on their sides. We also worked on arm movement as it leaves the water and re-enters. Dorms are kinda cozy, not big or fancy. Could add a TV. My roommate Pat, is from Illiois. Did relays for fun today. One relay consisted of swimming mostly underwater. Another relay consisted of cups with Gatorade and hoping not to spill any as we swam. We are hoping to play capture the flag on Wednesday night. Played a volleyball game tonight that ended up with everyone jumping onto the sand court and kicking the ball.

PSU Field Trip, A Few Seats Still Open

About half of the bus seats are filled for the High Dive field trip to PSU. We will need to know if you are going by this weekend.

Penn State Field Trip – July 2 (Monies due by June 28)

This is a heated, (82° F) Olympic size pool which has four diving boards, and1,3, 5, 7.5 and 10-meter diving platforms. The 1-meter spring board and the 5 and 7.5 meter platforms are open to the public. The kids just love the high dive.

11:00 AMJersey Shore Borough Outdoor Swimming Pool parking lot
12:10 PMArrive at Penn State University’s outdoor pool
12:10 AM – 12:30 PM Eat lunch (bring your own)
12:30 PM – 3:15 PM Swim, high dives*
3:15 PM – 4:00 PMWalk over to Creamery for Penn State’s homemade ice cream
4:00 – 4:15 PMLoad bus and travel to Nittany Lion Statue for group picture
4:15 – 4:45 PM Group pictures at Nittany Lion Statue
5:00 PMDepart PSU
6:15 PMArrive at Jersey Shore Borough Outdoor Swimming Pool parking lot

Cost: $10 for Jersey Shore registered summer swim team swimmer; covers cost of bus, pool entrance fee and ice cream. Money in hand reserves a seat on the 42 passenger bus. See Tom or Kelly Butzler on pool deck at evening practices between the two practices.

$14 for everybody else; covers cost of bus, pool entrance fee and ice cream. Money in hand reserves a seat on the 42 passenger bus. See Tom or Kelly Butzler on pool deck at evening practices between the two practices.

*Since this is in deep water, all youth must pass the facility swim test. They require you to swim about 20 yards to see if you can swim. I suspect every member of the team can pass this test.

**If you have siblings or friends that are NOT Jersey Shore registered summer swim swimmers then they need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

The high dives are as exciting as an amusement park ride, it will take your breath away

Mill Hall Pool is Open

Swim parent, Mike Rodo, sent me this picture for the June 17th edition of the Record. It just goes to show you what a handfull of dedicated citizens and officials can achieve.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Penn State Swim Camp - Day 1

Evan, Gabbie, and Kendra arrive at Penn State's Swimming Camp

We arrived at PSU around 1:00. Met a new friend already, Allison from Delaware. We are all staying in East Halls with boys in one hall and the girls in another. We were already in the water, shortly after dinner (on campus at the Big Onion). Did alot of 25s. Also worked on some funky kind of kick, sculls. Our practice was in the indoor pool where we had YMCA States.

We have a dorm meeting every night at 10:30 PM with lights out at 11:00 PM Breakfast is anywhere from 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM. We need to be somewhere at 8:30 AM. My plan is to be up with Gabbie at 6:15 AM as she is my roommate. Rooms are pretty small with 2 beds and 2 desks
Kendra gets ready to experience the college "dorm life".

I arrived at 1:30 PM. The schedule doesn't seemed as crowded as I thought, alot of free time so far. After dinner, swim practice consisted of 3 stations; stroke, drills, and dryland (alot of pushups). They gave us some Gatorade post game protein recovery stuff that we are suppossed to drink 30 minutes to 1 hour after practice.

Room is like a mini-house and has a small fridge and microwave. Superhot as there is no airconditioning. We have 3 fans going. We brought alot of snacks. Meals are pretty spread out (supper at 4:30 PM) so wanted to have snacks to fill in.

Blogging the Swim Camps

Have you ever wondered what goes on in a “swim camp”? For the next two weeks, you can find out as we follow several swimmers with their experiences in two central Pennsylvania camps through the Jersey Shore swimming blog at http://jerseyshoreswim.blogspot.com/

Evan and Gabbie Moore and Kendra White will participate in Penn State’s swim camp from June 20-June 24. The following week, five swimmers: Maddi Thompson, Addison Crawley, Jamie Mason, Lindsay Dudek, and Tyler Sheets will swim at the Clarion University swim camp from June 27 – July 1.

Check in with us at the Jersey Shore swimming blog as the swimmers update us on the type of workouts (dryland and water)they do each day, friends they make, and fun things they do outside the water.

Dip N Dance Cools Kids Off

The second of the Jersey Shore Summer Swim Teams Dip N Dances was held last night and all who attended had a great time. Temperatures were very warm and the kids used the water to keep cool. Josh Bengen provided the music with his DJ services.

The next social event for the swim team is the field trip to Penn State on July 2nd to jump off the high dives, eat some Creamery ice cream, and get a group picture on the Nittany Lion.

In addition, there are two other events on the horizon for the kids.

  1. TheTown Meeting Parade during the July 4 week. Todd Moore and several swim team parents are constructing the float for the kids and parade.
  2. The movie Shark Tales, will be shown on July 17 at the Jersey Shore Borough outdoor pool. We are calling it a Flik N Float.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Looks Like a Dust Bowl

Photo on left is from a 2009 swim meet at the Montoursville Borough Pool. Photo on the right was taken June 19, 2010
I am always amazed the amount of press that is given to youth today on their inactive lifestyle and weight problems. Yet we turn around and seem to ignore these problems by slowly taking away activites that kids can participate in that are healthy and fun.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Support Jersey Shore Swimming

Swim team parent, Lynn Charnego, is once again coordinating the JS Swim Team clothing sale through Tiadaghton Embroidery.

In order for us to get a quick turn around, all orders and money will be due by Monday, June 21st so that we can have the orders back to us by July 2nd.

Checks can be made payable to Jersey Shore Swim Team.

A few things were missing from the handout. In addition to adult sizes, both the shorts and sweatpants can also be purchased in youth sizes.

The sizes are as follows:
YS: 6-8
YM: 10-12
YL: 14-16

The shorts are true to size, the sweat pants run small

Hold the Event and They Will Participate

Photo courtesy of Mike Rodo, Mike Rodo Photography

Williamsport held their 3rd Annual Just TRI and DU It on June 9th. The tri stands for triathlon (swimming, biking, and running) and the DU stands for duathlon (minus the swimming). It is interesting to see that more and more of these type of events are being held all over the state for youth. Here is hoping that local officials might act upon their initial interest and make it happen here in Jersey Shore.

Just to show you the 'all over the state" concept.. I was visiting my in-laws in York, PA last month and I picked up the York Daily Record/York Sunday News weekender publication and there was this ad for a youth triathlon.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

High Dive Field Trip to PSU

Penn State University high dives in the background

Penn State Field Trip – July 2 (Monies due by June 28)

This is a heated, (82° F) Olympic size pool which has four diving boards, and1,3, 5, 7.5 and 10-meter diving platforms. The 1-meter spring board and the 5 and 7.5 meter platforms are open to the public. The kids just love the high dive.

11:00 AMJersey Shore Borough Outdoor Swimming Pool parking lot
12:10 PMArrive at Penn State University’s outdoor pool
12:10 AM – 12:30 PM Eat lunch (bring your own)
12:30 PM – 3:15 PM Swim, high dives*
3:15 PM – 4:00 PMWalk over to Creamery for Penn State’s homemade ice cream
4:00 – 4:15 PMLoad bus and travel to Nittany Lion Statue for group picture
4:15 – 4:45 PM Group pictures at Nittany Lion Statue
5:00 PMDepart PSU
6:15 PMArrive at Jersey Shore Borough Outdoor Swimming Pool parking lot

Cost: $10 for Jersey Shore registered summer swim team swimmer; covers cost of bus, pool entrance fee and ice cream. Money in hand reserves a seat on the 42 passenger bus. See Tom or Kelly Butzler on pool deck at evening practices between the two practices.

$14 for everybody else; covers cost of bus, pool entrance fee and ice cream. Money in hand reserves a seat on the 42 passenger bus. See Tom or Kelly Butzler on pool deck at evening practices between the two practices.

*Since this is in deep water, all youth must pass the facility swim test. They require you to swim about 20 yards to see if you can swim. I suspect every member of the team can pass this test.

**If you have siblings or friends that are NOT Jersey Shore registered summer swim swimmers then they need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

The high dives are as exciting as an amusement park ride, it will take your breath away

Swim Lessons: The Best and Cheapest Life Insurance Policy You Can Buy Your Kids

There are many things that parents should do. My top three are:

  1. raise a child to be morally straight
  2. read to them every night
  3. get them swim lessons.

An old swim instructor once told me that swim lessons were one of the best life insurance policies you could get your kid. As hard as you try, you will never be able to keep your eyes on your kids 100% of the time. They may go over to the neighbor's pool or down to the family river lot. Drownings can occur in a blink of an eye. Newspaper accounts are full of these horror stories.

We should teach our children not to fear water but to eye it with respect. A child should know how to move through water and feel comfortable in it.

Listed below are swim lessons offered this summer at the Jersey Shore Borough pool and the Mill Hall pool. By no means is this an extensive listing for central Pennsylvania as swim lessons are offered all over the area at all times of the year.

Give your child a gift that they can use over the course of their life.

Jersey Shore Borough Pool
3 sessions that are ½ hour per day Monday thru Friday for 2 weeks (total of 5 hours of lessons)
There are three different levels: Toddler (first experience in the water), beginner (has some experience in the water), and Advanced.

Session I – July 5 thru July 16 Toddler 10:30-11:00, Beginner 9:30-10:00, Advanced 10:00-10:30
Session II – July 19 thru July 30 Toddler 10:30-11:00, Beginner 9:30-10:00, Advanced 10:00-10:30
Session III-Aug 2 – Aug 13 Toddler 7:00-7:30, Beginner 7:30-8:00, Advanced 8:00-8:30

For beginner & Advance the students all come at 9:30 the first day to be evaluated and put into the appropriate group
The cost is $35.00 per person
You can call the pool to sign up for the lessons

Mill Hall Pool
The Mill Hall Pool will offer a complete selection of swimming lessons. All instructors are American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Certified. If any class is over 6, there will be a certified lifeguard assissting with the class. As well as a lifeguard on the deck.

The lessons will begin Monday, June 21st. They will meet Monday through Thursday.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flik N Float

The Jersey Shore Summer Swim Team is sponsoring a new event in Jersey Shore, a Flik N Float. We are encouraging the community to join the swim team for an evening of fun as we swim and watch the movie, Shark Tale on July 17 (PG).

In this whale of a tale fast-talking Oscar is a little fish who ends up at the scene of the crime when the son of a shark mob boss is killed. Claiming to be a “shark slayer” Oscar takes on all the trappings of fame but when his title is challenged he finds that his little white lie has landed him in hot water. He enlists the help of the shark boss’s son Lenny who happens to secretly be a vegetarian and together they try to make sure that both of their futures aren’t all washed up.

The pool will open up at 8:00 PM with the movie starting at dusk. Movie refreshments will be on hand throughout the evening. Entrance fee is $3 per person.

So come in join us as we float in the water and enjoy the show.

P.S. - For those who don't want to swim and watch the movie, bring a towel or a beach chair and set up in the lawn area

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Reading and Swimming

I remember my summer days when I was a young boy, spending the muggy afternoons in my backyard pool and reading a good many books. I thought it was pretty cool that the Jersey Shore Library is combining those two activities to start off their summer reading program. The whole summer starts off with a swimming party at the Jersey Shore Borough outdoor pool where they can swim for free and the first 100 kids that sign up get a hot dog and soda. The rest of the summer reading program consisits of events and activities that are water themed. I hope that many of the local kids take advantage of this opportunity.

Monday, June 7, 2010

First Dip N Dance a Success

Jersey Shore's Summer Swim Team's first Dip N Dance was a success as nearly 100 kids braved the intermittent showers and there was fun to be had on land and water. A serious game of "pickle" took place half-way through the evening as a large number of boys took to the turf area.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

JS Summer Swim Team Social Calendar

Jersey Shore swimmers march down Allegheny Street during the 2009 Jersey Shore Town Meeting. This is one of several events on their swimming social calendar

Swimming is a great sport. It is a good physical workout and a great lifelong activity. I do think there is a big mental aspect to swimming and breaking that up with with some social events can really benefit the swimmers. The American Swimming Coaches Association lists several items that a swimming program may want to achieve with their social events:

  • Create an environment where kids want to swim

  • Create an environment where kids want to stay in the program

  • Create a safe, stimulating positive environment where excellence in technique and improvement in skills at all ages is the priority

  • Create an environment that facilitates swimmers and families "selling" the program to others through their enjoyment of the social program and confidence in the coaching program

  • Encourage attendance at all levels.

The following web page, gives a good overview on some ideas. I like the quote at the end of the web page. In October 1997, Legendary Australian Swimming Coach (the late) Joe King was asked, "Mr. King if you were starting a swim club from scratch, what is the first thing you would do?" He replied, "Knowing what I do now, the first I’d do would be to put together a social program for the kids."

A group of parents have started a committee and have several events planned for the 2010 summer.

June 5 - Swim Team Sponsored Dip N Dance
June 19 - Swim Team Sponsored Dip N Dance
July 8 - Jersey Shore Town Meeting Parade
July 17 - Swim Team Sponsored Flik N Float
TBD - Penn State Field Trip

  1. First stop would be the Penn State outdoor pool. This is a heated, (82° F) Olympic size pool which has four diving boards, and1, 3, 5, 7.5 and 10-meter diving platforms. The 1-meter spring board and the 5 and 7.5 meter platforms are open to the public. The kids just love the high dive. Check out this photo

  2. The next stop would be across the street to the Penn State Creamery where everyone can get a taste of Penn State’s famous ice cream.

  3. Final stop would be at the other end of campus near Rec Hall where everyone could pile on the Nittany Lion statue for a team picture

Fil N Float to be held at the Jersey Shore Borough Pool on July 17.

View of the summer swim team float in the 2009 Jersey Shore Town Meeting

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Swimming Camps

It's summer time! It is a time for kids to relax, recover, recuperate and go on vacations. It is also a time for youth to learn new skills or sharpen their existing talents. Those experiences are often at camps; weather or journalism camps at Penn State University, art experiences at Lock Haven University, or engineering camp at Bucknell University.

Since this is a swimmming blog, we will look at the list of swimming camps. A Jersey Shore summer swim team board member, Shelley Moore, compiled a comprehensive list of swimming camps in Pennsylvania that swimmers can attend to fine tune their strokes, make new freinds, and experience a different level of competition.

Carnegie Mellon University Swim Camp

Clarion University Swimming and Diving Camp

Lehigh University Swimming and Diving Camp Clinics 2010

NIKE Swim Camp at the University of Pittsburgh- Pittsburgh, PA

Penn State Competitive Swimming Camp

Shippensburg University Swimming Camp 2010

Westminster College Titan Swim Camp

Wildcat Swim Camp at Villanova University

2010 University of Pennsylvania Quaker Swimming Camp

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jersey Shore Summer Swim Team Record Board

Walk into the Jersey Shore Borough outdoor pool and one would ever know that a successful swim team called the waters home. That is about to change as a swim team parent, Todd Moore, is constructing a record board that would highlight swimmer's achivements. He is using the Montoursville record board as a starting point and adding Jersey Shore's colors and a few other features.

Here's hoping that the kids break many of the records during the 2010 season!