Swim Meet Results/Times

Monday, February 29, 2016

Local Sponsors Behind Successful YMCA Novice Championships

Below are the sponsors that made the Silver Districts and Novice Championships a smashing success this past weekend at Lock Haven University's Zimmerli Pool.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

2016 Silver Districts and Novice Championship Results

Great day of swimming for local athletes, especially the younger crowd, in the 2016 Silver Districts and Novice Championships at Lock Haven University.  Full results of the meet can be found here.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Flashback Friday - 2015 District IV Swimming

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 1000 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

It is only a few days away from the District IV swim meet (Weds and Thurs of next week at the Williamsport High School) where Jersey Shore will try to push a couple of swimmers into the PIAA State Meet.  Below is a newsarticle from last year's District IV meet.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

CENKEY Quad Meet Top 3 Times

CENKEY Quad Meet
Zimmerli Pool, Lock Haven University
January 6, 2016

BFY – Bellefonte
ELY – East Lycoming
JSY – Jersey Shore
LHY – Lock Haven

8 & under Girls
100 Medley Relay: 1, ELY (Deluca, E.,  Rakowski, S., Confer, A., Diehl, L), 1:36.37. 2, JSY (Eveland, W., Green, O., Johns, K., H., G.), 1:45.25. 3, LHY  (Hartman, J., Hosley,  A., Merinar, R., Nestor, E.), 1:46.84.
25 Free:  1, Hosley, A., LHY, 17.50. 2, Roarty, S., ELY, 18.81. 3, Lose, J., BFY, 19.47.
50 Free:  1, Lose, J., BFY, 40.32. 2, Merinar, R., LHY, 41.62. 3, Hosley, A., LHY, 43.07.
25 Back:  1, Merinar, R., LHY, 20.53. 2, Hamm, Emily, ELY, 21.87. 3, Green, OceAnn, JSY, 24.01.
25 Breast:  1, Roarty, S.K, ELY, 26.75. 2, Hosley, A.,  LHY, 27.70. 3, Straub, R., JSY, 29.57.
25 Fly:  1, Merinar, R., LHY, 20.03. 2, Lose, J., BFY, 23.09. 3, Hamm, E., ELY, 25.62.
100 IM:  1, Hosley, A., LHY, 1:47.71. 2, Hamm, E., ELY, 1:48.58. 3, Green, O., JSY, 1:53.36.

10 & under Girls
200 Medley Relay:  1, BFY  (Pringle, A., Musser, F., Cane,  A., Rarrick, K.), 2:43.23. 2, LHY (Cohen, D., Garman, A., Crowell, M., Drouin, A.), 3:01,06. 3, JSY  (Jones, L., Glosser, A., Warner, C., Sorgen, J.), 3:04.59.
50  Free:  1, Rockey, O., LHY, 31.69. 2, Persun, A., LHY, 32.78. 3, McCool, K., BFY, 33.00.
100 Free:  1, Rockey, O., LHY, 1:12.96. 2, McCool, K., BFY, 1:13.19. 3, Rarrick, K., BFY, 1:15.09.
200  Free:  1, Bair, C., LHY, 2:37.69. 2, Pringle, A., BFY, 2:46.59. 3, Moyer, N., ELY, 3:07.16.
50 Back:  1, Gugino, L., LHY, 38.13. 2, Rarrick, K., BFY, 38.91. 3, Cohen, D., LHY, 41.96.
100 Back:  1, Rarrick, K., BFY, 1:25.21. 2, Gugino, L., LHY, 1:25.86. 3, Musser, F., BFY, 1:31.20.
50 Breast:  1, Bair, C., LHY, 42.94. 2, Musser, F., BFY, 45.97. 3, Garman, A., LHY, 48.64.
100 Breast:  1, Bair, C., LHY, 1:36.01. 2, Flerlage, E., ELY, 1:55.75. 3, Jones, T., JSY, 1:57.39.
50 Fly:  1, Gugino, L., LHY, 37.32. 2, Persun, A., LHY, 38.68. 3, Rockey, O., LHY, 40.89.
100 Fly:  1, Persun, A., LHY, 1:25.22. 2, Bagwell, B., BFY, 2:15.75.
100 IM:  1, McCool, K., BFY, 1:26.96. 2, Cane, A., BFY, 1:32.89. 3, Pringle, A., BFY, 1:38.06.
200 Free Relay:  1, LHY  (Gugino, L., Bair, C., Persun,  A., Rockey, O.), 2:16.81. 2, JSY  (Glosser, A., Jones, T., Sorgen, J., Robbins, M.),  2:36.09. 3, LHY  (Lavallee, C., Drouin,  A., Garman, A., Crowell, M.), 2:45.31.

12 & under Girls
200 Medley Relay:  1, ELY (Albert, H., Marsh, K., Wallis, K., Waltz, A.), 2:09.81, 2, LHY (Brian, M., Bartlett, E., Keegan, M.,  Brian, H.), 2:15.84. 3, JSY (Kurtz, S.,  Sampson, H., Hoose, A., Horn, M.), 2:35.03.
50 Free:  1, Wallis, K., ELY, 28.63. 2, Keegan, M., LHY, 29.94. 3, Brian, H., LHY, 30.08.
100 Free:  1, Marsh, K., ELY, 1:04.40. 2, Brian, H., LHY, 1:06.44. 3, Brian, M., LHY, 1:07.88.
200 Free:  1, Albert, H., ELY, 2:24.64. 2, Bartlett, E., LHY, 2:33.19. 3, Hoose, A., JSY, 2:45.83.
50 Back: 1, Albert, Ha., ELY, 33.78. 2, Waltz, A., ELY, 34.83. 3, Bair, M., LHY, 37.09.
100 Back:  1, Albert, H., ELY, 1:11.32. 2, Waltz, ELY, 1:14.24. 3, Kurtz, S, JSY, 1:24.25.
50 Breast:  1, Marsh, K., ELY, 37.19. 2, Shadle, H., LHY, 38.20. 3, Bair, M., LHY, 38.30.
100 Breast:  1, Keegan, M., LHY, 1:19.77. 2, Marsh, K., ELY, 1:20.70. 3, Bair, M., LHY, 1:23.50.
50 Fly:  1, Wallis, K., ELY, 32.09. 2, Brian, M., LHY, 34.78. 3, Brian, H., LHY, 36.44.
100 Fly:  1, Wallis, K., ELY, 1:11.63. 2, Watkins, T., JSY,  1:46.31. 3, Gardner, M., JSY, 1:47.42.
200 IM:  1, Waltz, A., ELY, 2:40.86. 2, Gardner, M., JSY,  3:28.48.
200 Free Relay:  1, JSY  (Horn, M., Lucas, H., Hoose,  A., Sampson, H.), 2:15.59. 2, LHY  (Bair, M., Shadle, H., Garman, K., Stern, C.),  2:16.07. 3, JSY  (Watkins, T., Hepfer, P.,  Fishel, E., Kurtz, S.), 2:32.75.

14 & under Girls
200 Medley Relay:  1, LHY  (O'Connor, J., Fleming, T.,  Persun, E., Rich, M.), 2:05.91, 2, BFY (Helms, C., Duck, A., Cole, Z., Hoffman, N.),  2:09.07. 3, ELY (Brelsford, M., Castellan, H., Gilbert, O., Keller, S.), 2:17.47.
50  Free:  1, Keller, S., ELY, 26.18. 2, Fleming, T., LHY, 27.43. 3, Griswold, I., JSY, 27.86.
100 Free: 1, Keller, S., ELY, 59.02. 2, Hoffman, N., BFY,  1:00.13. 3, Fleming, T., LHY, 1:00.58.
200 Free:  1, Persun, E., LHY, 2:14.69. 2, Helms, C., BFY, 2:29.12. 3, Crevleling, L., JSY, 2:35.33.
500 Free: 1, Cole, Z., BFY, 6:05.09. 2, Creveling, J., JSY, 7:04.83. 3, Bellomo, G., JSY, 7:19.82.
100 Back:  1, Brelsford, M., ELY, 1:06.78. 2, Rich, M., LHY, 1:10.09. 3, O'Connor, J., LHY, 1:10.56.
200 Back:  1, Brelsford, M., ELY, 2:26.62. 2, Cole, M., BFY, 2:41.84.
100 Breast:  1, Griswold, I., JSY, 1:17.83. 2, Duck, A., BFY, 1:18.00. 3, Castellan, H., ELY, 1:25.13.
200 Breast:  1, Cole, Z., BFY, 2:47.69. 2, Castellan, H., ELY,  2:56.21. 3, Creveling, J., JSY, 3:08.88.
100 Fly:  1, Persun, E., LHY, 1:07.20. 2, Moore, A., JSY, 1:11.12. 3, Hoffman, N., BFY, 1:12.51.
200 Fly:  1, Gilbert, O., ELY, 3:47.80.
200 IM:  1, Cole, Z., BFY, 2:29.19. 2, Moore, A., JSY, 2:33.65. 3,  Griswold, I, JSY, 2:33.75.
400 IM:  1, Fleming, T, LHY, 5:44.50. 2, Brezler, A, BFY, 6:15.65.
200 Free Relay:  1, ELY (Brelsford, M., Castellan, H., Gilbert, O., Keller, S.), 2:02.75. 2, BFY (Brezler, Alyssa 14, Haak, C., Cole, M., Hoffman, N.), 2:06.54. 3, LHY 'E' (Rich, M., Shadle, L., Fox, M., Emel, H.), 2:07.93.

15 & over Girls
200 Medley Relay:  1, LHY  (Shadle, A., Bartlett, E., McGhee,  O., Panczyszyn, A.), 2:10.09.
50 Free:  1, Moore, G., JSY, 27.14. 2, Fedor, M., BFY, 27.26. 3, Bartlett, E., LHY, 29.65.
100 Free:  1, Moore, G., JSY, 59.58. 2, McGhee, O., LHY, 1:01.93. 3, Shadle, A., LHY, 1:04.89.
200  Free:  1, Moore, G., JSY, 2:10.56. 2, McGhee, O., LHY,  2:16.14. 3, Panczyszyn, A., LHY, 2:26.70.
500 Free:  1, Shadle, A., LHY, 6:12.25. 2, Thomas, H., BFY,  6:28.35. 3, Detweiler, E., ELY, 7:02.65.
100 Back:  1, Fedor, M., BFY, 1:07.17. 2, Karschner, O., ELY, 1:22.75.
200 Back:  1, Thomas, H., BFY, 2:47.58.
100  Breast:  1, Bartlett, E., LHY, 1:14.30. 2, Detweiler, E., ELY, 1:20.12. 3, Panczyszyn, A., LHY, 1:25.13.
200 Breast:  1, Bartlett, E., LHY, 2:44.09. 2, Castellan, S., ELY, 2:50.88. 3, Detweiler, E., ELY, 2:59.34.
100 Fly:  1, McGhee, O.S, LHY, 1:11.71. 2, Karschner, O., ELY, 1:25.63.
200  Fly:  1, Karschner, O., ELY, 3:21.45.
200 IM:  1, Castellan, S., ELY, 2:53.30.

Boys 8 & Under
25  Free:  1, Confer, A., ELY, 16.77. 2, Hughes, J., LHY, 17.33. 3, Bagwell, C., BFY, 21.84.
50 Free:  1, Confer, A., ELY, 37.28. 2, Johnson, I., BFY, 38.02. 3, Hughes, J., LHY, 41.50.
25 Back:  1, Rakowski, S., ELY, 21.12. 2, Bagwell, C., BFY, 25.97. 3, Kaluzny, N., LHY, 26.97.
25  Breast:  1, Johnson, I., BFY, 21.81. 2, Hughes, J., LHY, 22.51. 3, Rakowski, S., ELY, 24.57.
25 Fly:  1, Confer, A., ELY, 20.52. 2, Johnson, I., BFY, 22.32. 3, Walls, J., BFY, 27.75.
100 IM:  1, Rakowski, S., ELY, 1:45.35. 2, Hughes, J.,  LHY, 1:46.47.
100  Free Relay:  1, JSY  (Green, O., Becker, K., Harsanyni,  G., Eveland, W.), 1:27.69. 2, LHY (Banfill, E., Hartman, J., Hosley, G., Nestor, E.), 1:39.76. 3, ELY (Deluca, E., Ware, A., Musser, Z., Diehl, L.), 1:40.19.

10 & under Boys
200 Medley Relay: 1, JSY  (Hockman, C., Hoose, I., Griswold,  K., Dammer, D.), 2:52.29. 2, JSY  (Robinett, K., Passetti, A., Dammer, J., Fishel, C.), 3:36.02.
50 Free:  1, Barlett, A., ELY, 32.90. 2, Schnars, G., BFY, 34.40. 3, Hockman, C., JSY, 35.15. 3, Farley, A., ELY, 35.15.
100 Free:  1, Farley, A., ELY, 1:24.33. 2, Robinett, K., JSY, 1:33.01. 3, Snyder, E., ELY, 1:33.74.
200 Free:  1, Boone, C., BFY, 2:53.46. 2, Kehrer, J., ELY, 3:26.25.
50 Back:  1, Griswold, K., JSY, 38.56. 2, Lindsay, D., LHY, 42.20.3, Boone, C., BFY, 43.88.
100 Back:  1, Lindsay, D., LHY, 1:29.02. 2, Barlett, A., ELY, 1:30.28.
50 Breast:  1, Hoose, I., JSY, 52.97. 2, Fry, W., ELY, 54.72. 3, Robinett, K., JSY, 57.46.
100 Breast:  1, Fry, W., ELY, 2:01.15. 2, Passetti, A., JSY,  2:07.06.
50 Fly:  1, Schnars, G., BFY, 41.50. 2, Barlett, A., ELY, 42.44. 3, Lindsay, D., LHY, 42.62.
100 Fly:  1, Schnars, G., BFY, 1:42.99.
100 IM:  1, Griswold, K., JSY, 1:29.13. 2, Barlett, A.J, ELY, 1:31.51. 3, Hockman, C., JSY, 1:36.21.
200 Free Relay:  1, JSY  (Hockman, C., Passetti, A., Dammer, D., Griswold, K.), 2:35.19. 2, ELY (Kehrer, J., Fry, W., Snyder, E., Farley, A.),  2:48.34. 3, JSY  (Hoose, I, Fishel, C.,  Hammond, A., Robinett, K.), 3:09.94.

12 & under Boys
200 Medley Relay:  1, ELY (Deluca, S., Rakowski, T., Hamm, E., Flerlage, R.), 2:15.06. 2, BFY (Cadman, J., Reish, H., Rossman, C., Clampet, S.), 3:28.34.
50 Free:  1, Bloom, R., BFY, 26.49. 2, Drouin, J., LHY, 26.74. 3, Flerlage, R., ELY, 28.67.
100 Free:  1, Orndorf, P., LHY, 1:04.02. 2, Drouin, J., LHY, 1:04.18. 3, Deluca, S., ELY, 1:06.61.
200 Free:  1, Orndorf, P., LHY, 2:19.59. 2, Gugino, L., LHY, 2:28.22. 3, Fellinger, J., ELY, 2:43.69.
50 Back:  1, Deluca, S., ELY, 34.78. 2, Orndorf, P., LHY, 38.29. 3, Bennett, E., BFY, 38.57.
100 Back:  1, Bloom, R., BFY, 1:07.83. 2, Hamm, E., ELY, 1:09.50. 3, Malinich, J., BFY, 1:35.19.
50 Breast:  1, Drouin, J., LHY, 36.27. 2, Rakowski, T., ELY, 38.82. 3, Gugino, L., LHY, 39.34.
100 Breast:  1, Drouin, J., LHY, 1:22.63. 2, Rakowski, T., ELY, 1:25.83. 3, Maclachlan, I., ELY, 1:43.19.
50 Fly: 1, Flerlage, R., ELY, 31.70. 2, Rockey, S., LHY, 41.06. 3, Webster, H., JSY, 43.59.
100 Fly:  1, Hamm, E., ELY, 1:09.64.
200 IM:  1, Bloom, R., BFY, 2:29.64. 2, Hamm, E., ELY, 2:30.82.
200 Free Relay:  1, ELY (Rakowski, T., Maclachlan, I., Fellinger, J., Flerlage, R.), 2:12.05. 2, BFY (Bloom, R., Bennett, E., Rossman, C., Malinich, J.), 2:16.26. 3, LHY  (Gugino, L., Drouin, C., Coakley, G., Rockey, S.), 2:26.66.

14 & under Boys
200 Medley Relay:  1, LHY (Turner, B., Orndorf, D., Butzler, A., Hughes, D.), 2:09.78. 2, JSY  (Green, Q., Iseri, J., Crevleling, L., Sorgen, M.2:44.58.
50 Free:  1, Warner, B., JSY, 25.20. 2, Hockman, R., JSY, 26.66. 3, Jordan, S., ELY, 26.94.
100 Free:  1, Warner, B., JSY, 56.68. 2, Jordan, S., ELY, 57.97. 3, Orndorf, D., LHY, 58.29.
200 Free:  1, Orndorf, D., LHY, 2:09.18. 2, Corbin, L., ELY, 2:18.97. 3, Snyder, E., ELY, 2:27.13.
500  Free:  1, Jordan, S., ELY, 5:33.58. 2, Butzler, A.,  LHY, 5:58.96. 3, Corso, C., BFY, 7:42.28.
100 Back:  1, Butzler, A., LHY, 1:10.41. 2, Turner, B., LHY, 1:11.19. 3, Hockma, R., JSY, 1:11.57.
200 Back:  1, Jordan, S., ELY, 2:21.09.
100 Breast:  1, Orndorf, D., LHY, 1:13.22. 2, Warner, B., JSY,  1:17.34. 3, Turner, B., LHY, 1:20.46.
200 Breast:  1, Hughes, D., LHY, 3:00.70. 2, Snyder, E., ELY, 3:08.07.
100 Fly:  1, Hockman, R., JSY, 1:08.32. 2, Corbin, L., ELY, 1:16.12.
200 IM:  1, Hockman, R., JSY, 2:26.84. 2, Warner, B., JSY, 2:30.44. 3, Corbin, L., ELY, 2:41.07.

15 & over Boys
50 Free:  1, Engel, L., JSY, 22.49. 2, Feldman, B., BFY, 24.38. 3, Berfield, N., LHY, 25.33.
100 Free:  1, Riccardo, J., LHY, 56.70. 2, Malinich, Z., BFY,  1:02.09. 3, Gardner, D., JSY, 1:06.02.
200 Free:  1, Engel, L., JSY, 1:50.04. 2, Berfield, N., LHY, 2:05.46. 3, Creveling, Jonathan, JSY, 2:11,82.
500  Free:  1, Sheets, J., LHY, 5:48.56. 2, Creveling, J., JSY,  6:00.12. 3, Ryder, J., ELY, 6:43.83.
100 Back:  1, Sheets, J., LHY, 1:07.43. 2, Feldman, B., BFY, 1:08.12. 3, Creveling, J., JSY, 1:10.97.
200 Back:  1, Sheets, J., LHY, 2:24.87. 2, Klingler, N., LHY, 2:47.38.
100 Breast:  1, Dale, E., LHY, 1:06.04. 2, Gardner, D., JSY, 1:34.06.
200 Breast:  1, Dale, E., LHY, 2:24.55.
100 Fly:  1, Engel, L., JSY, 54.88. 2, Riccardo, J., LHY, 1:02.20. 3, Ryder, Jacob R, ELY, 1:22.57.
200 Fly:  1, Engel, L., JSY, 2:08.78. 2, Feldman, B., BFY, 2:39.75. 3, Malinich, Z., BFY, 3:02.84.
200 IM:  1, Berfield, N., LHY, 2:23.43. 2, Gardner, D., JSY,  2:56.13.
400 IM:  1, Dale, E., LHY, 4:35.22.
200 Free Relay:  1, LHY  (Riccardo, J., Sheets, J.,  Klingler, N., Berfield, N.), 1:48.40.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Jersey Shore, Lock Haven Take 9th and 3rd Respectively in YMCA Championship Meet

In the 2016 CENKEY YMCA Swim League Champioinship, Jersey Shore took 9th while Lock Haven finished 3rd.  Full results can be viewed here.

Team Name                                       Points
State College Area Y                       1851
Hollidaysburg YMCA T                    1492.5
Lock Haven Loggerheads              1446
Clearfield Sharks                              983
East Lycoming Y Elec                       951
Bellefonte YMCA Stingrays          761
Ridgway YMCA                                  636.5
DuBois YMCA                                     549.5
Jersey Shore YMCA                         500.5
Juniata Valley YMCA                       456.5
Clarion County YMCA                     391.5
Brookville YMCA                               155

Friday, February 12, 2016

Flashback Friday - YMCA Championships

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 1000 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

Tomorrow, twelve teams will converge at Hollidaysburg Area High School for the CENKEY Championships.  Today's Flashback Friday will take a look at the league that preceded CENKEY; the Central Pennsylvania YMCA Swim League.  Below is a newspaper clipping from the 2009-2010 championship meet.  Results of that meet can be found here.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

CENKEY Championship Psych Sheets Are Posted

Psych sheets for this weekends CENKEY Championships can be found here.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Central Mountain High School Sweeps Mt Carmel

Central Mountain HS v Mount Carmel
January 26, 2016
Lock Haven University, Zimmerli Pool

Central Mountain 80, Mount Carmel 16
200M relay: 1. Central Mountain (Thomas Cygan, David Orndorf, Ian Sproat, Emre Yakut), 2:12.18
200 free: 1. James Riccardo (CM), 2:21.42
200 IM: 1. Ethan Dale (CM), 2:15.89
50 free: 1. Emre Yakut (CM), 28.59
100 fly: 1. James Riccardo (CM), 1:00.06
100 free: 1. Jordy Sheets (CM), 57.95
500 free: 1. Rachel Marek (CM), 5:58.62
200 free relay: 1. Central Mountain (James Riccardo, Jordy Sheets, Ian Sproat, Ethan Dale), 1:46.06
100 back: 1. Philip HutnickKenenitz (MC), 1:19.45
100 breast: 1. David Orndorf (CM), 1:15.47
400 free relay: 1. Central Mountain (James Riccardo, Noah Klingler, Jordy Sheets, Ethan Dale), 4:12.99

Mountain 98, Mount Carmel 54
200M relay: 1. Central Mountain (Avery Mahoney, Eryn Bartlett, McCartney Register, Emma Persun), 2:02.44
200 free: 1. Kelsie Buckwalter (CM), 2:21.42
200 IM: 1. Rachel Marek (CM), 2:35.58
100 fly: 1. McCartney Register (CM), 1:05.88
100 free: 1. Emma Persun (CM), 58.93
500 free: 1. Rachel Marek (CM), 5:58.62
200 free relay: 1. Central Mountain (Emma Persun, Olivia McGhee, Rachel Marek, McCartney Register), 1:50.95
100 back: 1. Emma Persun (CM), 1:07.40
100 breast: 1. Ashley Doyle (MC), 1:29.67
400 free relay: 1. Mount Carmel (Gianna Picarelli, Alexa Ericson, Tyra Ericson, Taylor Rhodes), 4:59.86

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Inaugural 2016 Silver District and Novice Championhsips

Additional information can be found here.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jersey Shore v Bellefonte Top Times

Jersey Shore High School v Bellefonte
January 21, 2016
Penn State Natatorium

Bellefonte 74, Jersey Shore 71
200M relay: 1. Bellefonte (Ian Lowery, Chance Foster, Brian Feldman, Finn Nixdorf), 1:48.57
200 free: 1. Luke Engel (JS), 1:54.25
200IM: 1. Ian Lowery (B), 2:15.97
50 free  1. Finn Nixdorf (B), 24.15
100 fly: 1. Luke Engel (JS), 55.37
100 free: 1. Finn Nixdorf (B), 53.46
500 free: 1. Jonathan Creveling (JS), 6:05.52
200 free relay: 1. Bellefonte (Brian Feldman, Ian Lowery, Chance Foster, Finn Nixdorf), 1:38.02
100 back: Ian Lowery (B), 1:04.58
100 breast: 1. Chance Foster (B), 1:06.42
400 free relay: 1. Jersey Shore (John Duda, Nash Berfield, Jonathan Creveling, Luke Engel), 3:52.53

Shore 82, Bellefonte 71
200M relay: 1. Jersey Shore (Gabrielle Moore, Allison Panczyszyn, Emma Butzler, Kendra White), 2:03.87
200 free: 1. Emma Butzler (JS), 2:06.96
200IM: 1. Zoey Cole (B), 2:25.73
50 free: 1. Caroline Helms (B), 29.04
100 fly: 1. Emma Butzler (JS), 1:00.75
100 free: 1. Gabrielle Moore (JS), 58.44
500 free: 1. Kendra White (JS), 5:51.51
200 free relay: 1. Bellefonte (Zoey Cole, Esther Edbeling, Hannah Thomas, Miranda Fedor), 1:53.40
100 back: 1. Gabrielle Moore (JS), 1:05.68
100 breast: 1. Zoey Cole (B), 1:16.20
400 free relay: 1. Jersey Shore (Gabrielle Moore, Amy Shadle, Kendra White, Emma Butzler), 4:05.04

Monday, February 1, 2016

Central Mountain HS v Lewisburg Top Times

Central Mountain v Lewisburg
January 22, 2016

Lewisburg 114, Central Mountain 53
200 M relay: 1. Lewisburg (Drew Wolfe, Christopher Meng, Kyle Shutt, Brett Walker), 1:48.74
200 free: 1. Drew Wolfe (L), 1:54.28
200 IM: 1. Brett Walker (L), 2:08.64
50 free: 1. Christian Coleman (L), 25.43
100 fly: 1. Kyle Shutt (L), 58.98
100 free: 1. Brett Walker (L), 51.12
500 free: 1. Jordy Sheets (CM), 5:34.05
200 free relay: 1. Lewisburg (Collin Hummel, Michael Sumfest, Austin Blakeslee, Brett Walker), 1:40.92
100 back: 1. Drew Wolfe (L), 57.22
100 breast: 1. Ethan Dale (CM), 1:05.47
400 free relay: 1. Lewisburg (Drew Wolfe, Christopher Meng, Collin Hummel, Kyle Shutt), 3:38.72

Central Mountain 96, Lewisburg 72
200 M relay: 1. Central Mountain (Avery Mahoney, Eryn Bartlett, McCartney Register, Emma Persun), 1:59.95
200 free: 1. Rachel Marek (CM), 2:13.15
200 IM: 1. Lauren Michaels (L), 2:27.33
50 free: 1. Emma Pursun (CM), 26.85
100 fly: 1. McCartney Register (CM), 1:04.31
100 free: 1. Olivia McGhee (CM), 1:01.31
500 free: 1. Rachel Marek (CM), 6:03.78
200 free relay: 1. Lewisburg (Courtney Betsock, Gabby Humphrey, Laruen Michaels, Sarah Burns), 1:51.80
100 back: 1. Lauren Michaels (L), 1:06.99
100 breast: 1. Eryn Bartlett (CM), 1:14.45
400 free relay: 1. Central Mountain (Kelise Buckwalter, Olivia McGhee, McCartney Register, Emma Persun), 4:07.89