Swim Meet Results/Times

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dogs and Community Swimming Pools Fight for Attention

Last year, Pennsylvania’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources conducted several surveys to help them update their 5-year Outdoor Recreation Plan.  Public and stakeholder input was sought to help officials develop the plan which serves as a road map of future outdoor recreation needs.  Based on the online survey (which EVERYONE had access to) completed by over 7,000 residents, the need for swimming pools came in dead last.  Actually, swimming pools were fighting for last place with unhappy dogs.  Very bad showing for the swimming pool community.

full document can be found here

The results are a bit better in the survey where they directly mailed/emailed survey to Pennsylvania residents ( about 2240 responded this way).  As you can see some of the data below, the importance of swimming was a little higher.   Swimming cracked the top 5 of recreation activities they participated in.

full document can be found here

Maybe they should have had a separate survey for young adults/children as swimming may not only have cracked the top 5 but been the number 1 recreation activities.  Adult respondents to the survey stated that swimming was the 2nd favorite outdoor recreation activity for youth (it would be interesting to ask the kids directly if walking the streets or sidewalks was their most favorite activity)
full document can be found here

Compared to other water based activities, swimming came out on top.  One wonders if these numbers have something to do with equipment needed for all the other water activities (i.e. motorized boating requires a boat.  How many households have the funds to own a boat?)

Below is a question that pertains to funding needs of aquatic recreation areas.

But when you throw all other activities into the resident survey (where the survey was mailed or emailed), swimming came out way below the dogs.
full document can be seen here

Finally, a survey was done by recreation providers.  This was an opportunity to hear from the “boots on the ground” Those stakeholders who directly provide or make decisions about local park and recreation services such as appointed officials (i.e., Managers/Administrators), elected officials, and park and recreation directors.  These folks understand their priorities, challenges, and opinions related to parks and outdoor recreation provision in their local area.  Over 1,000 responded to their survey. 

They did recognize that the top funding priority should be to maintain existing park and recreation areas (this might pertain to pools and playgrounds built decades ago and are crumbling). 
full document can be viewed here

Friday, January 30, 2015

Flashback Friday - Lock Haven v Juniata Valley

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 900 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

Here's looking at last years results when the Lock Haven YMCA swimmers tangled with Juniata Valley and Clearfield in a tri-meet.  Same set-up, but swapping out State College  for East Lycoming.  Full results of that meet on January 4, 2014 can be viewed here.

Monday, January 26, 2015

2015 CENKEY Championship Info

Meet information for this year's YMCA CENKEY Championships can be found here.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

YMCA Swimmers in Action

A collection of photos from several YMCA swim meets (Jersey Shore v Lock Haven v East Lycoming and Lock Haven v State College) can be found here.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Flashback Friday - Jersey Shore YMCA v Bellefonte Showdown

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 900 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

The Jersey Shore YMCA and Bellefonte meet up this weekend for their annual match-up.  Below is an article in Lock Haven's The Express from the 2008 meet.  Results can be found here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jersey Shore HS Splits with Montoursville

Jersey Shore 92, Montoursville 77
Montoursville 79, Jersey Shore 71

  • Jersey Shore girls win last night against Montoursville puts them at 16-7-2 since 2000 (lost to them last year)
  • Girls take 2 of 3 relays and 5 of 8 individual events over Montoursville
  • Double winners for girls are Emma Butzler (100 back, breast), Gabbie Moore (50,100 free).  Paige Westin wins 100 fly
  • Butzler’s 100 meter back of 1:09.89 (converted to yards using National Federation of State High School Association’s conversion factors here, JS records kept in yards as all other pools in area are yards) was 1:02.91, new school record
  • Butzler and Moore combined with Ariana Paulhamus and Rachel Duda captured the opening 200 medley relay.  Westin was swapped out with Amy Shadle to win the 200 freetyle relay

  • Jersey Shore boys loss today against Montoursville stops their 2 year win streak.  12-11 since 2000
  • Boys take 1 of 3 relays and 3 of 8 individual events
  • Boys winners in 200 IM & 100 fly (both Luke Engel) and 100 back (Jonathon Creveling).  The two, combined with Michael Panczysyn, and Dakaota Gardner captured the final 400 meter freestyle relay

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lock Haven YMCA Splits Tri-Meet with Jersey Shore and East Lycoming

The Lock Haven YMCA swim team was able to swim past Jersey Shore 7-3 this past weekend but fell to East Lycoming YMCA 4-6.  Scores somewhat unofficial as they were tabulated by hand.  Full results of the tri-meet can be found here.

8 and under girls: 88 to 18
8 and under boys: 49 to 45
10 and under girls: 100 to 14
10 and under boys: 28 to 60
12 and under girls: 42 to 99
12 and under boys: 91 to 25
14 and under girls: 74 to 32
14 and under boys: 50 to 0
15 and over girls: 59 to 40
15 and over boys: 0 to 65

8 and under girls: 87 to 24
8 and under boys: 53 to 43
10 and under girls: 83 to 56
10 and under boys: 24 to 88
12 and under girls: 48 to 79
12 and under boys: 62 to 71 (close one - ouch)
14 and under girls: 57 to 59 (double ouch)
14 and over boys: 38 to 67
15 and over girls: 68 to 33
15 and over boys: 0 to 24

Friday, January 16, 2015

Flashback Friday - Battle for the Waters of the Susquehanna

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 900 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

Hop in a boat behind the Lock Haven YMCA and you'll drift downstream a bit before you bump into Jersey Shore.  Every year, the two YMCA teams meet up for the clash and they are set for this weekend.  Below is clipping from the 2010 - 2011 season.  Results from that swim meet can be found here.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Recap of the Week for Jersey Shore High School Swimming

Jersey Shore swimmers were busy this week with two meets on the schedule.  On Tuesday, they battled against local rival, Williamsport.  The girls were tied 31-31 going into the diving but lost 13 points in that event since they have no divers.  They won 50% of the individual swimming events (50 and 100 free, 10 fly, and 100 back) plus the opening and closing relays.  Shore girls lost 94-88.  It was a bit worse for the boys where they were only able to win two individual events (100 free and breast) and no relays.  The diving situation didn't help either.  Final score was 90-64.

Tonight, the team traveled to Sayre where the girls won 118-44 by winning all the individual events and relays.  Although they lost major points by not fielding any divers against Sayre.  For the boys, the diving problem hit again, as they fell short 82-77.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Former Central Mountain HS Swimmer Gives His Perspective on First Year College Experience

The Jersey Shore Swim Blog had a chance to ask former Central Mountain standout swimmer, Tyler Sheets, about his experience so far with the Westminster College (New Wilmington, PA) swim team.

1.      What are you studying?  And why?  I am currently studying business administration with a concentration in marketing. I chose this major for a unique reason. I have always been interested in the automotive industry but have never had the creativity or imagination to actually be hands on with cars. So instead I thought to deal with the sales aspect of the business. I am very interested in working with and for a car company after I graduate. If I change my mind about working in the auto industry my business administration major is so broad it will give me many employment opportunities after graduation.

2.      Why did you decide to swim in college? 
A major factor of why I wanted to swim in college was due to the fact that I have been swimming for so long I wasn’t quite ready to give it up yet.  I saw I had untapped potential which could only be brought forward by collegiate level swimming. Believe it or not, another reason I continued swimming was to help me with time management. Swimming forces me to plan out my day and keeps me on a schedule. The last major factor which played a big part in me swimming at the collegiate level was being part of a team. As soon as I walked on to campus I had instant friends and quickly became close to the other swimmers.

3.      So why did you choose Westminster College?  Westminster College was never on my radar to be honest. I thought I would be attending school in Reading PA at a similar sized college named Albright. But my Uncle David urged me to check out Westminster as he saw I would be a good fit for the program. Although he wasn’t the only one who urged me, my other uncle is an alumni of Westminster who also swam on the team. After my initial tour I knew this was the right college for me. I later did an overnight with the team and had a very good experience that “sealed the deal”. Swimming wasn’t the only factor, business is a very strong major here and is in the top three majors at Westminster. Overall I wanted a place to swim but also receive a quality education as well.

4.      This is your first year swimming college.  What has been the biggest difference between swimming high school and college?  The biggest change from High school swimming to College swimming would have to be practicing. Swimming at the collegiate level is very time consuming and strenuous on your body. I practice generally twice a day and have a meet every Saturday. I can swim anywhere from 7,000 to 10,000 yards a day, as well as lift, and cardio workouts. It is a lot of work which is all part of the big picture which is our end of the year championship meet. Another practice change is I no longer train for every event. We are very specialized during practice and are put into groups which we train with. For example I am in the sprint group and lift solely for freestyle. This type of training really gets you to focus on events which you excel at, leaving out the ones which I struggle with.

5.      What was the most significant change or adjustment YOU had to make with this transition?  I think the most significant adjustment for me was learning to live with someone other than my family and being dependent on myself no one else. At school there is no one forcing me to do anything. I have to take the initiative myself and get things done.  For example no one tells me to get up and go to class (except my coach). If I wanted to skip it I could. I will admit that having so much freedom is very fun but also is an eye opener on what years after college will be like. Like I stated earlier I don’t live with my family anymore instead I have a roommate which I am very happy with. Over the six months which I have been in school he has become one of my best friends on campus and I can always count on him in most situations. The fact in which we are such great friends/roommates really did help the “living on my own” transition a lot smoother.

6.      How have you done in the first half of the season?  Overall my first half of my season was great. Although I didn’t always have that outlook the whole time. To be honest I was actually wondering why I was doing so badly. My first half of the season was filled with very hard training which my body was not used to at all. This caused me to have mediocre times, in the 50 I was doing a 24.5 on average and in the 100 I was doing a 55.6. However, as our mid-season invitational approached, my times started to drop in tiny amounts. Then finally once I swam at our invitational, I hit new personal bests on everything I swam. A 23.1 in the fifty a 52.2 in the 100 and a 1.05.9 in the 100 breast. This meet boosted my confidence and reinforced my positivity. Another unique thing about these times was the team was not anywhere near fully tapered just rested.

Tyler Sheets (front and center) with teammates in training van.
7.      Most college swim teams go to a warm place for their winter break training trip.  Where did you go?  Westminster swim team takes a training trip every year for about ten days this trip is usually to Florida. Although once every four years the team travels to California to continue tough training. This year was coincidently that lucky year. We traveled to San Diego for nine days full of training, hard work, and some fun as well.

8.      What was a typical day during the winter break training trip?  A typical day was a 2 hour morning practice followed by a dryland/lifting workout then anywhere from a 2 to 6 hour break. Following that break was another 2 hour practice then the rest of the night was free. On your free time you could do whatever interested you. For example one day a group of us decided to surf while others decided to spend some time at the local amusement park.  One day we only had one practice from 7-9 and the rest of the day was free to explore. On that day off a big group of us decided to go to the San Diego Zoo while others rented mopeds and drove around sightseeing. Another very cool opportunity we had was to train with the Navy SEALS. These SEALS put us through a very tough workout which consisted of pushups in the ocean, carrying logs, or an exercise called sea turtles which from the name can probably be self-explanatory. Our last adventure that the team had was a tri-meet in Los Angeles. We swam against Occidental College, which was a local private college from LA and a team from Oregon. We ended up winning both meets and were later treated to a surprise meal at the Hard Rock Café in Hollywood. This training trip was not only a blast but was very hard work which benefited me and the rest of the team immensely. 
Tyler getting to ride the waves in the Pacific Ocean

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Lock Haven YMCA v State College Top Three Times

State College at Lock Haven Dual Meet
January 10, 2015
Zimmerli Pool, Lock Haven University

SCY – State College YMCA
LHY – Lock Haven YMCA

Girls 8 & Under
25 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, A, LHY, 16.24; 2. Bair, C, LHY, 16.31; 3. Locke, A, SCY, 18.17.
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Bair, C, LHY, 37.43; 2. Persun, A, LHY, 37.62; 3. Locke, A, SCY, 43.97.
25 Yard Backstroke: 1. Locke, A, SCY, 21.33; 2. Crowell, M, LHY, 22.50; 3. Merinar, R, LHY, 24.55.
25 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Delaney, C, SCY, 27.56; 2. Kifer, H, SCY, 27.85.
25 Yard Butterfly: 1. Persun, A, LHY, 18.54; 2. Locke, A, SCY, 20.93; 3. Kifer, H, SCY, 23.41.
100 Yard IM:  1. Bair, C, LHY, 1:37.09.
100 Yard Freestyle Relay: 1. LHY (Guerriero, B, Merinar, R, Lins, J, Crowell, M), 1:35.23.
100 Yard Medley Relay: 1. LHY (Crowell, M, Bair, C, Persun, A, Gugino, L), 1:22.96.  

Girls 9-10
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Brian, H, LHY, 34.00; 2. Roberts, M, SCY, 34.46; 3. Brandwene, S, SCY, 36.36.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Roberts, M, SCY, 1:16.78; 2. Bartlett, E, LHY, 1:17.93; 3. Brian, H,  LHY, 1:19.53.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. McDyre, E, SCY, 2:40.52; 2. Bartlett, E, LHY, 2:48.64.
50 Yard Backstroke:  1. Bair, M, LHY, 39.47; 2. Gaul, M, SCY, 43.71; 3. Garman, K, LHY, 47.39.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. McDyre, E, SCY, 1:18.42; 2. Garman, K, LHY, 1:44.13.
50 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Bair, M, LHY, 41.06; 2. Delaney, M, SCY, 43.05; 3. Gaul, M, SCY, 45.96.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Bartlett, E, LHY, 1:39.46; 2. Cohen, D, LHY, 1:58.31.
50 Yard Butterfly:  1. Bair, M, LHY, 40.81; 2. Kwasnica, M, SCY, 41.00; 3. Delaney, M, SCY, 42.32.
100 Yard IM:  1. McDyre, E, SCY, 1:18.22; 2. Brian, H, LHY, 1:30.95; 3. Roberts, M,  SCY, 1:32.37.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. LHY (Smith, C, Lavallee, C, Garman, A, Cohen,  D), 3:03.37; 2. SCY (Garlin, H, Gilbert, O,  Smith, M, Delaney, M), 3:15.01; 3. LHY (Blesh, Z, Gundy, E, Raymond, L, Whitenight, N), 3:41.31.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHY (Bartlett, E, Bair, M, Brian, H,  Rockey, O), 2:41.61; 2. LHY (Lavallee, C, Cohen, D, Garman, K, Garman, A), 3:11.16.  

Girls 11-12
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Bang, L, SCY, 31.20; 2. Keegan, M, LHY, 31.48; 3. Biddle, J, SCY, 32.28.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Caswell, C, SCY, 1:05.25; 2. Butler, A, SCY, 1:06.89; 3. Brian, M, LHY, 1:15.82.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Rembold, E, LHY, 2:47.49.
50 Yard Backstroke:  1. Bang, L, SCY, 36.13; 2. Nordgren, A, SCY, 36.17; 3. Rembold, E, LHY, 39.43.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Nordgren, A, SCY, 1:19.53; 2. Keegan, M, LHY, 1:30.13.
50 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Keegan, M, LHY, 40.43; 2. Butler, A, SCY, 40.45; 3. Rockey, S, SCY, 42.19.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Rockey, S, SCY, 1:32.36.
50 Yard Butterfly:  1. Nordgren, A, SCY, 33.96; 2. Rembold, E, LHY, 35.13; 3. Bang, L, SCY, 35.37.
200 Yard IM:  1. Caswell, C, SCY, 2:44.66; 2. Butler, A, SCY, 2:49.61.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. SCY (Biddle, J, Butler, A, Lawrence, J, Rockey, E), 2:11.84.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. SCY (Nordgren, A, Caswell, C, Bang, L, Dangelo, R), 2:23.21; 2. LHY(Rembold, E, Dale, C, Keegan, M, Brian, M), 2:27.45; 3. SCY (Lawrence, J, Rockey, E, Rockey, S, Carrion, C), 2:31.72.

 Girls 13-14
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Persun, E K, LHY, 27.51; 2. Whipple, A, SCY, 28.14; 3. Mahoney, A, LHY, 28.21.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Whipple, A, SCY, 1:02.61; 2. Mahoney, A, LHY, 1:04.23; 3. Mazza, S, SCY, 1:04.59.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Rich, M, LHY, 2:24.15; 2. Urbanski, M, SCY, 2:30.38.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Mahoney, A, LHY, 1:09.87; 2. Mazza, S, SCY, 1:18.33; 3. Rich, M, LHY, 1:20.63.
200 Yard Backstroke:  1. Craighead, K, SCY, 2:32.35.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Biss, L, SCY, 1:27.34; 2. Zuech, A, SCY, 1:31.65.
200 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Biss, L, SCY, 3:04.94.
100 Yard Butterfly:  1. Persun, E, LHY, 1:07.97; 2. Mazza, S, SCY, 1:16.75; 3. Yakut, A, LHY, 1:18.70.
200 Yard IM:  1. Craighead, K, SCY, 2:40.53; 2. Rich, M, LHY, 2:50.21.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. LHY (Rich, M, Yakut, A, Miller, E,  Persun, E), 2:02.16; 2. SCY (Zuech, A, Lawrence, M, Urbanski, M, Whipple, A), 2:05.67.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHY' (Mahoney, A, Yakut, A, Persun, E,  Miller, E), 2:11.98; 2. SCY (Mazza, S, Biss, L, Whipple, A, Urbanski, M), 2:19.08.

 Girls 15-18
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Flynn, K, SCY, 30.71.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Tothero, G, SCY, 2:13.07.
500 Yard Freestyle:  1. Stout, T, SCY, 5:55.43.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Stout, T, SCY, 1:14.33; 2. Tothero, G, SCY, 1:15.98.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Dangelo, G, SCY, 1:18.12; 2. Flynn, K, SCY, 1:24.32.
200 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Flynn, K, SCY, 2:57.88.
200 Yard Butterfly:  1. Dangelo, G, SCY, 2:33.79.
200 Yard IM:  1. Dangelo, G, SCY, 2:24.33; 2. Stout, T, SCY, 2:33.09.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. SCY (Stout, T, Tothero, G, Dangelo, G,  Flynn, K), 2:07.26.

Boys 8 & Under
25 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, X, LHY, 15.71; 2. Martin, T, SCY, 17.18; 3. Flickinger, G, SCY, 19.47.
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Persun, X, LHY, 35.07; 2. Lindsay, D, LHY, 45.39; 3. Flickinger, G, SCY, 47.53.
25 Yard Backstroke:  1. Martin, T, SCY, 22.31; 2. Lindsay, D, LHY, 24.43; 3. Hughes, J, LHY, 24.87.
25 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Flickinger, G, SCY, 24.53; 2. Hughes, J, LHY, 25.04; 3. Martin, T, SCY, 25.09.
25 Yard Butterfly:  1. Martin, T, SCY, 20.69; 2. Persun, X, LHY, 20.84.
100 Yard IM:  1. Hughes, J, LHY, 1:51.41.
100 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. LHY (Caimi, J, Garman, , Wunder, O, Rhine, B), 1:57.70.
100 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHY (Lindsay, D, Hughes, J, Persun, X, Wunder, O), 1:34.73.  

Boys 9-10
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Witt, E, SCY, 35.19; 2. Roth, H, SCY, 37.78; 3. Locke, B, SCY, 40.18.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Edmonson, L, LHY, 1:15.36; 2. Caswell, C, SCY, 1:21.37; 3. Boomer-Brazier, A, SCY, 1:28.28.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Lins, S J, LHY, 2:38.63; 2. Willis, R, SCY, 2:41.98; 3. Caswell, C, SCY, 2:46.86.
50 Yard Backstroke:  1. Wenrich, B, SCY, 39.22; 2. Roth, H, SCY, 45.39; 3. Boomer-Brazier, A, SCY, 46.85.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Lins, S J, LHY, 1:25.49; 2. Witt, E, SCY, 1:27.82; 3. Butler, R, SCY,  1:48.95.
50 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Willis, R, SCY, 39.25; 2. Boomer-Brazier, A, SCY, 51.59; 3. Locke, B, SCY, 52.19.
50 Yard Butterfly:  1. Lins, S J, LHY, 34.45; 2. Locke, B, SCY, 55.16.
100 Yard Butterfly:  1. Lins, S J, LHY, 1:21.95; 2. Wenrich, B, SCY, 1:23.70.
100 Yard IM:  1. Witt, E, SCY, 1:33.61; 2. McGuire, A, LHY, 1:46.11.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. SCY (Butler, R, Campbell, S, Bradbury, A, Leve, D), 2:56.07; 2. LHY (Lins, S, Dodson, S, Edmonson, L, McGuire, A), 3:18.29; 3. SCY (Weiner, J, Nordgren, M, Boomer-Brazier, A, Nordgren, J), 3:36.78.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. SCY(Witt, E, Willis, R, Wenrich, B, Caswell, C), 2:31.20; 2. SCY (Locke, B, Nordgren,  J, Roth, H, Campbell, S), 3:12.46.

Boys 11-12
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Butzler, A, LHY, 29.27; 2. Straley, W, SCY, 29.42; 3. Shimko, P, LHY, 30.35.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Cygan, B M, LHY, 1:19.04; 2. Shimko, P, LHY, 1:22.81; 3. Orndorf, P,  LHY, 1:24.60.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Gugino, L S, LHY, 2:50.10.
50 Yard Backstroke:  1. Straley, W, SCY, 35.79; 2. Cygan, B M, LHY, 43.90; 3. Leve, C, SCY, 47.10.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Butzler, A, LHY, 1:20.07; 2. Turner, B, LHY, 1:24.58.
50 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Turner, B, LHY, 41.69; 2. Gugino, L, LHY, 42.13; 3. Straley, W, SCY, 42.40.
50 Yard Butterfly:  1. Straley, W, SCY, 37.11; 2. Butzler, A, LHY, 37.36; 3. Rockey, S, LHY, 51.70.
200 Yard IM:  1. Turner, B, LHY, 3:05.54.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHY (Butzler, A, Gugino, L, Shimko, P, Turner, B), 2:23.34.

Boys 13-14
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Roberts, N, SCY, 27.87; 2. Nordgren, C, SCY, 29.02; 3. Orndorf, D, LHY, 29.17.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Riccardo, J, LHY, 58.94; 2. Orndorf, D, LHY, 1:08.38; 3. Cygan, T D, LHY, 1:09.26.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Riccardo, J, LHY, 2:12.38.
500 Yard Freestyle:  1. Cygan, T D, LHY, 7:03.94.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Riccardo, J, LHY, 1:05.79; 2. Nordgren, C, SCY, 1:07.61; 3. Roberts, N,  SCY, 1:14.42.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Allgies, M, SCY, 1:21.61; 2. Orndorf, D, LHY, 1:23.52.
200 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Allgies, M, SCY, 3:03.72.
100 Yard Butterfly:  1. Riccardo, J, LHY, 1:05.85; 2. Allgies, M, SCY, 1:30.78.
200 Yard IM:  1. Nordgren, C, SCY, 2:29.49; 2. Cygan, T D, LHY, 2:40.34; 3. Orndorf, D, LHY, 2:57.28.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. SCY (Locke, E, Nordgren, C, Roberts, N, Coll, J), 2:22.78.

Boys 15-18
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Nordgren, B, SCY, 24.94; 2. Witt, N, SCY, 25.84.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Rovansek, A, SCY, 58.53; 2. Rovansek, J, SCY, 1:02.08.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Rovansek, D N, SCY, 1:59.38.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Rovansek, D N, SCY, 1:02.88; 2. Witt, N, SCY, 1:03.70.
200 Yard Backstroke:  1. Witt, N, SCY, 2:23.38.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Rovansek, A, SCY, 1:08.23; 2. Rovansek, J, SCY, 1:12.15.
100 Yard Butterfly:  1. Rovansek, A, SCY, 1:03.99.
400 Yard IM:  1. Rovansek, D, SCY, 4:54.97; 2. Rovansek, J, SCY, 5:12.19.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. SCY (Rovansek, A, Rovansek, D, Witt, N, Rovansek, J), 1:54.71.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Arctic Classic Top Three Finishes

Jersey Shore girls only got 1 point in 2013. Coach Coffman in first year had girls with 89 points in 2014. This year's classic has them capturing 104 points.  Same with the boys who only tallied 32 points in ‘13. Coach Coffman in first year had them with 80 points in 2014. Finished with 83 in this year's Arctic Classic. 

Jersey Shore's Emma Butzler broke the school record for the 200 IM.  Central Mountain's Ethan Dale broke the school record in the 100 breaststroke.

Team Standings and Key
1. Clearfield, C, 302; 2. Bellefonte, BE, 184; 3. Hollidaysburg, HO, 132; 4. Dover, DO, 131; 5. DuBois, DU, 120; 6. Huntingdon, HU, 117; 7. St. Marys, SM, 114; 8. Central Mountain, CM, 87; 9. Jersey Shore, JS, 83; 10. Tie-Brookville, BR, and St. Joseph's, SJ, 11; 12. Mifflin County, MC, 10.
200 MR: 1. Bellefonte, 1:45.88; 2. Hollidaysburg; 3. DuBois.
200 Free: 1. Shugarts, C, 1:57.00; 2. Rockey, BE; 3. Sheeder, C.
200 IM: 1. Long, HO, 2:00.98; 2. Schnars, BE; 3. Fenstermacher, DU.
50 Free: 1. Spencer, C, 22.38; 2. Marshall, DO; 3. Nixdorf, BE.
100 Fly: 1. Engel, JS, 57.26; 2. Priester, C; 3. Gehringer, HO.
100 Free: 1. Fenstermacher, DU, 48.74; 2. Spencer, C; 3. Rockey, BE.
500 Free: 1. Schnars, BE, 5:12.80; 2. Shugarts, C; 3. Priester, C.
200 FR: 1. Clearfield (Shugarts, Priester, Bietz, Spencer), 1:33.57; 2. Huntingdon; 3. DuBois.
100 Back: 1. Koss, SM, 58.13; 2. Marshall, DU; 3. Veihdeffer, C.
100 Breast: 1. Long, HO, 1:02.92; 2. Gehringer, HO; 3. Dale, CM.
400 FR: 1. Clearfield (Shugarts, Sheeder, Bietz, Spencer), 3:28.09; 2. Bellefonte; 3. Huntingdon.

Team Standings and Key
1. St. Marys, SM, 334; 2. Clearfield, C, 194; 3. Dover, DO, 182; 4. DuBois, DU, 158; 5. Hollidaysburg, HO, 155; 6. Jersey Shore, JS, 104; 7. Central Mountain, CM, 58; 8. Mifflin County, MC, 29; 9. Tie-Bellefonte, BE, and Huntingdon, HU, 28; 11. Penns Valley, PV, 27; 12. Brookville, BR, 5.
200 MR: 1. Clearfield (Miller, C. Mikesell, Conrad, P. Mikesell), 1:57.48; 2. DuBois; 3. St. Marys.
200 Free: 1. P. Mikesell, C, 1:59.52; 2. Wayne, DU; 3. Gnan, SM.
200 IM: 1. Butzler, JS, 2:16.03; 2. Brenneman, DO; 3. Fedor, BE.
50 Free: 1. C. Mikesell, C, 24.38; 2. Geci, SM; 3. Wendel, SM.
100 Fly: 1. Brenneman, DO, 1:05.51; 2. Moore, JS; 3. Lenze, SM.
100 Free: 1. C. Mikesell, C, 54.83; 2. Wayne, DU; 3. Wendel, SM.
500 Free: 1. Butzler, JS, 5:23.71; 2. P. Mikesell, C; 3. Andrulonis, DU.
200 FR: 1. St. Marys, 1:46.78; 2. DuBois; 3. St. Marys.
100 Back: 1. Gnan, SM, 1:03.26; 2. Moore, JS; 3. Fedor, BE.
100 Breast: 1. Duck, PV, 1:13.03; 2. Holliday, HO; 3. Usaitis, DU.
400 FR: 1. Clearfield (P. Mikesell, Young, Conrad, C. Mikesell), 3:53.89; 2. Dover; 3. St. Marys.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Lock Haven YMCA v State College Age Group Scores

The Lock Haven YMCA Swim Team finished yesterday's dual meet against State College with a 5-5 tie.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Flashback Friday - Arctic Classic

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 900 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

Big weekend swim meet tomorrow on Saturday for both Jersey Shore and Central Mountain High School as they and several other swim teams compete in the Arctic Classic. 

To get an idea of the times and rankings of years past (from 2008 and 2010-2014), check out the following below. 

Team Standings and Key
1. Clearfield (C) 257; 2. Bellefonte (BE) 230; 3. Hollidaysburg (H) 221; 4. St. Marys (SM) 144; 5. DuBois (D) 135; 6. Central Mountain (CM) 127; 7. Jersey Shore (JS) 80; 8. Brookville (BR) 70; 9. Mifflin County (MC) 31.
200 MR: 1. Hollidaysburg, 1:40.83; 2. Bellefonte; 3. Clearfield.
200 Free: 1. Fenstermacher, D, 1:48.93; 2. Schnars, BE; 3. Flanagan, C.
200 IM: 1. Long, H, 2:01.74; 2. Koss, SM; 3. Scordato, BE.
50 Free: 1. Spencer, C, 22.57; 2. Henrichs, D; 3. Horner, BE.
100 Fly: 1. Long, H, 52.99; 2. Fenstermacher, D; 3. Gehringer, H.
100 Free: 1. Henrichs, D, 50.52; 2. Horner, BE; 3. Spencer, C.
500 Free: 1. Flanagan, C, 5:16.56; 2. Flynn, H; 3. Shugarts, C.
200 FR: 1. Hollidaysburg, 1:34.71; 2. Clearfield; 3. Central Mountain.
100 Back: 1. Long, H, 54.41; 2. Schnars, BE; 3. Koss, SM.
100 Breast: 1. Long, H, 1:00.30; 2. Thompson, C; 3. Dale, CM.
400 FR: 1. Bellefonte, 3:28.10; 2. Clearfield; 3. Hollidaysburg.

Team Standings and Key
1. St. Marys (SM) 318; 2. Hollidaysburg (H) 256; 3. Clearfield (C) 230; 4. DuBois (D) 131; 5. Bellefonte (BE) 128; 6. Jersey Shore (JS) 89; 7. Mifflin County (MC) 60; 8. Central (CE) 28; 9. Penns Valley (PV) 20; 10. Brookville (BR) 17; 11. Central Mountain (CM) 10.
200 MR: 1. St. Marys, 1:56.20; 2. Hollidaysburg; 3. Bellefonte.
200 Free: 1. Thorp, C, 2:03.07; 2. Gnan, SM; 3. Flaugh, CE.
200 IM: 1. Lowery, BE, 2:20.40; 2. Thorp, C; 3. Pearce, D.
50 Free: 1. Mikesell, C, 24.59; 2. Daghir, SM; 3. Wayne, D.
100 Fly: 1. Clapper, H, 1:03.89; 2. Fedor, BE; 3. Pontzer, SM.
100 Free: 1. Mikesell, C, 54.51; 2. Wayne, D; 3. Wendel, SM.
500 Free: 1. Flaugh, CE, 5:29.25; 2. Gnan, SM; 3. McAnany, SM.
200 FR: 1. Clearfield (L. Conrad, Thorp, P. Conrad, Mikesell), 1:45.14; 2. Hollidaysburg; 3. St. Marys.
100 Back: 1. Fedor, BE, 1:04.45; 2. Lowery, BE; 3. Moore, JS.
100 Breast: 1. Daghir, SM, 1:11.02; 2. Duck, PV; 3. Holliday, H.
400 FR: 1. Clearfield (Thorp, L. Conrad, P. Conrad, Mikesell), 3:54.78; 2. St. Marys; 3. DuBois.

Team Standings and Key
1. Bellefonte, BE, 316; 2. Clearfield, CL, 155; 3. Hollidaysburg, H, 153; 4. St. Marys, SM, 144; 5. Central Mountain, CM, 138; 6. Brookville, BR, 130; 7. Dover, DO, 96; 8. DuBois, DU, 85; 9. Mifflin County, MC, 33; 10. Jersey Shore, JS, 32; 11. Cambria Heights, CH, 20.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Bellefonte, 1:41.67; 2. Hollidaysburg; 3. Brookville
200 Free: 1. Schnars, BE, 1:54.01; 2. Becker, MC; 3. Flynn, H.
200 IM: 1. Rosenberger, BE, 2:02.45; 2. Long, H; 3. Fenstermacher, DU.
50 Free: 1. Ransel, BR, 22.36; 2. Aberegg, BE; 3. Spencer, CL.
100 Fly: 1. Long, H, 54.54; 2. Thomas, BE; 3. Flanagan, CL.
100 Free: 1. Ransel, BR, 49.00; 2. Henrichs, DU; 3. Aberegg, BE.
500 Free: 1. Thomas, BE, 4:58.61; 2. Moore, SM; 3. Flanagan, CL.
200 FR: 1. St. Marys, 1:38.09; 2. Bellefonte; 3. Central Mountain.
100 Back: 1. Long, H, 54.87; 2. Schnars, BE; 3. Koss, SM.
100 Breast: 1. Rosenberger, BE, 1:01.30; 2. Long, H; 3. Rockey, BE.
400 FR: 1. Bellefonte, 3:27.43; 2. Hollidaysburg; 3. St. Marys.

Team Standings and Key
1. Dover, DO, 320; 2. St. Marys, SM, 229; 3. Bellefonte, BE, 204; 4. Clearfield, CL, 195; 5. Hollidaysburg, H, 152; 6. DuBois, DU, 122; 7. Mifflin County, MC, 70; 8. Cambria Heights, CH, 5; 9. Tie-Central Mountain, CM, and Brookville, BR, 2; 11. Jersey Shore, JS, 1.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Dover, 1:56.11; 2. St. Marys; 3. Bellefonte.
200 Free: 1. Spaulding, DO, 2:02.95; 2. Crust, BE; 3. Gnan, SM.
200 IM: 1. Scordato, BE, 2:14.74; 2. Spaulding, DO; 3. Andrulonis, DU.
50 Free: 1. Daghir, SM, 25.68; 2. Mikesell, CL; 3. Janosky, DO.
100 Fly: 1. Janosky, DO, 1:00.32; 2. Lowery, BE; 3. Bonson, MC.
100 Free: 1. Smith, DO, 55.96; 2. Mikesell, CL; 3. Dacheux, DO.
500 Free: 1. Crust, BE, 5:42.49; 2. Bonson, MC; 3. Thorp, CL.
200 FR: 1. Dover, 1:45.92; 2. Clearfield (Conrad, Wriglesworth, Thorp, Mikesell); 3. St. Marys.
100 Back: 1. Dacheux, DO, 1:02.71; 2. Lowery, BE; 3. Gnan, SM.
100 Breast: 1. Scordato, BE, 1:09.44; 2. Daghir, SM; 3. Proudfit, SM.
400 FR: 1. Dover, 3:45.08; 2. Bellefonte; 3. St. Marys.


Team Standings and Key
1. Bellefonte (B) 303; 2. St. Marys (SM) 231; 3. Hollidaysburg (H) 205; 4. Clearfield (C) 148; 5. DuBois (D) 97; 6. Brookville (BR) 88; 7. Central Mountain (CM) 79; 8. Dover Area (DA) 66; 9. Jersey Shore (JS) 53; 10. Mifflin County (MC) 32.
Event Results

200 Medley Relay: 1. Bellefonte, 1:46.13; 2. St. Marys; 3. Hollidaysburg. 
200 Free: 1. Thomas, B, 1:51.05; 2. Mallorey, DA; 3. Hailer, H. 
200 IM: 1. Rosenberger, B, 2:05.07; 2. Fisher, C; 3. Fenstermacher, D. 
50 Free: 1. Ransel, BV, 22.16; 2. Cotter, SM; 3. Rodo, CM.
100 Fly: 1. Long, H, 55.14; 2. Urbassik, D; 3. Renwick, SM. 
100 Free: 1. Ransel, BV, 49.85; 2. Hailer, H; 3. Flanagan, C. 
500 Free: 1. Thomas, B, 5:03.63; 2. Moore, SM; 3. Mallorey, DA. 
200 Free Relay: 1. St. Marys, 1:36.20; 2. Clearfield; 3. Hollidaysburg. 
100 Back: 1. Long, H, 55.80; 2. Newman, B; 3. Schnars, B. 
100 Breast: 1. Rosenberger, B, 1:01.41; 2. Fisher, C; 3. Cram, B.
400 Free Relay: 1. Bellefonte, 3:27.58; 2. St. Marys; 3. Hollidaysburg.

Team Standings and Key
1. Dover Area (DA) 339; 2. Clearfield (C) 244; 3. Bellefonte (B) 156; 4. St. Marys (SM) 142; 5. Mifflin County (MC) 106; 6. Hollidaysburg (H) 92; 7. Jersey Shore (JS) 91; 8. DuBois (D) 75; 9. Central Mountain (CM) 29; 10. Brookville (BV) 27.
Event Results

200 Medley Relay: 1. Dover, 1:58.24; 2. Bellefonte; 3. St. Marys. 
200 Free: 1. Crust, B, 2:07.13; 2. Platt, D; 3. Staub, DA. 
200 IM: 1. Scordato, B, 2:19.25; 2. Spaulding, DA; 3. Link, DA. 
50 Free: 1. Janosky, DA, 25.76; 2. Lowery, B; 3. Daghir, SM. 
100 Fly: 1. Janosky, DA, 1:02.66; 2. Dacheux, DA; 3. Dudek, JS. 
100 Free: 1. Dacheux, DA, 58.62; 2. Mason, JS; 3. Beierschmitt, DA. 
500 Free: 1. Crust, B, 5:42.95; 2. Platt, D; 3. Bonson, MC. 
200 Free Relay: 1. Dover, 1:47.85; 2. Clearfield; 3. Bellefonte. 
100 Back: 1. Lowery, B, 1:04.06; 2. Smith, DA; 3. Keefer, H. 
100 Breast: 1. Scordato, B, 1:12.71; 2. Mellgard, C; 3. Link, DA. 
400 Free Relay: 1. Dover, 3:48.93; 2. Clearfield; 3. Mifflin County.

Team Standings and Key
1. Bellefonte, BE, 257; 2. Hollidaysburg, H, 231; 3. Clearfield, C, 195; 4. Bloomsburg, BL, 170; 5. St. Marys, SM, 155; 6. Tie-Brookville, BR, and DuBois, DU, 74; 8. Dover, D, 69; 9. Jersey Shore, JS, 48; 10. Central Mountain, 28, CM; 11. Lewistown, L, 1.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Hollidaysburg, 1:46.08; 2. Bloomsburg; 3. Brookville.
200 Free: 1. Mumma, C, 1:52.69; 2. Calhoun, BL; 3. Thomas, BE.
200 IM: 1. Rosenberger, BE, 2:05.89; 2. Fisher, C; 3. Colapietro, H.
50 Free: 1. Ransel, BR, 22.85; 2. Roberts, H; 3. Cotter, SM.
100 Fly: 1. Szilagyi, BL, 55.35; 2. Long, H; 3. Crownover, H.
100 Free: 1. Calhoun, BL, 50.15; 2. Mumma, C; 3. Ransel, BR.
500 Free: 1. Thomas, BE, 5:08.98; 2. Mallorey, D; 3. Wilt, BE.
200 FR: 1. Hollidaysburg, 1:35.46; 2. Clearfield; 3. Bloomsburg.
100 Back: 1. Long, H, 58.00; 2. Newman, BE; 3. Baas, C.
100 Breast: 1. Rosenberger, BE, 1:02.13; 2. Cotter, SM; 3. Fisher, C.
400 FR: 1. Clearfield (Shirey, Flanagan, Fisher, Mumma) 3:33.64; 2. Bellefonte; 3. Hollidaysburg.

Team Standings and Key
1. Dover, D, 322; 2. Jersey Shore, JS, 168; 3. Bellefonte, BE, 165; 4. Clearfield, C, 133; 5. St. Marys, SM, 129; 6. DuBois, DU, 129; 7. Hollidaysburg, H, 110; 8. Bloomsburg, BL, 74; 9. Lewistown, L, 65; 10. Brookville, BR, 22; 11. Indian Valley, IV, 4.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Dover, 1:58.12; 2. Jersey Shore; 3. Bellefonte.
200 Free: 1. Crust, BE, 2:04.75; 2. Spaulding, D; 3. Dacheux, D.
200 IM: 1. Scordato, BE, 2:20.67; 2. Link, D; 3. Dacheux, D.
50 Free: 1. Thompson, JS, 25.32; 2. Kaneshiki, H; 3. Lowery, BE.
100 Fly: 1. Janosky, D, 1:01.76; 2. Robbins, H; 3. Dudek, JS.
100 Free: 1. Thompson, JS, 55.73; 2. Smith, D; 3. Andrulonis, DU.
500 Free: 1. Crust, BE, 5:39.68; 2. Corcoran, DU; 3. Buerk, SM.
200 FR: 1. DuBois, 1:47.81; 2. Jersey Shore; 3. Hollidaysburg.
100 Back: 1. Kaneshiki, H, 1:03.63; 2. Lowery, BE; 3. Smith, D.
100 Breast: 1. Scordato, BE, 1:11.73; 2. Link, D; 3. Dacheux, D.
400 FR: 1. Dover, 3:52.36; 2. Bellefonte; 3. Dover.

Team Standings and Key
1. St. Marys, SM, 210; 2. Hollidaysburg, H, 186; 3. Bloomsburg, BL, 171; 4. Clearfield, C, 160; 5. Bellefonte, BE, 141; 6. Jersey Shore, JS, 97; 7. Brookville, BR, 96; 8. Dover, D, 91; 9. West Allegheny, WA, 89; 10. DuBois, DU, 50; 11. Central Mountain, CM, 6; 12. Lewistown, L, 5.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. St. Marys, 1:42.00.
200 Free: 1. Stephens, BL, 1:46.30; 2. Cotter, SM; 3. Mumma, C.
200 IM: 1. Proudfit, SM, 2:08.14; 2. Rosenberger, BE; 3. Ulsamer, JS.
50 Free: 1. Dippold, SM, 22.13; 2. A. Szilagyi, BL; 3. Ransel, BR.
100 Fly: 1. Mangis, WA, 55.35; 2. Cotter, SM; 3. S. Szilagyi, BL.
100 Free: 1. Dippold, SM, 50.15; 2. Mumma, C; 3. A. Szilagyi, BL.
500 Free: 1. Mallorey, D, 5:09.82; 2. Peterson, C; Vaughan, WA.
200 FR: 1. St. Marys, 1:32.20. 100 Back: 1. Mangis, WA, 55.95; 2. Roberts, H; 3. Slimak, BR.
100 Breast: 1. Stephens, BL, 58.86; 2. Proudfit, SM; 3. Rosenberger, BE.
400 FR: 1. Bloomsburg, 3:26.41.

Team Standings and Key
1. West Allegheny, WA, 276; 2. Jersey Shore, JS, 181; 3. Dover, D, 167; 4. Bellefonte, BE, 132; 5. Hollidaysburg, H, 128; 6. DuBois, DU, 112; 7. Clearfield, C, 71; 8. Bloomsburg, BL, 63; 9. St. Marys, SM, 55.5; 10. Brookville, BR, 44.5; 11. Lewistown, L, 37; 12. Quigley, Q, 28; 13. Central Mountain, CM, 7.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Jersey Shore, 1:58.17.
200 Free: 1. Kaneshiki, H, 1:59.12; 2. Kaulius, WA; 3. Pia, WA.
200 IM: 1. Haggerty, Q, 2:18.00; 2. Gervas, WA; 3. Scordato, BE.
50 Free: 1. Janosky, D, 26.05; 2. Robbins, H; 3. Niznik, WA.
100 Fly: 1. Gervas, WA, 1:02.46; 2. Janosky, D; 3. Robbins, H.
100 Free: 1. Pia, WA, 56.36; 2. Thompson, JS; 3. Supp, H.
500 Free: 1. Kaneshiki, H, 5:17.59; 2. Kaulius, WA; 3. Jansen, WA.
200 FR: 1. West Allegheny, 1:45.07.
100 Back: 1. Niznik, WA, 1:03.19; 2. Schnars, BE; 3. Gannon, WA.
100 Breast: 1. Scordato, BE, 1:11.99; 2. McPherson, JS; 3. Haggerty, Q.
400 FR: 1. West Allegheny, 3:50.31.

Team Standings and Key
1.Clearfield (C) 250; 2. Danville (D) 239; 3. St. Marys (SM) 179; 4. Hollidaysburg (H) 159; 5. Bellefonte (B) 127; 6. West Allegheny (WA) 120; 7. DuBois (D) 117; 8. Jersey Shore (JS) 72; 9. Central Mountain (CM) 36.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Clearfield (Flanagan, Krchnak, L. Shirey, Mumma), 1:45.40.
200 Free: 1. Flanagan, C, 1:49.91; 2. Brandt, D; 3. Mulhollem, C.
200 IM: 1. Stein, WA, 2:05.45; 2. Krchnak, C; 3. Haney, D.
50 Free: 1. Bojalad, D, 22.23; 2. Hein, D; 3. Robbins, H.
100 Fly: 1. Benson, B, 58.80; 2. Casciato, WA; 3. Haney, D.
100 Free: 1. Hein, D, 49.00; 2. Robbins, H; 3. Dippold, SM.
500 Free: 1. Flanagan, C, 5:03.12; 2. Mulhollem, C; 3. Brandt, D.
200 FR: 1.Hollidaysburg, 1:34.27.
100 Back: 1. Dippold, SM, 57.61; 2. Glunt, H; 3. Morelli, SM.
100 Breast: 1. Krchnak, C, 1:02.88; 2. Benson, B; 3. Proudfit, SM.
400 FR: 1. Danville, 3:29.80.

Team Standings and Key
1.Danville (D) 226; 2. Jersey Shore (JS) 196; 3. Hollidaysburg (H) 185; 4. West Allegheny (WA) 165; 5. Bellefonte (B) 162; 6. Clearfield (C) 121; 7. St. Marys (SM) 107; 8. DuBois (D) 87; 9. Central Mountain (CM) 50.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Jersey Shore, 1:59.81.
200 Free: 1. Williams, D, 2:05.90; 2. Supon, SM; 3. Quiery, D.
200 IM: 1. Williams, D, 2:20.80; 2. Gervas, WA; 3. McPherson, JS.
50 Free: 1. Misavage, D, 25.90; 2. Thompson, JS; 3. Supp, H.
100 Fly: 1. Brooks, JS, 1:01.39; 2. Misavage, D; 3. Robbins, H.
100 Free: 1. Wilt, B, 57.39; 2. Koons, D; 3. Robbins, H.
500 Free: 1. Koons, D, 5:39.97; 2. Hough, WA; 3. Kennelley, JS.
200 FR: 1. Jersey Shore, 1:45.77.
100 Back: 1. Williams, D, 1:03.40; 2. Marino, H; 3. Schnars, B.
100 Breast: 1. Wilt, B, 1:10.53; 2. McPherson, JS; 3. Barber, SM.
400 FR: 1. Danville, 3:57.26.