Swim Meet Results/Times

Monday, August 25, 2014

Someone Needs to Herd the Cats

It does take a community to support a public swimming pool to make it accessible to youth and families year in and year out. Businesses, government officials, parents, and volunteers are critical cogs in the process of making things happen for the local pool but someone needs to take the lead and be point person for all these efforts.  The Community Pool at Mill Hall has the great benefit of having Kelly McGhee, a tireless advocate for the pool, leading the way.  Below is a letter to the editor she wrote for the Lock Haven Express to say thank you to everybody for their efforts this year.  The Jersey Shore Swim Blog recognizes her and others like her across the state of Pennsylvania that make things happen.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Flashback Friday - Celebration of the Montoursville Swimming Pool (or Pushing Up Clover)

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 900 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

In 1974, community leaders saw the need for a swimming pool to service the youth of the Montoursville area (just east of Williamsport).  Lack of vision and commitment closed the pool a few years back (see here and here). Below is a plaque honoring those leaders that were committed to the community.  It still remains in place on the abandoned bath house.  Could this be the future of both of Williamsport's community pools?

The outline of the Montoursville Swimming Pool can still be seen (concrete walkway around the pool).  Clover is now pushing up in the center where the water used to rest.  The abandoned bathhouse is in the background

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Apathy Might Sink Williamsport’s New Pool

A few weeks back, Williamsport’s mayor welcomed hundreds of swimmers of the Greater Susquehanna Valley Aquatic League (GSVAL) Championship meet to the East End Pool and invited them back next year to the new pool at Memorial Park (East End is scheduled to close at the end of this summer, see here).  A few days later, the Williamsport Sun Gazette wrote an article describing how disappointed the mayor was in the community’s effort to assist in some fundraising for the pool (see here).  Now the editorial staff of the same paper (can be viewed within the blog posting) has also chimed in and is wondering if a pool is even necessary or wanted because of the community’s poor support and effort in this project.

A few comments on the editorial and more….

·         The paper makes the comment that private pools are more plentiful as a possible reason for the muted fundraising response.  Private pools are great for those who 1) have the monies to buy and maintain a backyard pool and 2) have the space.  For those that don’t have monies and space, it appears you are screwed.  Go jump in a puddle!

·         What is up with this end of Williamsport?  First, the basketball hoops are taken down (see herehere and here) and now some community leaders are questioning the need for a swimming pool (Williamsport, a town of 30,000 will be left without a public pool when the East End Pool closes the end of this summer).  For those that can afford a private pool, no problem.  Others will still need to find that puddle.

·         The Area Development Magazine listed Williamsport as a top 10 leader amongst small US cities in economic strength and recession busting (here).  That is great but what is the city going to offer or showcase to new families that might be tempted to move into the area to take advantage of this economic strength.  Current residents will already have the prime puddles marked out.

·         Williamsport’s community, businesses, and leaders open up their arms to the youth of the world as teams and their families pour into Williamsport during the Little League World Series.  Why aren’t our leaders and businesses opening up their arms to recreation for the residents of the city?

·         Where is Williamsport’s swimming community?  Some of the staunchest supporters of pools are swim team parents and are often the core of pool movements.  However, the lack of swim team parent action is not much of a surprise as Williamsport’s winter YMCA swim team (the River Valley Raiders) folded many years ago.  The summer swim team is a shell of its former self as it is now one of the smaller teams in the 13 team GSVAL (despite being the largest city in the league and central Pennsylvania).

Jersey Shore, just to the west of Williamsport, also has some pool issues (badly needed repairs).  Like Williamsport, the community has been asked to raise $50,000.  Jersey Shore, a town of 4,500 has collected just over $14,000 in cash and checks and has another $9,950 in pledges to the campaign.  That is just over $24,000 in two months (see here for more info on their fundraising).  Compare that to Williamsport (remember, a town of around 30,000) has only raised $3,000  in eight months (see here).  

Could it be that folks from Jersey Shore would rather not swim in puddles?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Flashback Friday - Senior Bios from 2006 BESL

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 900 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

The summer swim season ended for most swimmers with the conclusion of the Greater Susquehanna Valley Aquatic League (GSVAL) Championship.  One of the traditions held over from the old Bald Eagle Swim League (BESL) Championship (merged with the Susquehanna Valley Swimming and Diving League to form the GSVAL) was senior recognition.

Below is a copy of the 2006 BESL Championship program recognizing seniors Trevor Bauman, Rachel Black, Mike Brown, Emily Cerrone, Andrew Cole, Elizabeth Gombosi, Vanessa LaBelle, Melissa Hostettler, Hyon Plants, Glen Richards, Bethany Sims, Rodman Walker, and Michelle Wheeler.

It is interesting to note that three teams listed on the cover of the BESL program no longer have teams; Troy, South Williamsport, and Montoursville.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Reason #9 On Importance of Learning To Swim – Rock Jumping Off Bluff Island

This is a continuing series in why everybody should learn how to swim as many activities take place around water.

Bluff Island, in Lower Saranac Lake, is known for its sheer cliffs.  Some are small and others are monsters.  The lake is dotted with islands and Bluff Island has rocks of all sizes to jump off.

Below are a few pictures of jumping off the smaller rocks.  It takes some guts to go off the 70 foot cliff and some brave souls have recorded their achievements here and here.

Photos of jumping the rocks of Bluff Island in the Lower  Saranac Lake
this past summer

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Senior Bios For GSVAL Swimmers

In one sense, it is sad to see the older kids age out of swimming.  It seems they have been a fixture at the pool forever and become part of the pool itself.  They also serve as mentors for the younger swimmers and become great role models.   But it is also great to see them move on to their next stage of life. 

The senior bios in the Greater Susquehanna Valley Aquatic League Championship program tries to capture the past and future aspirations.  Below are the bios from the Jersey Shore and Lock Haven summer teams that include Paige Lorson, Evan Moore, and Tyler Sheets  For the bios of all the seniors in the summer league, go here (they include Amanda Getgen, Marissa Gombosi, Sam Payson, Catherine Dyer, Daniel Fertig, Alan Goecke, Josh Trump, Lauren Giordarni, Rachelle Boyd, Blair Carson, Alexandria Kurtz, and Olivia Owlett)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Area Swimmers Tackle Land Challenge

Area swimmers participated in the Lumberjack Triathlon this past Saturday with great results (which can be viewed here).  A few action photos of the event can be viewed below.
Swimmers lining up to enter the West Branch of the Susquehanna River
Most competitive swimmers don't experience the
thrashing of limbs between the lane lines

For those lucky enough to be out front, it is smooth sailing
as the waters are much calmer

Sprint to the finish

Monday, August 11, 2014

Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and Williamsport Swimmers Defy Gravity (for a brief moment)

It's August and that means the annual trek over to Penn State to take on their high dives.  Several local swimmers spent a couple of hours on the high and low dives, Penn State Creamery, and Nittany Lion for a fun filled Sunday.

The high dives of Penn State
Jumping from the clouds

Gravity takes over
Group picture of swimmers after diving

No high dive is complete without a stop at Penn State's famous creamery

Before departing home, the girls got to hang out at the Nittany Lion Shrine

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Images From GSVAL Swim Meets

Check out the photos from some Jersey Shore and Lock Haven swim meets this past summer here.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Uh-Oh, Some Pool Funding in Question in Williamsport

Williamsport's mayor, Gabriel Campana, is pushing for the rebuilding of the Memorial Park Pool.  Williamsport's only other pool, the East End Pool, is slated for closing the end of this summer, see here for more info.  As part of the bargain on the pool effort, he asked the community to raise $50,000.  The community has come up woefully short and the mayor is disappointed.  See article below.

But in retrospect, it might not be surprising as one would think.  Some of your biggest supporters of pools are swim team parents.  The local swim team community is small in the city.  So small, they are unable to support or field a winter YMCA swim team (even as they are one of the biggest cities in central Pennsylvania.  Isn't it odd that Williamsport, a town of 29,000, doesn't have a team but just a ways west on Interstate 80, little ol' Ridgway (population 4,000) has a YMCA swim team). 

Here's hoping that someone in the business community sees fit to provide monies to give kids the opportunity to swim.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Flashback Friday - Storied History of Williamsport's East End Pool

Several years of blogging have occurred at the Jersey Shore Swim blog with over 800 stories and articles posted.  With that in mind, the Jersey Shore Swim blog will occasionally pull out an occasional favorite or interesting item from the archives to share with readers (plus some interesting old stuff never posted) in a series called Flashback Friday.

Hundreds of competitive swimmers over the decades have churned the waters of Williamsport's East End Pool.  This will be the final summer that area youth will test their mettle in the local waters.  See here on more information on the end of the East End Pool.  Check out the 35 year old newspaper article illustrating the history of the pool.
article courtesy of Steve Sheets family

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The End of An Era at East End Pool

It was fitting that the Greater Susquehanna Valley Aquatic League held their championship last month at Williamsport's East End Pool.  The meet was the last swim meet that will ever occur at the storied pool as it is slated to close at the end of the summer. 

The mayor of Williamsport, Gabriel Campana, gave an opening welcome to the swimming community on the Friday night of championships.  He did welcome everyone back next year to the new pool facility (Memorial Park Pool) as they will spend monies to make that the state of the art pool for the area.   Read more about the East End Pool closing in the Williamsport Sun-Gazette article below from July 30.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Lock Haven Swimmers Compete in Keystone State Games

Apparently, some swimmers and parents just didn’t want the swim season to end this summer.  To extend the season at least one more week, several athletes ventured down to the Central York High School Pool in York, PA to participate in Pennsylvania’s Keystone State Games on August 1-2, 2014.

Representing the Lock Haven Loggerheads were Thomas, Elise, and Bear Cygan and Camryn and Madison Bair.  They did very well with Camryn Bair winning the girls 8 & under 25 yard breaststroke.  Meet results can be viewed here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Updated Greater Susquehanna Valley Aquatic League Meter Record Board

2014 GSVAL (M) – Records Following Championships 7/25-26/14

Girls 8&Under
100 Medley Relay 1:32.02 1979 - Loyalsock - T.Shipman, E.Hillman, J.Kriner, M.Bamberger
25 Free 16.87 2010 Cathryn Brought – Wellsboro
25 Back 21.80 1979 Beth Larka – Montoursville
25 Breast 22.77 2010 Cathryn Brought – Wellsboro
50 Free 39.75 7/26/2014 Emma Welsh – Central Columbia
25 Fly 18.87 1996 Kara Bailey - Jersey Shore
100 Free Relay 1:24.11 1988- South Williamsport - K.Steinbacher, E.Burks, S.Demel, D.Bussom

 Boys 8&Under
100 Medley Relay 1:27.01 1988 - Williamsport - M.Anderson, K.Bloom, B.Stone, M.Takach
25 Free 16.88 7/27/2013 Simon Lins – Lock Haven
25 Back 18.78 7/27/2013 Simon Lins – Lock Haven
25 Breast 21.22 1986 Keith Bloom – Williamsport
50 Free 38.19 7/26/2014 Xavier Persun – Lock Haven
25 Fly 18.34 7/27/2013 Simon Lins – Lock Haven
100 Free Relay 1:19.03 1988 - Williamsport - M.Takach, M.Anderson, K.Bloom, B.Stone

Girls 9-10
100 Medley Relay 1:16.80 1971 - Williamsport - S.Wolfe, A.Pysher, K.Frazier, C.Thompson
25 Free 15.02 2003 Ann Cromley – Loyalsock
100 IM 1:24.80 1971 Kathy Frazier – Williamsport
25 Back 18.37 2010 Emma Butzler - Jersey Shore
25 Breast 19.90 2003 Ann Cromley – Loyalsock
50 Free 33.66 7/27/2013 Anna Batkowski – Lewisburg
25 Fly 16.34 2003 Ann Cromley – Loyalsock
100 Free Relay 1:07.50 1979 – Loyalsock - R.Flock, A.Pfirman, W.Fenstamacher, J.Harrison

 Boys 9-10
100 Medley Relay 1:18.08 1972 - Loyalsock - Tm.Miller, Td.Miller, M.Lee, C.Harbach
25 Free 14.97 1993 Nathan Decapria - Jersey Shore
100 IM 1:25.30 1978 Jerry Hammaker
25 Back 18.73 1988 Brett Myers – Williamsport
25 Breast 20.20 1978 Rich Hillman – Loyalsock
50 Free 34.04 1993 Nathan Decapria - Jersey Shore
25 Fly 16.43 6/26/2014 Owen Persun – Lock Haven
100 Free Relay 1:08.57 1995 - Loyalsock - R.Adams, J.Penfield, T.Stauffer, T.Gibbon

 Girls 11-12
200 Medley Relay 2:26.00 2012 - Jersey Shore - G.Moore, S.Keegan, E.Butzler, K.White
50 Free 29.59 2005 Ann Cromley – Loyalsock
100 IM 1:15.66 7/26/2014 Cathryn Brought - Wellsboro
50 Back 35.50 7/26/2014 Molly Paulsen – Lewisburg
50 Breast 38.09 7/26/2014 Cathryn Brought - Wellsboro
100 Free 1:06.33 7/26/2014 Cathryn Brought - Wellsboro
50 Fly 32.70 1997 Alyson Taylor - Jersey Shore
200 Free Relay 2:08.00 2012 - Jersey Shore - G.Moore, S.Keegan, E.Butzler, K.White

 Boys 11-12
200 Medley Relay 2:34.97 2011 - Wellsboro - N.Cotner, C.Brought, J.Butters, B.Callahan
50 Free 28.66 1999 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
100 IM 1:14.41 1999 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
50 Back 34.97 1999 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
50 Breast 36.73 1999 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
100 Free 1:04.60 1999 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
50 Fly 34.12 1999 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
200 Free Relay 2:12.19 2012 - Wellsboro - B.Callahan, C.Brought, D.Warner, J.Butters

Girls 13-14
200 Medley Relay 2:17.25 7/25/2014 – Lock Haven - E Butzler, R Marek, E Persun, K Buckwalter
50 Free 28.85 7/26/2013 Emma Butzler – Jersey Shore
100 IM 1:11.86 7/25/2014 Emma Butzler – Lock Haven
50 Back 33.75 6/26/2014 Emma Butzler - Lock Haven
50 Breast 38.25 6/26/2014 Emma Butzler - Lock Haven
100 Free 1:02.83 7/26/2013 Emma Butzler – Jersey Shore
50 Fly 31.04 7/26/2013 Emma Butzler – Jersey Shore
200 Free Relay 2:02.33 2007 - Troy - A.Smyth, H.Reinhard, J.Machmer, M.Yanchuk

 Boys 13-14
200 Medley Relay 2:14.64 7/26/2013 – Lewisburg - C Meng, T Black, K Shutt, B Walker
50 Free 26.77 7/26/2013 Nathan Cotner – Wellsboro
100 IM 1:09.31 2001 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
50 Back 31.62 2001 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
50 Breast 35.00 2001 Travis Kropp – Loyalsock
100 Free 59.03 7/26/2013 Nathan Cotner – Wellsboro
50 Fly 28.76 7/26/2013 Nathan Cotner – Wellsboro
200 Free Relay 2:01.92 7/25/2014 – Lewisburg - A Blakeslee, C Coleman, M Wuerdeman, C Meng

 Girls 15&Over
200 Medley Relay 2:12.31 2010 - Jersey Shore - M.Thompson, D.McPherson, S.Kennelly, J.Mason
50 Free 28.50 2010 Maddi Thompson - Jersey Shore
200 IM 2:41.72 7/25/2014 Emilie Kramer - Wellsboro Swim
100 Back 1:12.70 1977 Joann Kitt - Jersey Shore
100 Breast 1:18.98 1984 Kristi Rosenbaum - S. Williamsport
100 Free 1:02.43 2010 Maddi Thompson - Jersey Shore
200 Free 2:17.10 1977 Kathy Frazier - Williamsport East End
100 Fly 1:16.02 7/26/2013 Emilie Kramer – Wellsboro
200 Free Relay 1:59.27 2010 - Jersey Shore - D.McPherson, S.Kennelley, J.Mason, M.Thompson

 Boys 15&Over
200 Medley Relay 1:58.03 2010 - Loyalsock - E.Nardone, T.Harris, J.Mackey, S.Smith
50 Free 25.00 2000 Nathan Decapria - Jersey Shore
200 IM 2:28.83 7/25/2014 Edward Good - Loyalsock
100 Back 1:04.62 2010 Joe Dotzel - Tri-Town
100 Breast 1:11.81 2012 Nate Witmer - Tri-Town
100 Free 56.81 1989 Rob Ault – Williamsport
200 Free 2:06.51 7/25/2014 Nathan Cotner - Wellsboro
100 Fly 1:03.12 2012 Shaun Smith – Loyalsock 
200 Free Relay 1:45.89 2005 - Williamsport - J.Keiser, R.Walker, M.Paulhamus, A.Burkey

Girls 13-18
500 Free 6:06.09 7/25/2014 Lauren Michaels – Lewisburg
400 IM 5:31.91 7/26/2013 Sydney Price – Central Columbia 

Boys 13-18
500 Free 6:03.21 7/26/2013 Cody Schwoyer – Williamsport
400 IM 5:45.44 7/25/2014 Ethan W Dale – Lock Haven





Monday, August 4, 2014

Comparing Last Years Championship Standings to 2014

Below is the rankings of the 2013 Greater Susquehanna Valley Aquatic League's championship meet (inaugural season).  Below that is the team, girls, and boys rankings after this years championship meet.  There is some movement among area teams up and down.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Jersey Shore v Wellsboro Dual Meet Results

Wellsboro travelled south to swim against Jersey Shore on July 22nd and escaped with a 6-4 win.  Meet results can be viewed here and scores can be viewed here.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

GSVAL Championships Top Three Times

Greater Susquehanna Valley Aquatic League Championships
July 25-26, 2014
East End Pool, Williamsport 

Central Columbia - CC
Danville- DD
Jersey Shore - JS
Lewisburg - LG
Lock Haven - LHY
Loyalsock - LYL
Mifflinburg - MIFF
Milton-Warrior Run- MILT
Selinsgrove - SS
Sunbury-Northumberland - SUNY
Tri-Town - TRI
Williamsport - WMSPT
Wellsboro - WELLS

Women 15 and Over
200 Free: 1. O. Kurtz, WELLS, 2:23.59; 2. M. Shaffer, CC, 2:25.62; 3. M. Nogle,  MIFF, 2:33.43
200 Medley: 1. WELLS (A. Kurtz, E. Kramer, L. Kurtz, M. Feil), 2:19.50;  2. CC (D. Crawford, M. Savage, M. Shaffer, L. Willie), 2:26.31; 3. LYL (M. Gombosi, A. Chapman, L. Good,  S. Shoemaker), 2:28.64
50 Free:1. M. Feil, WELLS, 29.57; 2. O. Fravel, SUNY, 29.59; 3. C. Betsock, LG,  30.53
200 IM: 1. E. Kramer, WELLS, 2:41.72; 2. O. Fravel, SUNY, 2:43.83; 3. C. Betsock,  LG, 2:51.24
100 Back: 1. D. Crawford, CC, 1:19.15; 2. G. Humphrey, LG, 1:19.37; 3. M. Gombosi,  LYL, 1:19.40
100 Breast: 1. M. Duck, LHY, 1:22.10; 2. E. Kramer, WELLS, 1:22.43; 3. C. Betsock, LG,  1:29.31
100 Free:1. O. Fravel, SUNY, 1:04.32; 2. O. Kurtz, WELLS, 1:05.44; 3. M. Feil, WELLS,  1:08.17
500 Free: 1. G. Heckman, SS, 7:28.09
100 Fly: 1. E. Kramer, WELLS, 1:16.08; 2. O. Kurtz, WELLS, 1:17.59; 3. M. Shaffer,  CC, 1:18.49
200 Free: 1. WELLS (O. Owlett, A. Kurtz, M. Bodine, M. Feil), 2:12.27; 2. CC (L. Willie, S. Padner, D. Crawford, M.  Shaffer), 2:12.91; 3. AJS (O. Bellomo, T. Merryman, P. Lorson,  E. Osborn), 2:27.49 

Men 15 and Over
 200 Free: 1. N. Cotner, WELLS, 2:06.51; 2. E. Dale, LHY, 2:22.50; 3. D. Shank, WMSPT,  2:34.47
200 Medley: 1. LG' (D. Wolfe, M. Sumfest, T. Brouse, B. Walker), 2:03.59;  2. LHY (N. Dale, E. Dale, T. Sheets, J. Cram), 2:06.19;  3. A SS (J. Kreamer, B. Watto, B. Kline, A. Goecke), 2:08.07
200 IM:1. E. Good, LYL, 2:28.83; 2. A. Goecke, SS, 2:36.13; 3. R. Kilgus, MILT,  2:39.61
100 Back: 1. D. Wolfe, LG, 1:06.80; 2. E. Good, LYL, 1:11.40; 3. N. Dale, LHY,  1:12.69
100 Breast: 1. E. Dale, LHY, 1:14.99; 2. B. Carson, WELLS, 1:15.89; 3. M. Sumfest, LG,  1:18.71
100 Free:1. N. Cotner, WELLS, 57.53; 2. D. Wolfe, LG, 1:00.41; 3. B. Walker, LG,  1:00.63
500 Free: 1. L. Wolf, SS, 6:09.87; 2. N. Dale, LHY, 6:54.75
100 Fly: 1. N. Cotner, WELLS, 1:03.81; 2. M. Sumfest, LG, 1:06.63; 3. B. Kline,  SS, 1:07.06
200 Free: 1. LG (M. Sumfest, B. Walker, D. Wolfe, T. Brouse), 1:53.32;  2. WELLS (B. Carson, L. Holliday, W. Wood, N. Cotner),  1:57.60; 3. A SS (B. Kline, J. Trump, L. Wolf, J. Kreamer),  1:57.83 

Women  13-14
200 Medley: 1. LHY (E. Butzler, R. Marek, E. Persun, K. Buckwalter),  2:17.25; 2. SUNY (S. Stansbury, E. Ross, S. Fravel, A. Benner), 2:19.55; 3. JS (G. Moore, S. Keegan, K. White, A.  Panczyszyn), 2:20.43
50 Free: 1. S. Fravel, SUNY, 29.04; 2. E. Persun, LHY, 30.25; 3. R. Marek, LHY,  31.25; 3. E. Padner, CC, 31.25
100 IM: 1. E. Butzler, LHY, 1:11.86; 2. M. Crawford, CC, 1:16.27; 3. S. Stansbury,  SUNY, 1:17.49
50 Back: 1. L. Michaels, LG, 35.15; 2. M. Crawford, CC, 35.39; 3. G. Moore, JS,  36.27
50 Breast: 1. S. Keegan, JS, 39.26; 2. S. Castellan, LG, 39.57; 3. R. Marek, LHY,  39.96
100 Free: 1. E. Butzler, LHY, 1:03.10; 2. M. Crawford, CC, 1:07.03; 3. S. Burns,  LG, 1:10.69
500 Free: 1. L. Michaels, LG, 6:06.09; 2. K. White, JS, 6:47.62; 3. C. Caribardi,  LG, 7:00.56; 4. S. Keegan, JS, 7:05.41
50 Fly:1. E. Butzler, LHY, 31.38; 2. S. Fravel, SUNY, 32.18; 3. E. Persun, LHY,  32.44
200 Free: 1. SUNY (S. Stansbury, A. Benner, E. Ross, S. Fravel),  2:05.59; 2. JS (S. Keegan, A. Panczyszyn, K. White, G.  Moore), 2:06.12; 3. LG (S. Burns, L. Pavlechko, C.  Caribardi, L. Michaels), 2:08.28 

Men  13-14
200 Medley: 1. LG (C. Meng, M. Wuerdeman, C. Coleman, A.  Blakeslee), 2:17.87; 2. LHY (N. Berfield, T. Cygan, J. Riccardo,  J. Sheets), 2:22.12; 3. A 'TRI' (S. Jordan, Q. Serfass, C. Dixon, E. Whitmoyer), 2:28.04
50 Free:1. J. Riccardo, LHY, 29.21; 2. E. Whitmoyer, TRI, 29.25; 3. B. Bubnis, MIFF,  29.44
50 Free: 1. T. Sheets, LHY, 26.69; 2. B. Walker, LG, 27.16; 3. E. Good, LYL,  27.19
100 IM: 1. C. Meng, LG, 1:11.61; 2. J. Riccardo, LHY, 1:13.62; 3. B. Bubnis, MIFF,  1:16.64
50 Back: 1. C. Meng, LG, 34.60; 2. S. Carpenter, SUNY, 37.04; 3. N. Berfield, LHY,  37.06
50 Breast: 1. C. Tappe, CC, 39.19; 2. M. Wuerdeman, LG, 39.35; 3. D. Warner, WELLS,  41.39
100 Free: 1. N. Berfield, LHY, 1:05.15; 2. E. Whitmoyer, TRI, 1:05.34; 3. Z. Schwoyer,  WMSPT, 1:09.67
500 Free: C. Tappe, CC, 6:17.29; 2. J. Sheets, LHY, 7:11.29
50 Fly:1. J. Riccardo, LHY, 32.53; 2. C. Coleman, LG, 33.94; 3. A. Blakeslee,  LG, 36.45
200 Free: 1. LG (A. Blakeslee, C. Coleman, M. Wuerdeman, C.  Meng), 2:01.92; 2. TRI (Q. Serfass, S. Jordan, C. Dixon,  E. Whitmoyer), 2:10.09; 3. WELLS (D. Warner, A. Osborn, N.  Redell, C. Brought), 2:30.84  
Men  13-18 400 IM:  1. E. Dale, LHY, 5:45.44; 2. C. Liu, DD, 6:23.38   
Women  8&U
100 Medley Relay: 1. CC (E. Welsh, A. Snyder, R. Noss, M. Frey), 1:32.40; 2. LHY (L. Gugino, C. Bair, A. Persun, E. Cygan), 1:33.89; 3. LG (N. Shwartzer, E. Gerlinski, K. Shannon, J. Donner), 1:41.19
25 Free: 1. A. Persun, LHY, 18.47; 2. M. Frey, CC, 19.35; 3. L. Gugino, LHY, 19.56
25 Back: 1. E. Welsh, CC, 24.17; 2. L. Gugino, LHY, 24.62; 3. A. Mitchell, CC,  26.06
25 Breast: 1. L. Gugino, LHY, 24.06; 2. C. Bair, LHY, 24.58; 3. R. Noss, CC, 25.37
50 Free: 1. E. Welsh, CC, 39.75; 2. K. Shannon, LG, 40.60; 3. S. Kelley, LYL, 42.21
25 Fly: 1. E. Welsh, CC, 21.25; 2. R. Noss, CC, 21.37; 3. A. Persun, LHY, 22.25
100 Free Relay:  1. LG (E. Gerlinski, N. Shwartzer, J. Donner, K. Shannon), 1:25.23; 2. CC (G. Humphrey, I. Snyder, A. Snyder, A. Mitchell), 1:29.63; 3. LHY (R. Merinar, A. Garman, E. Cygan, K. Butzler), 1:32.34  

Men  8&U
100 Medley Relay: 1. LG (R. McTammany, C. Michaels, M. Ordonez, Q. Michaels), 1:50.00; 2. WELLS (I. Macias, S. Rudy, H. Zuchowski, M. Mascho), 1:54.21; 3. SUNY (P. Kramer, T. Reichner, M. Moyer, L. McCormick), 2:32.18
25 Free: 1. X. Persun, LHY, 17.97; 2. K. Griswold, JS, 18.76; 3. C. Milheim, MIFF, 18.95
25 Back: 1. C. Melhorn, SS, 25.85; 2. C. Hockman, WMSPT, 25.94; 3. M. Dincher, JS, 26.35
25 Breast: 1. C. Weaver, MILT, 27.62; 2. C. Michaels, LG, 28.02; 3. Q. Michaels, LG, 28.21
50 Free: 1. X. Persun, LHY, 38.19; 2. M. Ordonez, LG, 42.74; 3. C. Milheim, MIFF, 43.06
25 Fly: 1. X. Persun, LHY, 20.50; 2. M. Ordonez, LG, 22.63; 3. K. Griswold, JS, 22.88
100 Free Relay: 1. LG (C. Michaels, Q. Michaels, M. Ordonez, R. McTammany), 1:34.80; 2. WELLS (H. Zuchowski, E. Ingerick, M. Mascho, S. Rudy), 1:41.12; 3. TRI (S. Rakowski, A. Farley, D.  Guardini, A. Barlett), 1:52.52 

Women  9-10
100 Medley Relay: 1. JS (C. Stout-Winterling, S. Misquitta, M. Keegan, L. Dincher), 1:25.88; 2. DD (C. Bartholomew, E. Liu, B. Ross, L. Killen), 1:25.93; 3. LHY (M. Bair, C. Dale, H. Shadle, E. Bartlett), 1:26.82
25 Free: 1. H. Sampson, WELLS, 16.34; 2. L. Killen, DD, 16.76; 3. B. Ross, DD, 17.10
100 IM: 1. M. Pardoe, LYL, 1:27.87; 2. M. Keegan, JS, 1:33.92; 3. H. Shadle, LHY, 1:42.46
25 Back: 1. C. Bartholomew, DD, 19.87; 2. K. Kelley, LYL, 21.69; 3. A. Coleman, LG, 21.73
25 Breast: 1. M. Pardoe, LYL, 21.50; 2. M. Keegan, JS, 21.92; 3. H. Shadle, LHY, 22.08
50 Free: 1. C. Bartholomew, DD, 36.37; 2. A. Weaver, WMSPT, 36.87; 3. H. Sampson, WELLS, 39.52
25 Fly: 1. M. Pardoe, LYL, 16.85; 2. M. Keegan, JS, 17.56; 3. A. Weaver, WMSPT, 17.59
100 Free: 1. DD (A. Thomas, L. Killen, B. Ross, C. Bartholomew), 1:13.06; 2. LG (K. McTammany, B. Kinnaman, A. Coleman, A. Decker), 1:17.01; 3. LG (T. Lock, L. Gross, K.  Coleman, R. McGregor), 1:26.74 

Men  9-10
100 Medley Relay: 1. LHY (S. Lins, L. Gugino, O. Persun, D. Irvin), 1:24.50; 2. TRI (T. Rakowski, R. Flerlage, E. Hamm, B. Persun), 1:29.58; 3. A 'LG' (E. Gilger, M. Chen, S. Marshall, O. Ordonez), 1:32.04
25 Free: 1. O. Persun, LHY, 16.20; 2. O. Ordonez, LG, 17.64; 3. O. Staggert, JS, 17.70
100 IM: 1. S. Lins, LHY, 1:31.15; 2. A. Sponenberg, CC, 1:34.04; 3. E. Hamm, TRI, 1:34.91
25 Back: 1. S. Lins, LHY, 20.13; 2. M. Chen, LG, 20.19; 3. A. Sponenberg, CC, 20.31
25 Breast: 1. L. Gugino, LHY, 22.14; 2. P. Bellomo, JS, 22.56; 3. C. Brought, WELLS, 22.70
50 Free: 1. O. Persun, LHY, 34.07; 2. S. Lins, LHY, 34.75; 3. A. Sponenberg, CC, 36.16
25 Fly: 1. O. Persun, LHY, 17.56; 2. S. Marshall, LG, 17.68; 3. E. Hamm, TRI, 19.49
100 Free relay:  1. MIFF (K. Milheim, J. Fritz, K. Keister, S. Deluca), 1:14.17; 2. LG (S. Marshall, M. Chen, E. Gilger, O. Ordonez), 1:14.39;  3. WELLS (C. Adams, R. Snowburg, D. Abernathy, C. Brought), 1:20.26

 Women  11-12
200 Medley: 1. LG (M. Paulsen, M. Gill, A. Batkowski, D. Humphrey), 2:30.34; 2. JS (I. Griswold, A. Moore, T. Fleming, L. Creveling), 2:36.29; 3. TRI (K. Wallis, K. Marsh, M. Brelsford, S. Keller), 2:38.47
50 Free: 1. S. Keller, TRI, 29.96; 2. T. Fleming, JS, 32.04; 3. A. Mahoney, LHY, 32.50
100 IM: 1. C. Brought, WELLS, 1:15.66; 2. A. Batkowski, LG, 1:17.78; 3. I. Griswold, JS, 1:23.26
50 Back: 1. M. Paulsen, LG, 35.50; 2. A. Mahoney, LHY, 35.74; 3. M. Brelsford, TRI, 36.72
50 Breast: 1. C. Brought, WELLS, 38.09; 2. S. Keller, TRI, 40.97; 3. I. Griswold, JS, 44.06
100 Free: 1. C. Brought, WELLS, 1:06.33; 2. S. Keller, TRI, 1:09.33; 3. T. Fleming, JS, 1:09.94
50 Fly: 1. T. Fleming, JS, 34.97; 2. A. Batkowski, LG, 35.41; 3. M. Brelsford, TRI, 35.76
200 Free Relay: 1. LG (A. Batkowski, A. Gilger, M. Paulsen, D. Humphrey), 2:14.09; 2. WELLS (R. Adams, S. Kurtz, A. Medina, C. Brought), 2:27.32; 3. CC (O. Snyder, A. Humphrey, D. Noss, C. Turowski), 2:34.26

Men  11-12
200 Medley Relay: 1. LHY (A. Butzler, B. Turner, E. Persun, P. Shimco), 2:46.38; 2. WMSPT (P. Hammaker, R. Hockman, J. Beattie, D.  Halstead), 2:46.62; 3. LG (J. Koconis, D. Han, P. Gajda, C.  Bailey), 2:59.43
50 Free: 1. D. Schimbeno, WELLS, 30.65; 2. A. Butzler, LHY, 34.84; 3. N. Sponenberg, CC, 35.35
100 IM: 1. A. Silvagni, LYL, 1:24.48; 2. J. Beattie, WMSPT, 1:29.29; 3. R. Hockman, WMSPT, 1:29.69
50 Back: 1. J. Koconis, LG, 35.91; 2. D. Schimbeno, WELLS, 37.93; 3. A. Butzler, LHY, 43.14
50 Breast: 1. D. Schimbeno, WELLS, 37.90; 2. B. Warner, WELLS, 41.35; 3. R. Hockman, WMSPT, 44.46 
100 Free: 1. B. Warner, WELLS, 1:09.92; 2. J. Koconis, LG, 1:10.11; 3. A. Silvagni, LYL, 1:14.71
50 Fly: 1. J. Koconis, LG, 36.06; 2. J. Beattie, WMSPT, 38.67; 3. N. Sponenberg, CC, 39.31 
200 Free Relay: 1. WELLS (B. Warner, S. Cotner, C. Orsborn, D. Schimbeno), 2:22.85; 2.  LHY (B. Cygan, B. Turner, E. Persun, P. Shimco), 2:32.92; 3. LG (D. Han, A. Gajda, P. Gajda, C. Bailey), 2:44.65