Swim Meet Results/Times

Monday, December 30, 2013

Arctic Swim Classic In Time For Upcoming Arctic Weather

Big weekend swim meet coming up on Saturday for both Jersey Shore and Central Mountain High School as they and several other swim teams compete in the Arctic Classic. 
To get an idea of the times and rankings of years past (from 2010-2013), check out the following below. 
Team Standings and Key
1. Bellefonte, BE, 316; 2. Clearfield, CL, 155; 3. Hollidaysburg, H, 153; 4. St. Marys, SM, 144; 5. Central Mountain, CM, 138; 6. Brookville, BR, 130; 7. Dover, DO, 96; 8. DuBois, DU, 85; 9. Mifflin County, MC, 33; 10. Jersey Shore, JS, 32; 11. Cambria Heights, CH, 20.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Bellefonte, 1:41.67; 2. Hollidaysburg; 3. Brookville
200 Free: 1. Schnars, BE, 1:54.01; 2. Becker, MC; 3. Flynn, H.
200 IM: 1. Rosenberger, BE, 2:02.45; 2. Long, H; 3. Fenstermacher, DU.
50 Free: 1. Ransel, BR, 22.36; 2. Aberegg, BE; 3. Spencer, CL.
100 Fly: 1. Long, H, 54.54; 2. Thomas, BE; 3. Flanagan, CL.
100 Free: 1. Ransel, BR, 49.00; 2. Henrichs, DU; 3. Aberegg, BE.
500 Free: 1. Thomas, BE, 4:58.61; 2. Moore, SM; 3. Flanagan, CL.
200 FR: 1. St. Marys, 1:38.09; 2. Bellefonte; 3. Central Mountain.
100 Back: 1. Long, H, 54.87; 2. Schnars, BE; 3. Koss, SM.
100 Breast: 1. Rosenberger, BE, 1:01.30; 2. Long, H; 3. Rockey, BE.
400 FR: 1. Bellefonte, 3:27.43; 2. Hollidaysburg; 3. St. Marys.

Team Standings and Key
1. Dover, DO, 320; 2. St. Marys, SM, 229; 3. Bellefonte, BE, 204; 4. Clearfield, CL, 195; 5. Hollidaysburg, H, 152; 6. DuBois, DU, 122; 7. Mifflin County, MC, 70; 8. Cambria Heights, CH, 5; 9. Tie-Central Mountain, CM, and Brookville, BR, 2; 11. Jersey Shore, JS, 1.
Event Results

200 MR: 1. Dover, 1:56.11; 2. St. Marys; 3. Bellefonte.
200 Free: 1. Spaulding, DO, 2:02.95; 2. Crust, BE; 3. Gnan, SM.
200 IM: 1. Scordato, BE, 2:14.74; 2. Spaulding, DO; 3. Andrulonis, DU.
50 Free: 1. Daghir, SM, 25.68; 2. Mikesell, CL; 3. Janosky, DO.
100 Fly: 1. Janosky, DO, 1:00.32; 2. Lowery, BE; 3. Bonson, MC.
100 Free: 1. Smith, DO, 55.96; 2. Mikesell, CL; 3. Dacheux, DO.
500 Free: 1. Crust, BE, 5:42.49; 2. Bonson, MC; 3. Thorp, CL.
200 FR: 1. Dover, 1:45.92; 2. Clearfield (Conrad, Wriglesworth, Thorp, Mikesell); 3. St. Marys.
100 Back: 1. Dacheux, DO, 1:02.71; 2. Lowery, BE; 3. Gnan, SM.
100 Breast: 1. Scordato, BE, 1:09.44; 2. Daghir, SM; 3. Proudfit, SM.
400 FR: 1. Dover, 3:45.08; 2. Bellefonte; 3. St. Marys.

Team Standings and Key
1. Bellefonte (B) 303; 2. St. Marys (SM) 231; 3. Hollidaysburg (H) 205; 4. Clearfield (C) 148; 5. DuBois (D) 97; 6. Brookville (BR) 88; 7. Central Mountain (CM) 79; 8. Dover Area (DA) 66; 9. Jersey Shore (JS) 53; 10. Mifflin County (MC) 32.
Event Results

200 Medley Relay: 1. Bellefonte, 1:46.13; 2. St. Marys; 3. Hollidaysburg.
200 Free: 1. Thomas, B, 1:51.05; 2. Mallorey, DA; 3. Hailer, H.
200 IM: 1. Rosenberger, B, 2:05.07; 2. Fisher, C; 3. Fenstermacher, D.
50 Free: 1. Ransel, BV, 22.16; 2. Cotter, SM; 3. Rodo, CM.
100 Fly: 1. Long, H, 55.14; 2. Urbassik, D; 3. Renwick, SM.
100 Free: 1. Ransel, BV, 49.85; 2. Hailer, H; 3. Flanagan, C.
500 Free: 1. Thomas, B, 5:03.63; 2. Moore, SM; 3. Mallorey, DA.
200 Free Relay: 1. St. Marys, 1:36.20; 2. Clearfield; 3. Hollidaysburg.
100 Back: 1. Long, H, 55.80; 2. Newman, B; 3. Schnars, B.
100 Breast: 1. Rosenberger, B, 1:01.41; 2. Fisher, C; 3. Cram, B.
 400 Free Relay: 1. Bellefonte, 3:27.58; 2. St. Marys; 3. Hollidaysburg.

Team Standings and Key
1. Dover Area (DA) 339; 2. Clearfield (C) 244; 3. Bellefonte (B) 156; 4. St. Marys (SM) 142; 5. Mifflin County (MC) 106; 6. Hollidaysburg (H) 92; 7. Jersey Shore (JS) 91; 8. DuBois (D) 75; 9. Central Mountain (CM) 29; 10. Brookville (BV) 27.
Event Results

200 Medley Relay: 1. Dover, 1:58.24; 2. Bellefonte; 3. St. Marys.
200 Free: 1. Crust, B, 2:07.13; 2. Platt, D; 3. Staub, DA.
200 IM: 1. Scordato, B, 2:19.25; 2. Spaulding, DA; 3. Link, DA.
50 Free: 1. Janosky, DA, 25.76; 2. Lowery, B; 3. Daghir, SM.
100 Fly: 1. Janosky, DA, 1:02.66; 2. Dacheux, DA; 3. Dudek, JS.
100 Free: 1. Dacheux, DA, 58.62; 2. Mason, JS; 3. Beierschmitt, DA.
500 Free: 1. Crust, B, 5:42.95; 2. Platt, D; 3. Bonson, MC.
200 Free Relay: 1. Dover, 1:47.85; 2. Clearfield; 3. Bellefonte.
100 Back: 1. Lowery, B, 1:04.06; 2. Smith, DA; 3. Keefer, H.
100 Breast: 1. Scordato, B, 1:12.71; 2. Mellgard, C; 3. Link, DA.
400 Free Relay: 1. Dover, 3:48.93; 2. Clearfield; 3. Mifflin County.

Team Standings and Key
1. Bellefonte, BE, 257; 2. Hollidaysburg, H, 231; 3. Clearfield, C, 195; 4. Bloomsburg, BL, 170; 5. St. Marys, SM, 155; 6. Tie-Brookville, BR, and DuBois, DU, 74; 8. Dover, D, 69; 9. Jersey Shore, JS, 48; 10. Central Mountain, 28, CM; 11. Lewistown, L, 1.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Hollidaysburg, 1:46.08; 2. Bloomsburg; 3. Brookville.

200 Free: 1. Mumma, C, 1:52.69; 2. Calhoun, BL; 3. Thomas, BE.
200 IM: 1. Rosenberger, BE, 2:05.89; 2. Fisher, C; 3. Colapietro, H.
50 Free: 1. Ransel, BR, 22.85; 2. Roberts, H; 3. Cotter, SM.
100 Fly: 1. Szilagyi, BL, 55.35; 2. Long, H; 3. Crownover, H.
100 Free: 1. Calhoun, BL, 50.15; 2. Mumma, C; 3. Ransel, BR.
500 Free: 1. Thomas, BE, 5:08.98; 2. Mallorey, D; 3. Wilt, BE.
200 FR: 1. Hollidaysburg, 1:35.46; 2. Clearfield; 3. Bloomsburg.
100 Back: 1. Long, H, 58.00; 2. Newman, BE; 3. Baas, C.
100 Breast: 1. Rosenberger, BE, 1:02.13; 2. Cotter, SM; 3. Fisher, C.
400 FR: 1. Clearfield (Shirey, Flanagan, Fisher, Mumma) 3:33.64; 2. Bellefonte; 3. Hollidaysburg.

Team Standings and Key
1. Dover, D, 322; 2. Jersey Shore, JS, 168; 3. Bellefonte, BE, 165; 4. Clearfield, C, 133; 5. St. Marys, SM, 129; 6. DuBois, DU, 129; 7. Hollidaysburg, H, 110; 8. Bloomsburg, BL, 74; 9. Lewistown, L, 65; 10. Brookville, BR, 22; 11. Indian Valley, IV, 4.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Dover, 1:58.12; 2. Jersey Shore; 3. Bellefonte.
200 Free: 1. Crust, BE, 2:04.75; 2. Spaulding, D; 3. Dacheux, D.
200 IM: 1. Scordato, BE, 2:20.67; 2. Link, D; 3. Dacheux, D.
50 Free: 1. Thompson, JS, 25.32; 2. Kaneshiki, H; 3. Lowery, BE.
100 Fly: 1. Janosky, D, 1:01.76; 2. Robbins, H; 3. Dudek, JS.
100 Free: 1. Thompson, JS, 55.73; 2. Smith, D; 3. Andrulonis, DU.
500 Free: 1. Crust, BE, 5:39.68; 2. Corcoran, DU; 3. Buerk, SM.
200 FR: 1. DuBois, 1:47.81; 2. Jersey Shore; 3. Hollidaysburg.
100 Back: 1. Kaneshiki, H, 1:03.63; 2. Lowery, BE; 3. Smith, D.
100 Breast: 1. Scordato, BE, 1:11.73; 2. Link, D; 3. Dacheux, D.
400 FR: 1. Dover, 3:52.36; 2. Bellefonte; 3. Dover.


Team Standings and Key
1. St. Marys, SM, 210; 2. Hollidaysburg, H, 186; 3. Bloomsburg, BL, 171; 4. Clearfield, C, 160; 5. Bellefonte, BE, 141; 6. Jersey Shore, JS, 97; 7. Brookville, BR, 96; 8. Dover, D, 91; 9. West Allegheny, WA, 89; 10. DuBois, DU, 50; 11. Central Mountain, CM, 6; 12. Lewistown, L, 5.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. St. Marys, 1:42.00.
200 Free: 1. Stephens, BL, 1:46.30; 2. Cotter, SM; 3. Mumma, C.
200 IM: 1. Proudfit, SM, 2:08.14; 2. Rosenberger, BE; 3. Ulsamer, JS.
50 Free: 1. Dippold, SM, 22.13; 2. A. Szilagyi, BL; 3. Ransel, BR.
100 Fly: 1. Mangis, WA, 55.35; 2. Cotter, SM; 3. S. Szilagyi, BL.
100 Free: 1. Dippold, SM, 50.15; 2. Mumma, C; 3. A. Szilagyi, BL.
500 Free: 1. Mallorey, D, 5:09.82; 2. Peterson, C; Vaughan, WA.
200 FR: 1. St. Marys, 1:32.20. 100 Back: 1. Mangis, WA, 55.95; 2. Roberts, H; 3. Slimak, BR.
100 Breast: 1. Stephens, BL, 58.86; 2. Proudfit, SM; 3. Rosenberger, BE.
400 FR: 1. Bloomsburg, 3:26.41.

Team Standings and Key
1. West Allegheny, WA, 276; 2. Jersey Shore, JS, 181; 3. Dover, D, 167; 4. Bellefonte, BE, 132; 5. Hollidaysburg, H, 128;
6. DuBois, DU, 112; 7. Clearfield, C, 71; 8. Bloomsburg, BL, 63; 9. St. Marys, SM, 55.5; 10. Brookville, BR, 44.5; 11. Lewistown, L, 37; 12. Quigley, Q, 28; 13. Central Mountain, CM, 7.
Event Results
200 MR: 1. Jersey Shore, 1:58.17.
200 Free: 1. Kaneshiki, H, 1:59.12; 2. Kaulius, WA; 3. Pia, WA.
200 IM: 1. Haggerty, Q, 2:18.00; 2. Gervas, WA; 3. Scordato, BE.
50 Free: 1. Janosky, D, 26.05; 2. Robbins, H; 3. Niznik, WA.
100 Fly: 1. Gervas, WA, 1:02.46; 2. Janosky, D; 3. Robbins, H.
100 Free: 1. Pia, WA, 56.36; 2. Thompson, JS; 3. Supp, H.
500 Free: 1. Kaneshiki, H, 5:17.59; 2. Kaulius, WA; 3. Jansen, WA.
200 FR: 1. West Allegheny, 1:45.07.
100 Back: 1. Niznik, WA, 1:03.19; 2. Schnars, BE; 3. Gannon, WA.
100 Breast: 1. Scordato, BE, 1:11.99; 2. McPherson, JS; 3. Haggerty, Q.
400 FR: 1. West Allegheny, 3:50.31.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lock Haven YMCA Swimmers Earn Split at Tri-Meet

The Lock Haven YMCA earned a split at their tri-meet this past Saturday, cruising past Bellefonte 8-2, and dropping a close 6-4 decision to State College.

Owen Persun paced the 10-and-under boys to a 93-43 win over State College and a 106-25 victory over Bellefonte with solid finishes in the 50 and 100 yard freestyle.  He was pushed hard by teammate Simon Lins in the 50 yard butterfly, out-touching him by only 64/100s of a second.   Those two plus teammates Jack Drouin and Parker Orndorf took the top spot in the 200 yard medley relay over both State College and Bellefonte relays.
Lock Haven's 14-and-under, Eryn Bartlett swims toward a
second place finish in the 200 yard freestyle

Their depth in this age group was apparent as an almost completely different set of 10-and-under boys finished off the meet with the 200 yard freestyle relay.  Tyler Cygan led off the relay and created a lead that the other teams couldn’t match.  Teammates Leisher Gugino, Xavier Persun, and Orndorf finished off the swim by over 16 seconds to their closest competitor.
Gugino also won the 100 yard backstroke and 50 yard breaststroke, Lins captured the 50 backstroke, and Drouin touched the wall first in the 100 yard backstroke.

Lock Haven's Rachel Kibler, 14-and-under girls, moves down
the lane in the 100 yard breaststroke
Depth was not only found within age groups but within families.  David Orndorf, older brother of Owen, took three individual races in the boys 12-and-under 50 and 100 yard breaststroke plus the 200 yard individual medley.  He also assisted in Lock Haven’s winning medley relay with Alex Butzler, Elijah Persun, and Benjamin Turner.
Elijah Persun, older brother of Owen, also contributed to their age group’s 76-10 win over State College and 81-24 Bellefonte win by beating Bellefonte’s Harrison Horner by half a second in the 50 yard freestyle.  Persun also captured points for the group with a second in the 50 yard butterfly and third in the 100 yard freestyle.   Teammate Butzler added to the first place finishes with wins in the 50 and 100 yard backstroke.

The meet results from the tri-meet between Lock Haven, State College, and Bellefonte can be viewed here, box scores here, age group scores here, and final scores here

The Lock Haven Loggerheads return to the pool with a dual meet against Bellefonte on January 11 at Lock Haven University.
State College had 11 of the top 12 swimmers in the 12-and-under
girls 50 yard breaststroke.  Lock Haven's Mikayla Rich was the only
tri-meet swimmer to break their dominance with a solid
fifth place finish.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Age Group Scores From Lock Haven YMCA v SCAY v Bellefonte Tri-Meet

The meet results from the tri-meet between Lock Haven, State College, and Bellefonte can be viewed here, box scores here, and final scores here.  Age group scores can be viewed below.

Friday, December 27, 2013

"Should the city be in the aquatic business or not?"

Should the city of Williamsport be in the aquatic business or not asks City Councilman Randall J. Allison. Mayor Gabe Campana  said one city pool would be funded by using part of a $20 million bond taken out for various projects and $500,000 in state grants (the other will be closed) to make $1 million dollar in repairs.  The catch is that the community needs to raise $50,000. 

The question now becomes, can the community raise the money to match the state grant to move this project forward and preserve recreation opportunities for future generations?  The article in Thursday's Williamsport Sun-Gazette can be found here.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Jersey Shore HS Splits With Montoursville

A little late in posting.....

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Lock Haven v SCAY v Bellefonte Tri-Meet Box Scores

Lock Haven v State College V Bellefonte Tri-Meet
LHAY – Lock Haven YMCA
SCAY – State College YMCA
BEFY – Bellefonte YMCA 

Girls 8 & Under
25 Yard Freestyle: 1. Cygan, E., LHAY, 17.22; 2. Shang, G., SCAY, 17.68; 3. Gugino, L., LHAY, 18.96.
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, A., LHAY, 40.35; 2. Kwasnica, M. R, SCAY, 40.59; 3. D., M., SCAY, 40.88.
25 Yard Backstroke: 1. Johnson, E., SCAY, 20.88; 2. McCool, K., BEFY, 21.73; 3. D., M., SCAY, 23.73.
25 Yard Breaststroke: 1. D., M., SCAY, 22.36; 2. Bair, C., LHAY, 22.46; 3. Gugino, L., LHAY, 22.92.
25 Yard Butterfly: 1. Bair, C., LHAY, 20.33; 2. Johnson, E., SCAY, 20.60; 3. Persun, A., LHAY, 20.69.
100 Yard IM: 1. Johnson, E., SCAY, 1:37.50; 2. Bair, C., LHAY, 1:43.81; 3. Kwasnica, M. R, SCAY, 1:52.73.
100 Yard Freestyle Relay: 1. BEFY'A' (Musser, F., Bagwell, B., Packer, K., McCool, K.), 1:28.81; 2. SCAY (Kwasnica, M., Delaney, C., Keller, E., Delaney, M.), 1:32.60; 3. LHAY (Cygan, E., Drouin, A., Cohen, D., Guerriero, B.), 1:38.37.
100 Yard Medley Relay: 1. LHAY (Merinar, R., Bair, C., Persun, A., Gugino, L.), 1:29.43; 2. SCAY'A' (Fontana., C., Sulman, M., Gaul, M., Doyle, V.),  1:58.61.

Girls 9-10
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Adams, C., SCAY, 34.44; 2. Bang, L., SCAY, 34.77; 3. McDyre, E., SCAY, 35.22.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Adams, C., SCAY, 1:16.68; 2. Harris, M., BEFY, 1:22.69; 3. Lucas, C., BEFY, 1:25.76.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Brian, M., LHAY, 3:15.33; 2. Bartlett, E., LHAY, 3:22.72.
50 Yard Backstroke: 1. Bang, L., SCAY, 41.25; 2. Harris, M., BEFY, 42.28; 3. Fonash, N., SCAY, 42.76.
100 Yard Backstroke: 1. Edwards, P., SCAY, 1:28.33; 2. Rembold, E., LHAY, 1:35.67; 3.  Shadle, H., LHAY, 1:38.39.
50 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Bair, M., LHAY, 46.59; 2. Edwards, P., SCAY, 47.43; 3. McDyre, E., SCAY, 47.51.
100 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Bair, M., LHAY, 1:41.81; 2. Bartlett, E., LHAY, 1:49.89.
50 Yard Butterfly: 1. Jin, C., SCAY, 44.03; 2. Brian, M., LHAY, 44.28; 3. Biberdorf, G.., SCAY, 47.44.
100 Yard IM: 1. Adams, C., SCAY, 1:26.68; 2. McDyre, E., SCAY, 1:29.47; 3. Edwards, P., SCAY, 1:31.48.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. LHAY (Brian, H., Bartlett, E., Bair, M., Rembold, E.), 2:38.23; 2. SCAY (Roberts, M., Biberdorf, G., Geduldig, M., Jin, C.), 2:40.41.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. SCAY (Adams, C., Edwards, P., McDyre, E., Fonash, N. 10), 2:40.93; 2. LHAY (Shadle, H., Bair, M., Rembold, E., Brian, M.), 2:48.88.  

Girls 11-12
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, E., LHAY, 28.34; 2. Gerhart, S., SCAY, 28.60; 3. Craighead, K., SCAY, 29.11.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Gerhart, S. G, SCAY, 1:01.69; 2. Persun, E., LHAY, 1:05.13; 3. Hoffman, N., BEFY, 1:08.26.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Hoffman, N., BEFY, 2:36.61; 2. Cole, M., BEFY, 2:41.69; 3. Sampson, M., BEFY, 2:52.92.
50 Yard Backstroke:  1. Craighead, K., SCAY, 33.05; 2. Fortin, E., SCAY, 35.75; 3. Helms, C., BEFY, 37.60.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Cole, M., BEFY, 1:17.19.
50 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Fortin, E., SCAY, 39.29; 2. Gerhart, A., SCAY, 42.65; 3. Zuech, A., SCAY, 42.69.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Duck, A., BEFY, 1:26.07; 2. Lemmon, A., SCAY, 1:26.73; 3.  Rockey, S., SCAY, 1:37.21.
50 Yard Butterfly:  1. Persun, E., LHAY, 29.48; 2. Gerhart, S., SCAY, 31.62; 3. Fortin, E., SCAY, 33.34.
100 Yard Butterfly: 1. Cole, Z., BEFY, 1:18.99; 2. Parrillo, I., SCAY, 1:57.60.
200 Yard IM:  1. Cole, Z., BEFY, 2:46.83; 2. Mazza, S., SCAY, 2:48.42; 3.  Gerhart, A. M, SCAY, 3:12.02.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. BEFY (Hoffman, N., Cole, M., Cole, Z., Brezler, A.), 2:16.20; 2. BEFY (Duck, A., Spangler, B., Corman, I., Sampson, M.), 2:23.68; 3. SCAY (Geng, Annie, Krasnansky, L., Zuech, A., Carrion, C.), 2:25.02.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. BEFY (Cole, M., Duck, A., Cole, Z., Helms, C.), 2:22.19; 2. SCAY (Caswell, C., Lemmon, A., Fortin, E., Dangelo, R.), 2:25.39; 3. LHAY (Rich, M., Emel, H., Persun, E., Miller, E.), 2:31.59.

Girls 13-14
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Fortin, A., SCAY, 30.11; 2. Gabany, P., SCAY, 30.27; 3. Flynn, K., SCAY, 30.98.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Lambert, M., SCAY, 1:02.62; 2. Stout, T., SCAY, 1:05.93; 3. Edwards, M., SCAY, 1:07.71.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Maguire, M., SCAY, 2:14.66; 2. Bartlett, E., LHAY, 2:39.56.
500 Yard Freestyle:  1. Dangelo, G., SCAY, 5:51.17; 2. Stout, T., SCAY, 6:10.06; 3.  Fortin, A., SCAY, 7:28.46.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Lambert, M., SCAY, 1:09.77; 2. Maguire, M., SCAY, 1:11.24; 3. Stout, T., SCAY, 1:12.02.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Edwards, M., SCAY, 1:24.41; 2. Flynn, K., SCAY, 1:27.33; 3.  Gabany, P., SCAY, 1:27.37.
200 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Stuyvesant, S., SCAY, 2:56.64; 2. Moore, N., LHAY, 3:03.72; 3.  Bartlett, E., LHAY, 3:16.57.
200 Yard Butterfly: 1. Dangelo, G., SCAY, 2:33.59.
200 Yard IM:  1. Myers, M., LHAY, 3:24.96.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHAY (Smith, L., Bartlett, E., Myers, M., Kibler, R.), 2:40.22.

Girls 15-18
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Butzler, E., LHAY, 26.47; 2. Duck, M., BEFY, 28.58.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Butzler, E., LHAY, 55.54; 2. McGhee, O., LHAY, 1:06.14; 3. Buckwalter, K., LHAY, 1:06.64.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Buckwalter, K., LHAY, 2:27.91; 2. McGhee, O., LHAY, 2:28.11.
500 Yard Freestyle:  1. Dangelo, S., SCAY, 6:22.50.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Dangelo, S., SCAY, 1:23.51.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Duck, M., BEFY, 1:16.40; 2. Buckwalter, K., LHAY, 1:28.91; 3.  Marek, R., LHAY, 1:29.48.
200 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Duck, M., BEFY, 2:47.54.
100 Yard Butterfly:  1. McGhee, O., LHAY, 1:19.65.
200 Yard IM: 1. Butzler, E., LHAY, 2:19.81; 2. Duck, M., BEFY, 2:41.77.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHAY (McGhee, O., Marek, R., Butzler, E., Buckwalter, K.), 2:11.88.

Boys 8 & Under
25 Yard Freestyle:  1. Caswell, C., SCAY, 17.50; 2. Schnars, G., BEFY, 18.39; 3. Mona, T., SCAY, 20.28.
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Wenrich, B., SCAY, 37.46; 2. Caswell, C., SCAY, 38.48; 3. Corman, J., BEFY, 42.40.
25 Yard Backstroke:  1. Corman, J., BEFY, 21.06; 2. Schnars, G., BEFY, 21.48; 3. Mona, T., SCAY, 24.58.
25 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Caswell, C., SCAY, 25.25; 2. Irwin, N., BEFY, 26.46.
25 Yard Butterfly:  1. Wenrich, B., SCAY, 19.70; 2. Ma, R., SCAY, 24.79; 3. Mona, T., SCAY, 25.39.
100 Yard IM:  1. Wenrich, B., SCAY, 1:40.38; 2. Ma, R., SCAY, 1:54.09; 3.  Irwin, N., BEFY, 1:57.35.
100 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. BEFY (Irwin, N., Johnson, A., Klimek, K., Corman, J.), 1:32.93; 2. BEFY
 (Schnars, G., Johnson, I., Yearick, J., Bagwell, C.), 2:06.27.
100 Yard Medley Relay:  1. BEFY (Corman, J., Irwin, N., Schnars, G., Klimek, K.), 1:31.48; 2. SCAY (Smith, M., Wenrich, B., Mona, T., Ma, R.), 1:35.95.

Boys 9-10
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Persun, O., LHAY, 31.05; 2. Bloom, R., BEFY, 31.99; 3. Straley, W., SCAY, 32.72.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Persun, O., LHAY, 1:10.12; 2. Lins, S., LHAY, 1:11.03; 3. Straley, W., SCAY, 1:19.27.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Johnson, N., SCAY, 2:40.86; 2. Cygan, T., LHAY, 2:58.28; 3.  Drouin, J., LHAY, 3:29.11.
50 Yard Backstroke: 1. Lins, S., LHAY, 37.56; 2. Bloom, R., BEFY, 38.93; 3. Lively, D., BEFY, 39.38.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Gugino, L., LHAY, 1:37.88; 2. Orndorf, P., LHAY, 1:40.84.
50 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Gugino, L., LHAY, 47.36; 2. Cygan, T., LHAY, 48.12; 3.  Straley, W., SCAY, 48.75.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Drouin, J., LHAY, 1:56.90; 2. McGuire, A., LHAY, 2:12.91.
50 Yard Butterfly:  1. Persun, O., LHAY, 37.65; 2. Lins, S., LHAY, 38.29; 3. Persun, X., LHAY, 42.38.
100 Yard Butterfly:  1. Bloom, R., BEFY, 1:38.85.
100 Yard IM:  1. Johnson, N., SCAY, 1:24.34; 2. Gugino, L., LHAY, 1:36.39; 3.  Witt, E., SCAY, 1:37.85.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. LHAY (Cygan, T., Gugino, L., Persun, X., Orndorf, P.), 2:32.58; 2. SCAY (Ferguson, B., Shunk, S., Locke, B., Johnson, N.), 2:48.96; 3. BEFY (Way, N., Lively, D., Corman, D., Reish, H.), 2:50.16.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHAY (Lins, S., Drouin, J., Persun, O., Orndorf, P.), 2:39.06; 2. SCAY (Johnson, N., Lambert, Z., Witt, E., Willis, R.), 2:48.89.

Boys 11-12
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Persun, E., LHAY, 33.23; 2. Horner, H., BEFY, 33.73; 3. Xie, A., SCAY, 34.46.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Shunk, Z., SCAY, 1:10.22; 2. Butzler, A., LHAY, 1:15.23; 3.  Persun, E., LHAY, 1:15.37.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Turner, B., LHAY, 2:59.21; 2. Shimco, P., LHAY, 3:22.00.
50 Yard Backstroke:  1. Butzler, A., LHAY, 39.48; 2. Shimco, P., LHAY, 54.17; 3. Pelikan, N., SCAY, 55.48.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Butzler, A., LHAY, 1:27.01; 2. Horner, H., BEFY, 1:29.61; 3.  Turner, B., LHAY, 1:30.98.
50 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Orndorf, D., LHAY, 41.23; 2. Allgeier, M., SCAY, 42.48; 3. Turner, B., LHAY, 46.72.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Orndorf, D., LHAY, 1:33.38; 2. Allgeier, M., SCAY, 1:37.79;  3. Corso, C., BEFY, 2:11.96.
50 Yard Butterfly: 1. Shunk, Z., SCAY, 38.03; 2. Persun, E., LHAY, 40.51; 3. Purnell, J., BEFY, 45.83.
200 Yard IM:  1. Orndorf, D., LHAY, 2:52.64; 2. Shunk, Z., SCAY, 2:52.99; 3.  Allgeier, M., SCAY, 3:32.85.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHAY (Butzler, A., Orndorf, D., Persun, E., Turner, B.), 2:37.79; 2. SCAY (Allgeier, M., Green, E, Shunk, Z., Xie, A.), 2:49.54.

Boys 13-14
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Caswell, P., SCAY, 25.97; 2. Lowery, I., BEFY, 26.83; 3. Forstmeier, P., BEFY, 27.51.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Hurley, L., SCAY, 58.99; 2. Lowery, I., BEFY, 59.21; 3. Mona, H., SCAY, 1:02.22.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Berfield, N., LHAY, 2:17.44; 2. Cygan, T.s, LHAY, 2:45.34.
500 Yard Freestyle: 1. Caswell, P., SCAY, 5:32.77; 2. Sheets, J., LHAY, 6:42.77; 3. Cygan, T.s, LHAY, 7:35.62.
100 Yard Backstroke: 1. Hurley, L., SCAY, 1:03.60; 2. Forstmeier, P., BEFY, 1:05.18;  3. Lowery, I., BEFY, 1:08.31.
200 Yard Backstroke: 1. Forstmeier, P., BEFY, 2:22.59; 2. Berfield, N., LHAY, 2:37.63.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Caswell, P., SCAY, 1:11.45; 2. Feldman, B., BEFY, 1:18.04; 3.  Riccardo, J., LHAY, 1:25.36.
200 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Riccardo, J., LHAY, 2:58.08.
100 Yard Butterfly:  1. Hurley, L., SCAY, 1:05.70; 2. Lowery, I., BEFY, 1:10.46.
200 Yard IM:  1. Mona, H., SCAY, 2:28.32; 2. Forstmeier, P., BEFY, 2:32.39; 3.  Johnson, E., SCAY, 2:32.41.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay: 1. LHAY (Sheets, J., Cygan, T., Duda,  J., Riccardo, J.), 1:59.75; 2. SCAY (Geng, A., Roberts, N., Johnson, E., Nordgren, C.), 1:59.94.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. SCAY (Hurley, L., Caswell, P., Mona, H., Witt, N.), 2:04.59.

Boys 15-18
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Rowland, N., BEFY, 24.70; 2. Suter, J.n, LHAY, 26.51; 3. Shultz, D., LHAY, 28.30.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Rowland, N., BEFY, 58.53; 2. Suter, J., LHAY, 58.85; 3. Shultz, D., LHAY, 1:06.81.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Sheets, T., LHAY, 2:06.85; 2. Shultz, D., LHAY, 2:40.51.
100 Yard Backstroke: 1. Kibler, B., LHAY, 1:06.07.
200 Yard Backstroke:  1. Kibler, B., LHAY, 2:26.09.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Sheets, T., LHAY, 1:12.55; 2. Rowland, N., BEFY, 1:18.24; 3. Suter, J., LHAY, 1:21.36.
200 Yard IM: 1. Kibler, B., LHAY, 2:29.18; 2. Rowland, N., BEFY, 2:34.45.
400 Yard IM: 1. Sheets, T., LHAY, 5:21.24.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHAY (Kibler, B., Sheets, T., Suter, J., Shultz, D.), 2:01.10.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lock Haven YMCA v State College v Bellefonte Swim Results

Great swims this past Saturday in a tri-meet between Lock Haven, State College, and Bellefonte.  Full results can be viewed here.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Lock Haven YMCA Splits Tri-Meet

This past Saturday at the State College YMCA, Lock Haven swam past Bellefonte 8-2 and comes close to tying State College, but falls 4-6.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jersey Shore YMCA v East Lycoming v Juniata Valley Swim Results

The meet results of the tri-meet between Jersey Shore, East Lycoming, and Juniata Valley can be viewed here.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Williamsport HS Boys/Girls Over Shamokin

Girls Swimming
Williamsport (W) 96, Shamokin (S) 93
200 Medley Relay: S- Hile, Carpanter, Ericson, Foust, 2:11.27
200 Freestyle: W- Niditch, 2:11.80
200 IM: S- Ericson, 2:37.36
50 Yard Freestyle: W- Drum, 27.83
1 Meter Diving: W- Frank, 1:94.60
100 Butterfly: W- Zeigler, 1:19.37
100 Freestyle: W- Niditch, 58.85
500 Freestyle: S- Ericson, 5:55.78
200 Freestyle Relay: W- Drum, Good, Phillips, Zeigler, 2:02.13
100 Backstoke: S- Hile, 1:15.11
100 Breast: S- Carpenter, 1:13.68
400 Freestyle Relay: W- Good, Fink, Sheppard, Niditch, 4:58.03

Boys Swimming
Williamsport  (W) 98, Shamokin (S) 46
200 Medley Relay: W- Schwoyer, Hillman, Kavanagh, Vandyck, 1:52.63
200 Freestyle: S- Scheuren, 1:56.47
200 IM: W- Good, 2:19.44
50 Freestyle: W- Hillman, 25.26
1 Meter Diving: S- Koons, 1:73.25
100 Butterfly: W- Creamer, 1:08.99
100 Freestyle: W- Kavanagh, 53.56
500 Freestyle: S- Scheuren, 5:20.86
200 Freestyle Relay: W- Hillman, Beard, Vandyck, Williams, 1:43.15
100 Backstroke: W- Schwoyer, 1:03.49
100 Breaststroke: W- Hillman, 1:12.63
400 Freestyle Relay: W- Smith, Schwoyer, Kavanagh, Good, 3:51.89

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Williamsport HS v Mount Carmel Box Score

click on clippings to enlarge

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lock Haven YMCA Accepted As USA Swimming Club

No longer will local swimmers have to choose between representing the YMCA or a USA Swim club.  They now can do both at the Lock Haven Y.  Welcome the latest area swim club, LHAY.  Below is a message from Rebekah Cygan, president of the Clinton County Swim Association.

Hello Swim Families-
We are excited to announce that the Lock Haven Area YMCA has been accepted as a USA Swimming Club with the Middle Atlantic Region! We are excited as this will provide additional opportunities for competition for Loggerheads who are ready for the "next level".
Our YMCA Loggerhead team will continue as is. If you are a member of the Y team, you will compete with our YMCA team in our local YMCA league. Team fees will be the same as they have always been and YMCA membership is a requirement. USA Swimming is an additional cost, and the team will participate in several meets a year. The meets will also be an additional cost to the participant.
Swimmers can now also join USA Swimming with a yearly membership fee of $60. You must also be a US citizen. This fee allows you to compete in any USA meet anywhere in the country. You also get mailings and other things that give your more information about the sport of swimming. Your times are also kept in a national data base. USA meets are in general more competetive than YMCA swim meets, though this is not always the case. There are Motivational Time Standards (here, look at page 3 for short course yard times to compare to what our swimmers usually swim) for different ages. If the swimmer's time in a particular event meets this time standard, you are considered "A" or "B" level in that event. USA meets are often labeled, "A and B" Meet  (which would mean you would need to be at least that fast to compete in this meet). There are also "A, B and C" meets which allow swimmers who have not yet achieved these time standards to compete. There are also "Elite" meets which have even faster time standards...(getting the picture?)
If you desire to participate in USA Swimming, you need to fill out the form and submit a check for $60 (payable to CCSA, here). Any meets that our team participates in will have a cost (say $6 per event) which will also be the responsibility of the swimmer. If you already have a USA swimming membership, but want to transfer your status to LHAY (that is our club code/name), please fill out the attached form (here).
USA Swimming is not for all our swimmers...you need to decide if this is something your swimmer and family want to participate in...it is not required to be a Loggerhead!
As this is our first year, we will more than likely participate in more USA meets during Spring, Summer and Fall of 2014 (as our YMCA meet schedule has us busy already!). We will post a schedule soon to the website.
If you are not sure if you have signed up yet or not for USA Swimming, please contact me. We will discuss it further and the meet schedule at our next CCSA meeting on Monday, January 6th, at 6pm at the YMCA.
I hope this is clear to everyone. If you have more questions, please contact any of our coaches or myself. I would like to send in a batch of applications for our swimmers by 1/6/14...so please consider this in a timely manner!
See you at the pool,
Rebekah Cygan
Clinton County Swim Association

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Jersey Shore v Lock Haven v Ridgway Boxscores

Jersey Shore v Lock Haven v Ridgway Tri-Meet
December 7, 2013
Lock Haven University, Zimmerli Pool
Jersey Shore YMCA – JSY
Lock Haven YMCA – LHY
Ridgway YMCA - RDGY

Girls 8 & Under
25 Yard Freestyle:  1. Geci, A, RDGY, 16.13; 2. Persun, A, LHY, 18.97; 3. Rockey, O, LHY, 19.60.
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Geci, A, RDGY, 36.22; 2. Persun, A, LHY, 44.71; 3. Rockey, O, LHY, 47.26.
25 Yard Backstroke: 1. Geci, A, RDGY, 21.65; 2. Bair, C, LHY, 24.64; 3. Crowell, M, LHY, 25.45.
25 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Bair, C, LHY, 22.57; 2. Cohen, D, LHY, 28.11; 3.  Drouin, A, LHY, 31.14.
25 Yard Butterfly:  1. Persun, A, LHY, 19.70; 2. Nissel, A, RDGY, 33.84.
100 Yard IM:  1. Geci, A, RDGY, 1:41.16; 2. Bair, C, LHY, 1:46.72; 3. Cygan, E, LHY, 2:18.08.
100 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1.   LHY 'A' (Blesh, Z, Drouin, A, Merinar, R,  Rockey, O), 1:39.64; 2.   LHY 'B' (Cohen, D, Guerriero, B, Lins, J, McKeague, A), 2:08.56.
100 Yard Medley Relay:  1.   LHY 'A' (Crowell, M, Bair, C, Persun, A, Gugino, L), 1:33.28; 2.   LHY 'B' (Merinar, R, Drouin, A, Cygan, E, Rockey, O), 1:55.18.

Girls 9-10
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Geci, T, RDGY, 32.99   ; 2. Rembold, E, LHY, 37.42; 3. Kurtz, S, JSY, 38.83.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Geci, T, RDGY, 1:17.93   ; 2. Brian, M, LHY, 1:21.73; 3.  Kurtz, S, JSY, 1:29.65.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Bartlett, E, LHY, 3:16.14.
50 Yard Backstroke: 1. Geci, T, RDGY, 41.13; 2. Rembold, E, LHY, 41.89; 3. Shadle, H, LHY, 42.68.
100 Yard Backstroke: 1. Rembold, E, LHY, 1:34.75; 2. Shadle, H, LHY, 1:34.94;  3. Dincher, L, JSY, 1:50.81.
50 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Bair, M, LHY, 45.78   ; 2. Keegan, M, JSY, 46.94; 3. Bartlett, E, LHY, 52.32.
100 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Bair, M, LHY, 1:41.46; 2. Brian, M, LHY, 1:55.03; 3. Fishel, E, JSY, 2:06.43.
50 Yard Butterfly:  1. Brian, M, LHY, 44.85; 2. Brian, H, LHY, 47.15; 3. Gardner, M, JSY, 1:20.00.
100 Yard IM: 1. Keegan, M, JSY, 1:30.85; 2. Shadle, H, LHY, 1:31.50; 3. Geci, T, RDGY, 1:35.62.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay: 1. JSY 'A' (Kurtz, S, Smith, H, Pecchia, S, Keegan, M), 2:45.65; 2. JSY 'B' (Dincher, L, Berry, K, Fishel, E, Gardner, M), 3:07.35; 3. LHY 'A' (Brian, H, Easton, C, Smith, C, Raymond, L), 3:36.87.
200 Yard Medley Relay: 1. LHY 'A' (Shadle, H, Bair, M, Rembold, E, Brian, M), 2:43.78; 2. JSY 'A' (Smith, H, Gardner, M, Keegan, M, Kurtz, S), 3:03.91; 3. LHY 'B' (Brian, H, Bartlett, E, Dale, C, Easton, C), 3:18.74.

Girls 11-12
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, E, LHY, 28.74; 2. Yakut, A, JSY, 32.17; 3. Geci, S, RDGY, 32.50.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, E, LHY, 1:06.39; 2. Yakut, A, JSY, 1:15.44; 3. Geci, S, RDGY, 1:17.01.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Charnego, N, JSY, 2:46.94; 2. Creveling, J, JSY, 3:07.20; 3. Steinbacher, S, JSY, 3:34.27.
50 Yard Backstroke: 1. O'Connor, J, JSY, 36.90; 2. Quiggle, M, RDGY, 40.93; 2. Creveling, L, JSY, 40.93.
100 Yard Backstroke: 1. O'Connor, J, JSY, 1:22.37; 2. Steinbacher, S, JSY, 1:49.28.
50 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Griswold, I, JSY, 40.38; 2. Creveling, J, JSY, 44.67; 3. Moore, A, JSY, 44.77.
100 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Griswold, I, JSY, 1:30.80; 2. Bellomo, G, JSY, 2:01.05.
50 Yard Butterfly: 1. Persun, E, LHY, 31.36; 2. Fleming, T, JSY, 32.01; 3.Bauer, C, RDGY, 37.96.
100 Yard Butterfly: 1. Fleming, T, JSY, 1:17.18.
200 Yard IM: 1. Bauer, C, RDGY, 3:04.05.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay: 1. JSY 'A' (Griswold, I, Moore, A, O'Connor, J, Fleming, T), 2:10.31; 2.  JSY 'B' (Sorgen,  M, Creveling, J, Creveling, L, Yakut, A), 2:24.43; 3. LHY 'A' (Glossner, L, Miller, E, Shadle, L, Simander, K), 2:50.58.
200 Yard Medley Relay: 1. JSY 'A' (O'Connor, J, Griswold, I, Fleming, T, Moore, A), 2:23.89; 2. LHY 'A' (Simander, K, Emel, H, Persun, E, Miller, E), 2:44.13; 3. JSY'B' (Yakut, A, Creveling, J, Charnego, N, Sorgen, M), 2:45.75.

Girls 13-14
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Kurtz, O, JSY, 27.22   ; 2. Lenze, H, RDGY, 29.11; 3. Buckwalter, K, LHY, 29.41.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Geci, M, RDGY, 58.38; 2. Kurtz, O, JSY, 1:00.48   ; 3. Buckwalter, K, LHY, 1:04.99.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Butzler, E, LHY, 2:00.37; 2. Geci, M, RDGY, 2:14.51;  3. White, K, JSY, 2:14.75   .
500 Yard Freestyle: 1. Butzler, E, LHY, 6:35.88.
100 Yard Backstroke: 1. Moore, G, JSY, 1:09.50; 2. Lenze, H, RDGY, 1:14.72; 3. McGhee, O, LHY, 1:23.10.
200 Yard Backstroke: 1. Butzler, E, LHY, 2:22.38 ; 2. Moore, G, JSY, 2:27.02 ;  3. Bellomo, V, JSY, 4:24.34.
100 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Keegan, S, JSY, 1:17.09 ; 2. Geci, M, RDGY, 1:18.45 ; 3.  Panczyszyn, A, JSY, 1:25.05.
200 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Keegan, S, JSY, 2:51.69 ; 2. Moore, N, LHY, 3:06.76; 3. Marek, R, LHY, 3:08.16.
100 Yard Butterfly: 1. Butzler, E, LHY, 1:03.44 ; 2. Lenze, H, RDGY, 1:11.70 
 200 Yard IM: 1. Geci, M, RDGY, 2:33.07; 2. White, K, JSY, 2:36.39; 3. Bartlett,  E, LHY, 3:00.42.
400 Yard IM: 1. McGhee, O, LHY, 6:14.38.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay: 1. JSY 'A' (Keegan, S, White, K, Moore, G, Kurtz, O 14), 1:57.49; 2.  JSY 'B' (Shadle, A,  Codispoti, T, Lehman, T, Panczyszyn, A), 2:23.19.
200 Yard Medley Relay: 1. JSY 'A' (Moore, G, Keegan, S, Kurtz, O, White, K 14), 2:06.03; 2. LHY 'A' (Myers, M, Marek, R, McGhee, O, Buckwalter, K), 2:23.85; 3.  JSY 'B' (Panczyszyn, A, Codispoti, T, Shadle, A, Lehman, T), 2:41.33.

Girls 15-18
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Runtas, H, JSY, 29.75; 2. Merryman, T, JSY, 36.64.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Runtas, H, JSY, 1:05.16; 2. Osborn, E, JSY, 1:17.75.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Bellomo, O, JSY, 2:32.50.
500 Yard Freestyle:  1. Bellomo, O, JSY, 6:51.19.
100 Yard Backstroke: 1. Osborn, E, JSY, 1:34.40.
100 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Merryman, T, JSY, 1:33.65.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay: 1. JSY 'A' (Osborn, E, Merryman, T, Bellomo, O, Runtas, H), 2:11.89.
200 Yard Medley Relay: 1. JSY 'A' (Osborn, E, Merryman, T, Bellomo, O , Runtas, H 17), 2:30.87.

Boys 8 & Under
25 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, X, LHY, 16.37; 2. Griswold, K, JSY, 18.43; 3. Lindsay,  D, LHY, 21.16.
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, X, LHY, 37.32; 2. Griswold, K, JSY, 40.67; 3. Hockman,  C, JSY, 55.20.
25 Yard Backstroke: 1. Hockman, C, JSY, 25.15; 2. Dincher, M, JSY, 25.66; 3. Robinett, K, JSY, 29.18.
25 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Lindsay, D, LHY, 33.06.
25 Yard Butterfly: 1. Persun, X, LHY, 18.48; 2. Griswold, K, JSY, 21.97.
100 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. JSY 'A' (Nilsson, M, Hockman, C, Dincher, M,
 Griswold, K), 1:39.14; 2.  JSY 'B' (Fishel, C,  Pecchia, D, Marshall, D, Robinett, K), 2:04.69; 3.LHY 'A' (Edmonson, L, Hughes, J, Caimi, J, Rhine, B),  2:19.46.

Boys 9-10
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, O, LHY, 32.14; 2. Cygan, T, LHY, 35.97; 3. Orndorf, P, LHY, 36.96.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Persun, O, LHY, 1:14.42 ; 2. Bellomo, P, JSY, 1:30.10; 3. Rockey, S, LHY, 1:38.11.
 200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Cygan, T, LHY, 2:55.63.
50 Yard Backstroke: 1. Lins, S, LHY, 39.02; 2. Staggert, O, JSY, 47.82; 3. Nilsson, J, JSY, 51.66.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Lins, S, LHY, 1:30.78.
50 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Drouin, J, LHY, 48.01; 2. Gugino, L, LHY, 48.02; 3. Steinbacher, D, JSY, 53.85.
100 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Gugino, L, LHY, 1:46.31; 2. Drouin, J, LHY, 1:50.82.
50 Yard Butterfly: 1. Persun, O, LHY, 36.54 ; 2. Lins, S, LHY, 36.68; 3. Wilt, J, LHY, 54.37.
100 Yard IM: 1. Gugino, L, LHY, 1:37.96; 2. Cygan, T, LHY, 1:39.40;  3. Steinbacher, D, JSY, 1:48.57.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1.   LHY 'A' (Cygan, T, Drouin, J, Wilt, J,  Orndorf, P 10), 2:41.35; 2.  JSY 'A' (Steinbacher, D, Bellomo, N, Bellomo, P, Staggert, O), 2:58.76.
200 Yard Medley Relay: 1.   LHY 'A' (Lins, S, Gugino, L, Persun, O, Orndorf, P ), 2:42.04; 2.  JSY 'A' (Staggert, O, Steinbacher, D, Bellomo, P, Nilsson, J), 3:20.35.

Boys 11-12
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Butzler, A, LHY, 31.94; 2. Hockman, R, JSY, 34.16; 3.Persun, E, LHY, 34.24.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Butzler, A, LHY, 1:15.60; 2. Persun, E, LHY, 1:16.09.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Turner, B, LHY, 2:57.91.
50 Yard Backstroke: 1. Butzler, A, LHY, 38.18; 2. Hockman, R, JSY, 41.94; 3.Turner, B, LHY, 42.88.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Turner, B, LHY, 1:33.30.
100 Yard Breaststroke: 1. Orndorf, D, LHY, 1:38.00; 2. Hockman, R, JSY, 1:38.06.
50 Yard Butterfly: 1. Persun, E, LHY, 43.41.
200 Yard IM: 1. Orndorf, D, LHY, 3:03.99.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHY 'A' (Turner, B, Orndorf, D, Persun, E, Butzler, A 11), 2:36.74.

Boys 13-14
50 Yard Freestyle: 1. Schwoyer, Z, JSY, 27.73; 2. Riccardo, J, LHY, 27.84; 3. Berfield, N, LHY, 28.39.
100 Yard Freestyle: 1. Schwoyer, Z, JSY, 1:03.54; 2. Sheets, J, LHY, 1:10.00; 3. Duda, J, LHY, 1:10.10.
200 Yard Freestyle: 1. Schwoyer, Z, JSY, 2:15.14; 2. Sheets, J, LHY, 2:29.97; 3. Cygan, T, LHY, 2:41.48.
500 Yard Freestyle: 1. Sproat, I, LHY, 6:51.19; 2. Cygan, T, LHY, 7:26.83.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Duda, J, LHY, 1:19.87; 2. Cygan, T, LHY, 1:24.19; 3. Sorgen, T, JSY, 1:26.13.
200 Yard Backstroke:  1. Berfield, N, LHY, 2:40.06; 2. Sheets, J, LHY, 3:04.15.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Riccardo, J, LHY, 1:26.74; 2. Sorgen, T, JSY, 1:42.02.
200 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Riccardo, J, LHY, 3:07.22.
200 Yard IM:  1. Berfield, N, LHY, 2:37.99   .

Boys 15-18
50 Yard Freestyle:  1. Sheets, T, LHY, 24.38   ; 2. Engel, L, JSY, 24.54; 3. Lehman,  Z, JSY, 25.08.
100 Yard Freestyle:  1. Sheets, T, LHY, 55.21; 2. Glace, J, JSY, 1:35.71.
200 Yard Freestyle:  1. Schwoyer, C, JSY, 2:03.08; 2. Dale, E, LHY, 2:06.03; 3. Dale, N,  LHY, 2:06.41.
100 Yard Backstroke:  1. Schwoyer, C, JSY, 1:05.35; 2. Moore, E, JSY, 1:06.22; 3. Kibler, B,  LHY, 1:07.42.
200 Yard Backstroke:  1. Kibler, B, LHY, 2:30.23.
100 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Dale, E, LHY, 1:11.80; 2. Lehman, Z, JSY, 1:17.36.
200 Yard Breaststroke:  1. Dale, E, LHY, 2:36.41   .
100 Yard Butterfly:  1. Engel, L, JSY, 1:01.30; 2. Sheets, T, LHY, 1:02.49; 3. Moore, E, JSY, 1:03.48.
200 Yard IM: 1. Kibler, B, LHY, 2:29.56.
200 Yard Freestyle Relay:  1. JSY 'A' (Engel, L, Moore, E, Lehman, Z,  Schwoyer, C ), 1:47.28.
200 Yard Medley Relay:  1. LHY 'A' (Kibler, B, Dale, E, Sheets, T, Dale, N), 1:53.59 ; 2.  JSY 'A' (Schwoyer, C, Lehman, Z, Engel, L, Moore, E), 1:54.06 .