Swim Meet Results/Times

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Updated - 2010 - 2011 YMCA Winter Swim Meet Schedule Released

The winter swim team schedule has been updated. Click on schedules to enlarge.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mill Hall Borough Pool Renovation - Moving Forward

It was standing room only last night as kids and parents flooded the Mill Borough Meeting Hall to support renovation plans for the outdoor borough pool. Parents kicked it off by listing the monetary support for the project.
  • First National Bank CD - $86,000
  • M&T Bank - $3,600
  • Clinton County Government - $10,000
  • Mill Hall Borough - $10,000 (2 separate funds)

This brings money to the table of $139,300

In addition, there are two ADA Community Block Grants for an additional $100,000 that brings the total to $240,000. That money can now be leveraged to apply for a DCNR matching grant (which matches up to $300,00). Now with matching, there is almost $480,000 available. The estimate for renovation (now without wading pool) of pool and bathhouse is $485,000.

The conversation that ensued was something out of a movie as Clinton County Commissioner, Tom Bossert, and the solicitor for Mill Hall went around in a circle on the issue of 'Line of Credit' and 'guarantor'

Several audience members gave passionate responses on the potential absence of the pool. The big one was where would the kids swim without a pool. They were very concerned that many would head to unsupervised waters, such as Fishing Creek, and envision a future headline of a child drowning. Several letters of support from the community were passed around to the audience and borough officials. Click on letters of support to enlarge.

A local LHU student mentioned that the local college students do not have access to the university pool during the summer months and use the Mill Hall Borough pool to cool off.

It appears, after a long discussion and debate that the project will move forward. The Mill Hall Borough has agreed to get the bids and the proper permits around to greenlight the project of renovating the Mill Hall Pool. It was stressed to the Council that the they would not be stuck for any overages because the fundraising efforts will continue. In fact, fundraising will be easier because it can now be said that the renovations moving forward. The money is there. But it is in the form of $$$ that needs to have a show of work done before they will release any money! So this has been quite a process.

If anyone would like to come on board with the 'Friends of the Mill Hall Pool', please call Carol Matheney - 570-748-7199 or Kelly McGhee - 570-295-4281 OR if you have any great fundraising ideas please give them a call.

Complete coverage of the meeting can be located on the Lock Haven Express' on-line newspaper here.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's Official - New JS Girls/Boys Swimming Head Coach

If you recall, the first posting on this blog (May 27) was the announcement for the Girls/Boys Swimming Head Coach position and can be viewed here . After searching for nearly four months, Jersey Shore reached into their backyard and plucked one of their own. The Jersey Shore School Board appointed Leland Thompson to the position of Girls/Boys Swimming Head Coach at last night's school board meeting.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Do Or Die For Mill Hall Comunity Pool

I just read an article in the Friday, September 24, 2010 USA Today and it surprised me. The title of the article was Study:USA is fattest among advanced countries. It states in the article that "2/3s of people in this country are overweight or obese". The thing that surprised me is that we are still seeing articles like this in the news. How much longer will we be exposed to these type of articles? I just don't think it is news anymore. And I also don't think most Americans really care.

When I go and visit my in-laws, I take some walks through some sub-divisions. Houses are squished onto 1/8 or 1/4 acre lots. That is fine as I understand the need to do this for a variety of reasons. I'm amazed, though, that there is no open space for a good kickball game or capture the flag. If you link up a couple of backyards, you might have an area of some size but invariably someone puts a fence up and space becomes segmented.

It is almost like we, as a society, are intentionally trying to limit healthy lifestyles for our kids. Let's look at a local case.

The Community Pool at Mill Hall is in bad shape and badly needs renovated. The volunteer group, Friends of the Community Pool at Mill Hall, run the 39-year-old facility and have been raising money toward the local match in order to get the needed repairs. The volunteer group states they have funding and the money to get it done. Borough officials just don't seem interested in working with the volunteer group to get it done. You can follow some of the news article in the Lock Haven Express here and here.

Does the Lock Haven area want to have a venue that kids can go to during the summer? A place where they can have fun and get some physical activity in? Or is the community going to limit swimming to those who can afford a pool in the back yard while the rest of you can go find a river or creek.

It is do or die for the Community Pool at the Borough Meeting on Tuesday 09/28/10 at 7:30 PM. If you think the pool is important for youth in the area, then show up and convince Mill Hall Borough this needs to be SAVED!!!

Honestly, it doesn't surprise me at all that we are becoming a fat nation.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Jersey Shore Swimmers Pound Out the Yardage

Several Jersey Shore swimmers started their first full week of USA Swimming at the Haven Area Aquatic Club at Lock Haven University. Head coach Andy Waeger (left) and his assistant Joel Blesh (right) give the girls their next drill. Jersey Shore swimmers left to right are Kendra White, Gabbie Moore, Emma Butzler, and Sam Keegan. Fifth swimmer is from Lock Haven. Kim Waeger, team director, looks on.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Community Pool in Mill Hall in Danger of Closing - FOREVER

Interesting article in today's Lock Haven Express on the future of the Mill Hall Community Pool. The article proceeds to say that "Borough Council gave the Friends two weeks to turn in a written financial plan showing where the money will come from to pay contractors, interest on loans (if any) and anything unexpected that may arise during the project." The Friends are a volunteer group at Mill Hall that run the 39-year-old facility and have been raising money towards a new pool.

So apparently, Mill Hall Borough Council has drawn a line in the sand. So it could be that the nearby population of over 25,000 people might be out of luck(this figure is obtained by adding the populations of Lock Haven, the boroughs of Mill Hall, Flemington, and Beech Creek, the townships of Castanea, Bald Eagle, Beech Creek, Porter, Lamar, Allison, Woodward, Colebrook,and the unincorporated areas of Castenea and Dunnstown).

So if a family has the financial ability to buy and maintain their own swimming pool, no big deal. The rest of you? Go find a stream or river to cool off in! Maybe the poolless could join the residents of Montoursville (view the following blog postings 1, 2, and 3).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Swimming is on the Horizon

Winter Swim Team sign-ups started today at the YMCA. Below is the scene as swimmers and parents get all the paperwork in order. The sign up table is being staffed by Michelle White, Shelley Moore, and Cathy and Fletcher Farr.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Local Swim Clinics

Jerry Hammaker (ASCA Certified, CSCAA), Head Coach of Men’s & Women’s Swimming & Assistant Athletic Director at Lycoming College, is holding a series of swim clinics starting this fall and extending into spring. The first series starts in September and works on all strokes and their associated turns. See the brochure below for more information on times and cost. Click on brochure to enlarge.
Lyco Swim Clinic Brochure Click on brochure to enlarge

He also plans on several other training sessions later in the swim calendar. This is a great way to pick up some of the technical aspects of each stroke. You can only muscle through a race so much and then it comes down to who has a more efficient stroke. Stay tuned!